Windows Phone 8错误 - 安装应用程序失败(Windows Phone 8 Error - Installation of the application failed)

我正在开发一个Windows Phone 8项目,我们通过HockeyApp将其部署为公司应用程序。 我有一个从我们的Symantec证书生成的.PFX文件和设备上安装的正确的.aetx文件。

如果我使用.XAP文件,我打算将其部署并单独复制并通过使用XapDeploy.exe工具进行部署来测试它,它将以静默方式安装并正常工作。 然后我使用XapSignTool成功地针对.PFX签署.XAP(“XapSignTool成功:成功签名= C:\ xxx”)。

当我尝试使用XapDeploy工具测试这个最近签名的XAP时,我将收到错误“错误 - 安装应用程序失败。运行时出错。修复了WMAppManifest.xml文件中的功能。” 如果使用HockeyApp部署此文件,则安装将在设备上静默失败,并且在下载后似乎只是坐在那里。


I am working on a Windows Phone 8 project where we are deploying it as a company app through HockeyApp. I have a .PFX file generated from our Symantec cert and the correct .aetx file installed on the device.

If I take the .XAP file I intend to deploy and copy it somewhere separate and test it by deploying it using the XapDeploy.exe tool, it will install silently and work properly. Then I use the XapSignTool to sign the .XAP against the .PFX successfully ("XapSignTool Success: Successfully signed = C:\xxx").

When I attempt to test this recently signed XAP with the XapDeploy tool I will get the error "Error - Installation of the application failed. Run time error has occurred. Fix the Capabilities in the WMAppManifest.xml file." If deploy this file with HockeyApp the install will silently fail on the device and appear to just sit there after download.

Does anybody know what could be causing this after code signing?


我能够解决我的问题。 首先,除非您已在当前运行的仿真器版本上安装了AET文件,否则代码签名的XAP将无法在仿真器中运行。 因此,在签署XAP之后,我不希望看到失败。

然后在部署到我的设备时遇到了一些其他问题。 通过确保发布者ID GUID与用于Symantec证书的发布者ID相同,解决了这个问题。

另外,与直接使用XapSigningTool相反,我最终使用PowerShell脚本运行MDILXAPCompile并在一个步骤中签​​署XAP(使后构建步骤易于编写)。 ps脚本BuildMDILXap.ps1位于\ Program Files(x86)\ Microsoft SDKs \ Windows Phone \ v8.0 \ Tools \ MDILXAPCompile \下,显然附带SDK。

I was able to resolve my issue. First, a codesigned XAP will not run in the emulator unless you have already installed the AET file on that current running version of the emulator. So, it was incorrect for me to to expect not to see a failure after the XAP was signed.

I then encountered some other issues when deploying to my device. This was resolved by making sure that the Publisher ID GUID was the same as the Publisher ID used for the Symantec cert.

Also, as opposed to using the XapSigningTool directly I ended up using the PowerShell script that runs both the MDILXAPCompile and signs the XAP in a single step (making the post-build step easy to write). The ps script BuildMDILXap.ps1 is found under \Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.0\Tools\MDILXAPCompile\ and ships with the SDK apparently.
