
  • Computers, People, and Programming 计算机,人和编程
    • 1.1 Introduction 介绍
    • 1.2 Software 软件
    • 1.3 People 人
    • 1.4 Computer Science 计算机科学
      • 1.5.1 Screens and no screens 有屏幕和无屏
      • 1.5.2 Shipping 船舶
      • 1.5.3 Telecommunications 电信
      • 1.5.4 Medicine 医学
      • 1.5.5 Information 信息
      • 1.5.6 A vertical view 垂直视角
      • 1.5.7 So what? 说了这么多,所以呢?
      • 1.5.8 Ideals for programmers 程序员的理想
    • Review, Terms, Exercises and Postscript

Computers, People, and Programming 计算机,人和编程

Specialization is for insects. 专业化是为昆虫准备的。(而人应该什么都会做)
——R. A. Heinlein 罗伯特 · 海因莱因 1

In this chapter, we present some of the things that we think make programming important, interesting, and fun.

We also present a few fundamental ideas and ideals. We hope to debunk a couple of popular myths about programming and programmers.

This is a chapter to skim for now and to return to later when you are struggling with some programming problem and wondering if it’s all worth it.

1.1 Introduction 介绍

Like most learning, learning how to program is a chicken and egg problem: We want to get started, but we also want to know why what we are about to learn matters.

We want to learn a practical skill, but also make sure it is not just a passing fad. We want to know that we are not going to waste our time, but don’t want to be bored by still more hype and moralizing.

For now, just read as much of this chapter as seems interesting and come back later when you feel the need to refresh your memory of why the technical details matter outside the classroom.

This chapter is a personal statement of what we find interesting and important about programming. It explains what motivates us to keep going in this field after decades.

This is a chapter to read to get an idea of possible ultimate goals and an idea of what kind of person a programmer might be.

A beginner’s technical book inevitably contains much pretty basic stuff. In this chapter, we lift our eyes from the technical details and consider the big picture: Why is programming a worthwhile activity? What is the role of programming in our civilization? Where can a programmer make contributions to be proud of? Where does programming fit into the greater world of software development, deployment, and maintenance? When people talk about “computer science,” “software engineering,” “information technology,” etc., where does programming fit into the picture? What does a programmer do? What skills does a good programmer have?

To a student, the most urgent reason for understanding an idea, a technique, or a chapter may be to pass a test with a good grade — but there has to be more to learning than that!

To someone working in the software industry, the most urgent reason for understanding an idea, a technique, or a chapter may be to find something that can help with the current project and that will not annoy the boss who controls the next paycheck, promotions, and firings — but there has to be more to learning than that!

We work best when we feel that our work in some small way makes the world a better place for people to live in. For tasks that we perform over a period of years (the “things” that professions and careers are made of ), ideals and more abstract ideas are crucial.

Our civilization runs on software. Improving software and finding new uses for software are two of the ways an individual can help improve the lives of many. Programming plays an essential role in that.

1.2 Software 软件

Good software is invisible. You can’t see it, feel it, weigh it, or knock on it. Software is a collection of programs running on some computer.

Sometimes, we can see the computer. Often, we can see only something that contains the computer, such as a telephone, a camera, a bread maker, a car, or a wind turbine.

We can see what that software does. We can be annoyed or hurt if it doesn’t do what it is supposed to
do. We can be annoyed or hurt if what it is supposed to do doesn’t suit our needs.

How many computers are there in the world? We don’t know; billions at least. There may be more computers in the world than people. We need to count servers, desktop computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and computers embedded in “gadgets.”

How many computers do you (more or less directly) use every day? There are more than 30 computers in my car, two in my cell phone, one in my MP3 player, and one in my camera.

Then there is my laptop (on which the page you are reading is being written) and my desktop machine. The air-conditioning controller that keeps the summer heat and humidity at bay is a simple computer.

There is one controlling the computer science department’s elevator. If you use a modern television, there will be at least one computer in there somewhere

A bit of web surfing gets you into direct contact with dozens — possibly hundreds — of servers through a telecommunications system consisting of many thousands of computers — telephone switches, routers, and so on.

No, I do not drive around with 30 laptops on the backseat of my car! The point is that most computers do not look like the popular image of a computer (with a screen, a keyboard, a mouse, etc.); they are small “parts” embedded in the equipment we use.

So, that car has nothing that looks like a computer, not even a screen to display maps and driving directions (though such gadgets are popular in other cars).

However, its engine contains quite a few computers, doing things like fuel injection control and temperature monitoring.

The power-assisted steering involves at least one computer, the radio and the security system contain some, and we suspect that even the open/close controls of the windows are computer controlled. Newer models even have computers that continuously monitor tire pressure

How many computers do you depend on for what you do during a day? You eat; if you live in a modern city, getting the food to you is a major effort requiring minor miracles of planning, transport, and storage.

The management of the distribution networks is of course computerized, as are the communication
systems that stitch them all together. Modern farming is highly computerized; next to the cow barn you find computers used to monitor the herd (ages, health, milk production, etc.), farm equipment is increasingly computerized, and the number of forms required by the various branches of government can make any honest farmer cry.

If something goes wrong, you can read all about it in your newspaper; of course, the articles in that paper were written on computers, set on the page by computers, and (if you still read the “dead tree edition”) printed by computerized equipment — often after having been electronically transmitted
to the printing plant. Books are produced in the same way.

If you have to commute, the traffic flows are monitored by computers in a (usually vain) attempt to avoid traffic jams. You prefer to take the train? That train will also be computerized; some even operate without a driver, and the train’s subsystems, such as announcements, braking, and ticketing, involve lots of computers.

Today’s entertainment industry (music, movies, television, stage shows) is among the largest users of computers. Even non-cartoon movies use (computer) animation heavily; music and photography are also digital (i.e., using computers) for both recording and delivery.

Should you become ill, the tests your doctor orders will involve computers, the medical records are often computerized, and most of the medical equipment you’ll encounter if you are sent to a hospital to be cured contains computers

Unless you happen to be staying in a cottage in the woods without access to any electrically powered gadgets (including light bulbs), you use energy.

Oil is found, extracted, processed, and distributed through a system using computers every step along the way, from the drill bit deep in the ground to your local gas (petrol) pump.

If you pay for that gas with a credit card, you again exercise a whole host of computers. It is the same story for coal, gas, solar, and wind power

The examples so far are all “operational”; they are directly involved in what you are doing.

Once removed from that is the important and interesting area of design. The clothes you wear, the telephone you talk into, and the coffee machine that dispenses your favorite brew were designed and manufactured using computers.

The superior quality of modern photographic lenses and the exquisite shapes in the design of modern everyday gadgets and utensils owe almost everything to computer-based design and production methods.

The craftsmen/designers/artists/engineers who design our environment have been freed from many physical constraints previously considered fundamental. If you get ill, the medicines given to cure you will have been designed using computers.

Finally, research — science itself — relies heavily on computers. The telescopes that probe the secrets of distant stars could not be designed, built, or operated without computers, and the masses of data they produce couldn’t be analyzed and understood without computers

An individual biology field researcher may not be heavily computerized (unless, of course, a camera, a digital tape recorder, a telephone, etc. are used), but back in the lab, the data has to be stored, analyzed, checked against computer models, and communicated to fellow scientists.

Modern chemistry and biology — including medical research — use computers to an extent undreamed of a few years ago and still unimagined by most people. The human genome was sequenced by computers. Or — let’s be precise — the human genome was sequenced by humans using computers.

In all of these examples, we see computers as something that enables us to do something we would have had a harder time doing without computers.

Every one of those computers runs software. Without software, they would just be expensive lumps of silicon, metal, and plastic: doorstops, boat anchors, and space heaters.

Every line of that software was written by some individual. Every one of those lines that was actually executed was minimally reasonable, if not correct. It’s amazing that it all works!

We are talking about billions of lines of code (program text) in hundreds of programming languages. Getting all that to work took a staggering amount of effort and involved an unimaginable number of

We want further improvements to essentially every service and gadget we depend on. Just think of any one service and gadget you rely on; what would you like to see improved?

If nothing else, we want our services and gadgets smaller (or bigger), faster, more reliable, with more features, easier to use, with higher capacity, better looking, and cheaper. The likelihood is that the improvement you thought of requires some programming.

1.3 People 人

Computers are built by people for the use of people. A computer is a very generic tool; it can be used for an unimaginable range of tasks. It takes a program to make it useful to someone.

In other words, a computer is just a piece of hardware until someone — some programmer — writes code for it to do something useful. We often forget about the software. Even more often, we forget about the programmer.

Hollywood and similar “popular culture” sources of disinformation have assigned largely negative images to programmers. For example, we have all seen the solitary, fat, ugly nerd with no social skills who is obsessed with video games and breaking into other people’s computers.

He (almost always a male) is as likely to want to destroy the world as he is to want to save it. Obviously, milder versions of such caricatures exist in real life, but in our experience they are no more frequent among software developers than they are among lawyers, police officers, car sales-
men, journalists, artists, or politicians.

Think about the applications of computers you know from your own life. Were they done by a loner in a dark room? Of course not; the creation of a successful piece of software, computerized gadget, or system involves dozens, hundreds, or thousands of people performing a bewildering set of roles: for example, programmers, (program) designers, testers, animators, focus group 2 managers, experimental psychologists, user interface designers, analysts, system administrators, customer relations people, sound engineers, project managers, quality engineers, statisticians, hardware interface engineers, requirements engineers, safety officers, mathematicians, sales support personnel, troubleshooters, network designers, methodologists, software tools managers, software librarians, etc.

The range of roles is huge and made even more bewildering by the titles varying from organization to organization: one organization’s “engineer” may be another organization’s “programmer” and yet another organization’s “developer,” “member of technical staff,” or “architect. There are even organizations that let their employees pick their own titles. Not all of these roles directly involve

Not all of these roles directly involve programming. However, we have personally seen examples of people performing each of the roles mentioned while reading or writing code as an essential part of their job.

Additionally, a programmer (performing any of these roles, and more) may over a short period of time interact with a wide range of people from application areas, such as biologists, engine designers, lawyers, car salesmen, medical researchers, historians, geologists, astronauts, airplane engineers, lumberyard managers, rocket scientists, bowling alley builders, journalists, and animators (yes, this is a list drawn from personal experience).

Someone may also be a programmer at times and fill non-programming roles at other stages of a professional career

The myth of a programmer being isolated is just that: a myth. People who like to work on their own choose areas of work where that is most feasible and usually complain bitterly about the number of “interruptions” and meetings.

People who prefer to interact with other people have an easier time because modern software development is a team activity. The implication is that social and communication skills are essential and valued far more than the stereotypes indicate.

On a short list of highly desirable skills for a programmer (however you realistically define programmer), you find the ability to communicate well — with people from a wide variety of backgrounds — informally, in meetings, in writing, and in formal presentations.

We are convinced that until you have completed a team project or two, you have no idea of what programming is and whether you really like it. Among the things we like about programming are all the nice and interesting people we meet and the variety of places we get to visit as part of our professional lives.

One implication of all this is that people with a wide variety of skills, interests, and work habits are essential for producing good software. Our quality of life depends on those people — sometimes even our life itself. No one person could fill all the roles we mention here; no sensible person would want every role

The point is that you have a wider choice than you could possibly imagine; not that you have to make any particular choice. As an individual you will “drift” toward areas of work that match your skills, talents, and interests.

We talk about “programmers” and “programming,” but obviously programming is only part of the overall picture. The people who design a ship or a cell phone don’t think of themselves as programmers. Programming is an important part of software development, but not all there is to software development.

Similarly, for most products, software development is an important part of product development, but not all there is to product development.

We do not assume that you — our reader — want to become a professional programmer and spend the rest of your working life writing code. Even the best programmers — especially the best programmers — spend most of their time not writing code.

Understanding problems takes serious time and often requires significant intellectual effort. That intellectual challenge is what many programmers refer to when they say that programming is interesting.

Many of the best programmers also have degrees in subjects not usually considered part of computer science. For example, if you work on software for genomic research, you will be much more effective if you understand some molecular biology

If you work on programs for analyzing medieval literature, you could be much better off reading a bit of that literature and maybe even knowing one or more of the relevant languages.

In particular, a person with an “all I care about is computers and programming” attitude will be incapable of interacting with his or her non-programmer colleagues. Such a person will not only miss out on the best parts of human interactions (i.e., life) but also be a bad software developer.

So, what do we assume? Programming is an intellectually challenging set of skills that are part of many important and interesting technical disciplines. In addition, programming is an essential part of our world, so not knowing the basics of programming is like not knowing the basics of physics, history, biology, or literature.

Someone totally ignorant of programming is reduced to believing in magic and is dangerous in many technical roles. If you read Dilbert, think of the pointy-haired boss as the kind of manager you don’t want to meet or (far worse) become. In addition, programming can be fun.

But what do we assume you might use programming for? Maybe you will use programming as a key tool in your further studies and work without becoming a professional programmer

Maybe you will interact with other people professionally and personally in ways where a basic knowledge of programming will be an advantage, maybe as a designer, writer, manager, or scientist

Maybe you will do programming at a professional level as part of your studies or work. Even if you do become a professional programmer it is unlikely that you will do nothing but programming.

You might become an engineer focusing on computers or a computer scientist, but even then you will not “program all the time.” Programming is a way of presenting ideas in code — a way of aiding problem solving. It is nothing — absolutely a waste of time — unless you have ideas that are worth presenting and problems worth solving.

This is a book about programming and we have promised to help you learn how to program, so why do we emphasize non-programming subjects and the limited role of programming? A good programmer understands the role of code and programming technique in a project.

A good programmer is (at most times) a good team player and tries hard to understand how the code and its production best support the overall project. For example, imagine that I worked on a new MP3
player (maybe to be part of a smartphone or a tablet) and all that I cared about was the beauty of my code and the number of neat features I could provide.

I would stay in my lab, rather than go out to meet potential users, who undoubtedly would have
bad tastes in music anyway and would not appreciate the latest advances in GUI (graphical user interface) programming.

The likely result would be disaster for the project. A bigger computer would mean a costlier MP3 player and most likely a shorter battery life. Encoding is an essential part of handling music digitally, so failing to pay attention to advances in encoding techniques could lead to increased memory requirements for each song (encodings differ by as much as 100% for the same-quality output).

A disregard for users’ preferences — however odd and archaic they may seem to you — typically leads to the users choosing some other product. An essential part of writing a good program is to understand the needs of the users and the constraints that those needs place on the implementation (i.e., the code).

To complete this caricature of a bad programmer, we just have to add a tendency to deliver late because of an obsession with details and an excessive confidence in the correctness of lightly tested code. We encourage you to become a good programmer, with a broad view of what it takes to produce good software. That’s where both the value to society and the keys to personal satisfaction lie.


1.4 Computer Science 计算机科学

Nobody knows everything there is to know about computers or software. This section just gives you a few examples. Maybe you’ll see something you like. At least you might be convinced that the scope of computer use — and through that, programming — is far larger than any individual can fully grasp.

Most people think of a computer as a small gray box attached to a screen and a keyboard. Such computers tend to be good at games, messaging and email, and playing music. Other computers, called laptops, are used on planes by bored businessmen to look at spreadsheets, play games, and watch videos.
大多数人觉得电脑就是带个屏幕和键盘的灰盒子。可以用来打游戏,发邮件, 听音乐。还有叫笔记本的 另一种电脑,通常是社畜用来编辑无聊的电子表格,也可以用来打游戏,看视频。

This caricature is just the tip of the iceberg. Most computers work out of our sight and are part of
the systems that keep our civilization going. Some fill rooms; others are smaller than a small coin. Many of the most interesting computers don’t directly interact with a human through a keyboard, mouse, or similar gadget.

1.5.1 Screens and no screens 有屏幕和无屏

The idea of a computer as a fairly large rectangular box with a screen and a keyboard is common and often hard to shake off. However, consider these two computers:
Both of these “gadgets” (which happen to be watches) are primarily computers. In fact, we conjecture that they are essentially the same model computer with different I/O (input/output) systems

The left one drives a small screen (similar to the screens on conventional computers, but smaller) and the second drives little electric motors controlling traditional clock hands and a disk of numbers for day-of-month readout.

Their input systems are the four buttons (more easily seen on the right-hand watch) and a radio receiver, used for synchronization with very high-precision “atomic” clocks. Most of the programs controlling these two computers are shared between them.

1.5.2 Shipping 船舶

These two photos show a large marine diesel engine and the kind of huge ship that it may power:

Consider where computers and software play key roles here:

  • Design: Of course, the ship and the engine were both designed using computers. The list of uses is almost endless and includes architectural and engineering drawings, general calculations, visualization of spaces and parts, and simulations of the performance of parts
  • 设计:船体和引擎设计都要使用计算机。比如结构和工程书籍,基本计算,空间和船体构件的可视化,对船只动力性能的模拟。
  • Construction: A modern shipyard is heavily computerized. The assembly of a ship is carefully planned using computers, and the work is guided by computers. Welding is done by robots. In particular, a modern double-hulled tanker couldn’t be built without little welding robots to do the welding from within the space between the hulls. There just isn’t room for a human in there. Cutting steel plates for a ship was one of the world’s first CAD/CAM (computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacture) applications.
  • 建造:现代船坞是高度计算机化的。船只的组装都靠计算机来规划,引导。焊接由机器人完成。一艘双层船壳的油轮是必须靠机器人才能完成两层壳之间的焊接的,因为人进不去。船体钢板切割也是世界上最先应用CAD和CAM技术的工程之一。
  • The engine: The engine has electronic fuel injection and is controlled by a few dozen computers. For a 100,000-horsepower engine (like the one in the photo), that’s a nontrivial task. For example, the engine management computers continuously adjust fuel mix to minimize the pollution that would result from a badly tuned engine. Many of the pumps associated with the engine (and other parts of the ship) are themselves computerized.
  • 引擎:船只引擎使用的电控燃油喷射由几台计算机控制。对于足足有100000马力的超大型引擎,这并不是一件简单的事情。比如引擎管理计算机持续调整燃油量来保证污染达到最小,并同时防止这种情况下可能出现的发动机失谐。许多和引擎相关的泵也都由计算机控制。
  • Management: Ships sail where there is cargo to pick up and to deliver. The scheduling of fleets of ships is a continuing process (computerized, of course) so that routings change with the weather, with supply and demand, and with space and loading capacity of harbors. There are even websites where you can watch the position of major merchant vessels at any time. The ship in the photo happens to be a container vessel (one of the largest such in the world; 397m long and 56m wide), but other kinds of large modern ships are managed in similar ways
  • 管理:船只在大洋中穿行运送货物。船只的日程计划安排也有计算机持续控制,从而根据天气,供求情况,船只剩余空间和装载量来调整路线。还有网站用来查看各大商船的实际位置。
  • Monitoring: An oceangoing ship is largely autonomous; that is, its crew can handle most contingencies likely to arise before the next port. However, they are also part of a globe-spanning network. The crew has access to reasonably accurate weather information (from and through — computerized — satellites). They have a GPS (global positioning system) and computer -controlled and computer-enhanced radar. If the crew needs a rest, most systems (including the engine, radar, etc.) can be monitored (via satellite) from a shipping-line control room. If anything unusual is spotted, or if the connection “back home” is broken, the crew is notified.
  • 监控:在大洋航行的船只是自治的;也就是说,船员在到达下一个港口之前,可以应付大部分突发事件。船员可以获取到精确的天气情况(通过计算机向卫星获取)。他们还有GPS系统和计算机控制的雷达。如果船员需要休息,大部分系统可以通过卫星直接由航线控制室自动控制。如果出现了什么事情,或者与外界联系中断,计算机也会及时通知船员。

Consider the implication of a failure of one of the hundreds of computers explicitly mentioned or implied in this brief description. Chapter 25 (“Embedded Systems Programming”) examines this in slightly more detail. Writing code for a modern ship is a skilled and interesting activity.

It is also useful. The cost of sea transport is really amazingly low. You appreciate that when you buy something that wasn’t manufactured locally. Sea transport has always been cheaper than land transport; these days one of the reasons is serious use of computers and information.

1.5.3 Telecommunications 电信

These two photos show a telephone switch and a telephone (that also happens to be a camera, an MP3 player, an FM radio, a web browser, and much more):


1.5.4 Medicine 医学

A wide variety of imaging techniques are used to let the surgeon see the inside of the patient, to see the point of surgery with significant enlargement or in better light than would otherwise be possible.

With the aid of a computer a surgeon can use tools that are too fine for a human hand to hold or in a place where a human hand could not reach without unnecessary cutting.

The use of minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopic surgery) is a simple example of this that
has minimized the pain and recovery time for millions of people. The computer can also help steady the surgeon’s “hand” to allow for more delicate work than would otherwise be possible.

Finally, a “robotic” system can be operated remotely, thus making it possible for a doctor to help someone remotely (over the internet). The computers and programming involved are mind-boggling, complex, and interesting. The user interface, equipment control, and imaging challenges alone will
keep thousands of researchers, engineers, and programmers busy for decades

We heard of a discussion among a large group of medical doctors about which new tool had provided the most help to them in their work: The CAT scanner? The MRI scanner? The automated blood analysis machines? The high-resolution ultrasound machines? PDAs? After some discussion, a surprising “winner” of this “competition” emerged: instant access to patient records. Knowing the medical history of a patient (earlier illnesses, medicines tried earlier, allergies, hereditary problems, general health, current medication, etc.) simplifies the problem of diagnosis and minimizes the chance of mistakes.

1.5.5 Information 信息

These two photos show an ordinary PC (well, two) and part of a server farm:

We have focused on “gadgets” for the usual reason: you cannot see, feel, or hear software. We cannot present you with a photograph of a neat program, so we show you a “gadget” that runs one. However, much software deals directly with “information.” So let’s consider “ordinary uses” of “ordinary computers” running “ordinary software.”

A “server farm” is a collection of computers providing web services. Organizations running state-of-the-art server farms (such as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft) are somewhat close-mouthed about the details of their servers, and the specifications of server farms change constantly (so most of the information you find on the web is outdated).

However, the specifications are amazing and should convince anyone that there is more to programming than simply computing a few numbers on a laptop:

  • Google uses about a million servers (each more powerful than your laptop) in 25 to 50 “data centers.
  • 谷歌有大约100万台服务器(每台性能都远超你的笔记本电脑)分布在25-50个数据中心。
  • Such a data center is housed in a warehouse that might measure 60m100m (that’s about 200ft330ft) or more
  • 这样的数据中心建在一个宽60米,长100米的大仓库里。
  • In 2011, the New York Times reported that Google’s data centers draw about 260 million watts continuously (about the same amount of energy as Las Vegas).
  • 2011年,纽约时报报道谷歌的数据中心大约花费2.6亿瓦特(大概和拉斯维加斯相当)。
  • Assume a server machine to be a 3GHz quad-core with 24GB of main memory. That would imply about 12 ∗ 1 0 15 12*10^{15} 121015 Hz of compute power (about 12,000,000,000,000,000 instructions per second) with 24 ∗ 1 0 15 24*10^{15} 241015 bytes of main memory (about 24,000,000,000,000,000 8-bit bytes), and maybe 4TB of disk per server, giving 4 ∗ 1 0 18 4*10^{18} 41018 bytes of storage.
  • 假设一台服务器的CPU是四核3GHz,内存24GB。这意味着算力是121015Hz(每秒执行1.2亿亿次指令),内存空间是241015字节(2.4亿亿组8比特位),每个服务器可能还有4TB的存储空间。

We may be underestimating the amounts, and by the time you read this, we almost certainly are. In particular, efforts to minimize energy usage seem to be driving machine architectures toward more processors per server and more cores per processor.

A GB is a gigabyte, that is, about 1 0 9 10^{9} 109 characters. A TB, a terabyte, is about 1000GB, that is, about 1 0 12 10^{12} 1012 characters. A PB, a petabyte (that is, 1015 bytes), is becoming a more common measure. This is a pretty extreme example, but every major company runs programs on the web to interact with its users/customers.
1GB叫做吉比特,大概能存 1 0 9 10^{9} 109 个字符。TB,terabyte,1000GB, 1 0 12 10^{12} 1012 个字符。PB, 1 0 15 10^{15} 1015 个字符。每个大公司都在web上运行着与用户交互的程序。

Examples are Amazon (book and other sales), Amadeus (airline ticketing and automobile rental), and eBay (online auctions). Millions of companies, organizations, and individuals also have a presence on the web. Most don’t run their own software, but many do and much of that is not trivial.

The other, and more traditional, massive computing effort involves accounting, order processing, payroll, record keeping, billing, inventory management, personnel records, student records, patient records, etc.

— the records that essentially every organization (commercial and noncommercial, governmental
and private) keeps. These records are the backbone of their respective organizations. As a computing effort, processing such records seems simple: mostly some information (records) is just stored and retrieved and very little is done to it.

Examples include

  • Is my 12:30 flight to Chicago still on time?
  • Has Gilbert Sullivan had the measles?
  • Has the coffeemaker that Juan Valdez ordered been shipped?
  • What kind of kitchen chair did Jack Sprat buy in 1996 (or so)?
  • How many phone calls originated from the 212 area code in August of 2012?
  • What was the number of coffeepots sold in January and for what total price?
  • 我12:30的航班能准点飞么?
  • GS得过麻疹么?
  • JV买的咖啡机发火了么?
  • JS 1996年买的厨房椅子是什么样子的?
  • 一月份卖了多少咖啡杯。总共卖了多少钱?

The sheer scale of the databases involved makes these systems highly complex. To that add the need to respond quickly (often in less than two seconds for individual queries) and to be correct (at least most of the time).

These days, it is not uncommon for people to talk about terabytes of data (a byte is the amount of memory needed to hold an ordinary character). That’s traditional “data processing” and it is merging with “the web” because most access to the databases is now through web interfaces.

This kind of computer use is often referred to as information processing. It focuses on data — often lots of data. This leads to challenges in the organization and transmission of data and lots of interesting work on how to present vast amounts
of data in a comprehensible form: “user interface” is a very important aspect of handling data.

For example, think of analyzing a work of older literature (say, Chaucer 3 ’s Canterbury Tales 4 or Cervante’s 5 Don Quixote 6 ) to figure out what the author actually wrote by comparing dozens of versions. We need to search through the texts with a variety of criteria supplied by the person doing the analysis and to display the results in a way that aids the discovery of salient points. Thinking of text analysis, publishing comes to mind: today, just about every article, book, brochure, newspaper, etc. is produced on a computer. Designing software to support that well is for most people still a problem that lacks a really good solution.

1.5.6 A vertical view 垂直视角

It is sometimes claimed that a paleontologist can reconstruct a complete dinosaur and describe its lifestyle and natural environment from studying a single small bone. That may be an exaggeration, but there is something to the idea of looking at a simple artifact and thinking about what it implies.

Consider this photo showing the landscape of Mars taken by a camera on one of NASA’s Mars Rovers:

If you want to do “rocket science,” becoming a good programmer is one way. The various space programs employ lots of software designers, especially ones who can also understand some of the physics, math, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, medical engineering, etc.

that underlie the manned and unmanned space programs. Getting those two Rovers to drive around on Mars for years is one of the greatest technological triumphs of our civilization.

One (Spirit) sent data back for six years and the other (Opportunity) is still working at the time of writing and will have its tenth anniversary on Mars in January 2014. Their estimated
design life was three months

The photo was transmitted to earth through a communication channel with a 25-minute transmission delay each way; there is a lot of clever programming and advanced math to make sure that the picture is transmitted using the minimal number of bits without losing any of them. On earth, the photo is then rendered using algorithms to restore color and minimize distortion due to the optics and
electronic sensors.

The control programs for the Mars Rovers are of course programs — the Rovers drive autonomously for 24 hours at a time and follow instructions sent from earth the day before. The transmission is managed by programs

The operating systems used for the various computers involved in the Rovers, the transmission, and the photo reconstruction are programs, as are the applications used to write this chapter.

The computers on which these programs run are designed and produced using CAD/CAM (computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacture) programs. The chips that go into those computers are produced on computerized assembly lines constructed using precision tools,
and those tools also use computers (and software) in their design and manufacture.

The quality control for those long construction processes involves serious computation. All that code was written by humans in a high-level programming language and translated into machine code by a compiler, which is itself such a program. Many of these programs interact with users using GUIs and exchange data using input/output streams.

Finally, a lot of programming goes into image processing (including the processing of the photos from the Mars Rovers), animation, and photo editing (there are versions of the Rover photos floating around on the web featuring “Martians”).

1.5.7 So what? 说了这么多,所以呢?

What do all these “fancy and complicated” applications and software systems have to do with learning programming and using C++? The connection is simply that many programmers do get to work on projects like these. These are the kinds of things that good programming can help achieve.

Also, every example used in this chapter involved C++ and at least some of the techniques we describe in this book. Yes, there are C++ programs in MP3 players, in ships, in wind turbines, on
Mars, and in the human genome project. For more applications using C++, see www.stroustrup/applications.html.

1.5.8 Ideals for programmers 程序员的理想

What do we want from our programs? What do we want in general, as opposed to a particular feature of a particular program? We want correctness and as part of that, reliability If the program doesn’t do what it is supposed to do, and do so in a way so that we can rely on it, it is at best a serious nuisance, at worst a danger.
我们想要从我们的程序中得到什么?我们是要追求与特定程序的功能相反的普遍规律么? 我们想要的是正确性可靠性如果一个程序没法按照预期运行,我们没法正常使用这个程序的话,那么这个程序给我们带来的后果最好情况是一个小缺陷,最坏情况会造成危险。

We want it to be well designed so that it addresses a real need well; it doesn’t really matter that a program is correct if what it does is irrelevant to us or if it correctly does something in a way that annoys us. We also want it to be affordable; I might prefer a Rolls-Royce or an executive jet to my usual forms of transport, but unless I’m a zillionaire, cost will enter into my choices

These are aspects of software (gadgets, systems) that can be appreciated from the outside, by non-programmers. They must be ideals for programmers and we must keep them in mind at all times, especially in the early phases of development, if we want to produce successful software.

In addition, we must concern ourselves with ideals related to the code itself: our code must be maintainable; that is, its structure must be such that someone who didn’t write it can understand it and make changes. A successful program “lives” for a long time (often for decades) and will
be changed again and again

For example, it will be moved to new hardware, it will have new features added, it will be modified to use new I/O facilities (screens, video, sound), to interact using new natural languages, etc. Only a failed program will never be modified.

To be maintainable, a program must be simple relative to its requirements, and the code must directly represent the ideas expressed. Complexity — the enemy of simplicity and maintainability — can be intrinsic to a problem (in that case we just have to deal with it), but it can also arise from poor expression of ideas in code. We must try to avoid that through good coding style — style matters!

This doesn’t sound too difficult, but it is. Why? Programming is fundamentally simple: just tell the machine what it is supposed to do. So why can programming be most challenging? Computers are fundamentally simple; they can just do a few operations, such as adding two numbers and choosing the next instruction to execute based on a comparison of two numbers.

The problem is that we don’t want computers to do simple things. We want “the machine” to do things that are difficult enough for us to want help with them, but computers are nitpicking, unforgiving, dumb beasts. Furthermore, the world is more complex than we’d like to believe, so we don’t really know the implications of what we request. We just want a program to “do something like this” and don’t want to be bothered with technical details.

We also tend to assume “common sense.” Unfortunately, common sense isn’t all that common among humans and is totally absent in computers (though some really well-designed programs can imitate it in specific, well-understood cases).

This line of thinking leads to the idea that “programming is understanding”: when you can program a task, you understand it. Conversely, when you understand a task thoroughly, you can write a program to do it. In other words, we can see programming as part of an effort to thoroughly understand a topic. A program is a precise representation of our understanding of a topic.

When you program, you spend significant time trying to understand the task you are trying to automate.

We can describe the process of developing a program as having four stages:

  • Analysis: What’s the problem? What does the user want? What does the user need? What can the user afford? What kind of reliability do we need?
  • Design: How do we solve the problem? What should be the overall structure of the system? Which parts does it consist of? How do those parts communicate with each other? How does the system communicate with its users?
  • 分析:问题说了什么?用户想要什么结果?用户需要什么?用户能提供什么信息?需要达到什么级别的可靠性?
  • 设计:如何求解这个问题?系统的整体结构是怎样的?每个部分包含什么?各个部分之间怎样联系?系统如何与用户交互?
  • Programming: Express the solution to the problem (the design) in code. Write the code in a way that meets all constraints (time, space, money, reliability, and so on). Make sure that the code is correct and maintainable
  • Testing: Make sure the system works correctly under all circumstances required by systematically trying it out.
  • 编程:把解法写成代码。编写代码时遵守所有限制(时间,空间,成本,可靠性,以及其他条件)。确定代码正确且易于维护。
  • 测试:确定系统可以在所有事先定好的需求条件下正确运行。

Programming plus testing is often called implementation. Obviously, this simple split of software development into four parts is a simplification. Thick books have been written on each of these four topics and more books still about how they relate to each other.

One important thing to note is that these stages of development are not independent and do not occur strictly in sequence. We typically start with analysis, but feedback from testing can help improve the programming; problems with getting the program working may indicate a problem with the design; and working with the design may suggest aspects of the problem that hitherto had been overlooked in the analysis. Actually using the system typically exposes weaknesses of the analysis.

The crucial concept here is feedback. We learn from experience and modify our behavior based on what we learn. That’s essential for effective software development. For any large project, we don’t know everything there is to know about the problem and its solution before we start.

We can try out ideas and get feedback by programming, but in the earlier stages of development it is easier (and faster) to get feedback by writing down design ideas, trying out those design ideas, and using scenarios on friends. The best design tool we know of is a blackboard (use a whiteboard instead if you prefer chemical smells over chalk dust).

Never design alone if you can avoid it! Don’t start coding before you have tried out your ideas by explaining them to someone. Discuss designs and programming techniques with friends, colleagues, potential users, and so on before you head for the keyboard. It is amazing how much you can learn from simply trying to articulate an idea. After all, a program is nothing more than an expression (in code) of some ideas

Similarly, when you get stuck implementing a program, look up from the keyboard. Think about the problem itself, rather than your incomplete solution. Talk with someone: explain what you want to do and why it doesn’t work. It’s amazing how often you find the solution just by carefully explaining the problem to someone. Don’t debug (find program errors) alone if you don’t have to!

The focus of this book is implementation, and especially programming. We do not teach “problem solving” beyond giving you plenty of examples of problems and their solutions. Much of problem solving is recognizing a known problem and applying a known solution technique. Only when most subproblems are handled this way will you find the time to indulge in exciting and creative “out-of-the-box thinking.” So, we focus on showing how to express ideas clearly
in code.

Direct expression of ideas in code is a fundamental ideal of programming. That’s really pretty obvious, but so far we are a bit short of good examples. We’ll come back to this, repeatedly. When we want an integer in our code, we store it in an int, which provides the basic integer operations. When we want a string of characters, we store it in a string, which provides the most basic text manipulation

At the most fundamental level, the ideal is that when we have an idea, a concept, an entity, something we think of as a “thing,” something we can draw on our whiteboard, something we can refer to in our discussions, something our (non–computer science) textbook talks about, then we want that something to exist in our program as a named entity (a type) providing the operations we think
appropriate for it.

If we want to do math, we want a complex type for complex numbers and a Matrix type for linear algebra. If we want to do graphics, we want a Shape type, a Circle type, a Color type, and a Dialog_box. When we want to deal with streams of data, say from a temperature sensor, we want an istream type (i for input). Obviously, every such type should provide the appropriate operations and only the appropriate operations. These are just a few examples from this book. Beyond that, we offer tools and techniques for you to build your own types to directly represent whatever concepts you want in your program.

Programming is part practical, part theoretical. If you are just practical, you will produce non-scalable, unmaintainable hacks. If you are just theoretical, you will produce unusable (or unaffordable) toys.
For a different kind of view of the ideals of programming and a few people who have contributed in major ways to software through work with programming languages, see Chapter 22, “Ideals and History.”

Review, Terms, Exercises and Postscript


  1. Robert A. Heinlein - Wikipedia ↩︎

  2. A focus group is a specially selected group of people who are intended to represent the general public. Focus groups have discussions in which their opinions are recorded as a form of market research. 选自各阶层,讨论某专项问题;所得信息常为市场调查人员或某政党所用。 ↩︎

  3. Geoffrey Chaucer - Wikipedia ↩︎

  4. The Canterbury Tales - Wikipedia ↩︎

  5. Miguel de Cervantes - Wikipedia ↩︎

  6. Don Quixote - Wikipedia ↩︎


[翻译]《Programming - Principles and Practice Using C++, Second Edition》- Chapter 1