
Have you ever heard of python? C? C++? Java? All will say "what are you talking about? A non-programmer ever know this!" That's true. IncludeHelp also knows that his readers have already explored a few miles on the road of C, C++, Java, and Python. Maybe still miles to go, but you all know about the languages. How many of you have heard about "Swift". We know many of you will still put up your hands!! How many of you have heard about "GO", about "Typescript"? Very few hands now!! And what about "Rust"?

您听说过python吗? C ? C ++ ? Java的 ? 所有人都会说“你在说什么?非程序员曾经知道这一点!” 确实如此。 IncludeHelp还知道他的读者已经在C,C ++,Java和Python的道路上探索了几英里。 也许还有很长的路要走,但是你们都知道这些语言。 你们中有多少人听说过“雨燕”。 我们知道你们中的许多人仍然会举手!! 你们中有多少人听说过“ GO”和“ Typescript”? 现在很少有人动手!! 那“Rust”呢?

But these are dominating the tech-industry currently. Today in this article let's quickly revise top few programming languages that you should come across in this year and start playing with. Who knows that you fall in love with?

但是这些目前正在主导着技术产业。 今天,在本文中,让我们快速修改您应该在今年开始使用的前几种编程语言 。 谁知道你爱上了?

Here we have listed up and ordered as per our choice the top 10 programming languages for you. Maybe you can come with a different order, but we swear this must be the top list!!

在这里,我们根据您的选择列出并订购了适合您的十大编程语言 。 也许您可以订购其他商品,但我们发誓这一定是最重要的!!

十大编程语言列表–您应该开始学习 (List of top 10 programming languages – you should start learning )

1. Python (1. Python)

This century loves to work with data, loves to train their machine and believes in artificial intelligence. Python is such a genuine & general purpose language that helps you to explore all that you want to do. Python has been announced as the "most popular language of 2018" by TIOBE index. We believe the same too. Python is probably the best weapon of a geek who is working on data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning and software development of course.

本世纪喜欢使用数据,喜欢训练他们的机器,并相信人工智能。 Python是一种真正的通用语言,可帮助您探索所有想要做的事情。 TIOBE index将Python宣布为“ 2018年最受欢迎的语言”。 我们也相信。 Python可能是从事数据科学,人工智能,机器学习和软件开发的极客的最佳武器。

Reasons you should learn Python first:


  • Not difficult to learn


  • Multiple programming paradigms


  • Robust standard library


  • A nice platform for developers


2. JavaScript (2. JavaScript)

We have listed JavaScript as 2nd one due to his huge usage and demand in the ongoing tech-world. JavaScript is the basic building block for any frontend application. Now a days NodeJs is widely used for website development frameworks, which is actually JavaScript based.

由于JavaScript在不断发展的技术世界中的广泛使用和需求,我们将其列为第二。 JavaScript是任何前端应用程序的基本构建块。 如今,NodeJ被广泛用于网站开发框架,该框架实际上是基于JavaScript的。

Reasons you should learn JavaScript:


  • Must one for Full-stack developer


  • Needed to fame any frontend application


3.迅捷 (3. Swift)

Swift is a scripting language which has become so popular in last few years only. It was launched in 2014 and has introduced now a high-paid career path. This is mainly being used in distributed computing as it allows writing scripts that distribute program execution across distributed computing resources, including clusters, clouds, grids, and supercomputers.Swift is being constantly used in economic and biometric modelling.

Swift是一种脚本语言,仅在最近几年才变得如此流行。 它于2014年推出,现已引入高薪职业道路。 它主要用于分布式计算中,因为它允许编写脚本以在分布式计算资源(包括群集,云,网格和超级计算机)之间分布程序执行。Swift一直在经济和生物识别模型中使用。

Reasons you should learn Swift:


  • Has a great future opportunity regarding career


  • A really nice scripting language


4. Java (4. Java)

You all are familiar a bit with Java. Probably, this was the language you learnt in your past school times or maybe junior college days. Java is powerful for its Object Oriented paradigm. Java is most famous for android development, IOT, edge device development. Strong OOP concept felicitates java as top application developing language.

你们都对Java有点熟悉。 这可能是您在过去的上学时间或初中时所学的语言。 Java具有强大的面向对象范例。 Java以android开发,物联网,边缘设备开发而闻名。 强大的OOP概念使Java成为顶级应用程序开发语言。

Reasons you should learn JAVA:


  • Object oriented nature


  • Java applets


5. C ++ (5. C++)

C++ is known to be a core language. It's a highly efficient & reliable language. It has been on demand due to high performance & wide usage. Do you know Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X Google application (most of them), Mozilla Firefox, Adobe systems (major applications) are written in C++?

众所周知,C ++是一种核心语言。 这是一种高效且可靠的语言。 由于高性能和广泛使用,它一直是需求。 您是否知道Microsoft Windows,Apple OS X Google应用程序(大多数),Mozilla Firefox,Adobe系统(主要应用程序)是用C ++编写的?

Reasons you should learn C++:

您应该学习C ++的原因:

Do we need to tell? We think no.

我们需要告诉吗? 我们认为没有。

6.Rust (6. Rust)

How many of you have heard this name before? Just comment below. If you haven't heard don't need to worry at all. You may be wondered to know that though you haven't heard about "Rust" before, Stack OverFlow Developer survey has declared it as the most loved & wanted language in 2018 for developers. Rust is a new system-level ( low-level) programing language launched by Mozilla Foundations 2015. It is syntactically similar to C++ but assures better memory safety while maintaining the same performance. That's why Rust has become developer's first choice & ours sixth.

你们当中有多少人听过这个名字? 请在下面发表评论。 如果您没有听到,则完全不必担心。 您可能会想知道,尽管您之前从未听说过“ Rust”,但Stack OverFlow开发人员调查已将其宣布为2018年开发人员最喜欢和想要的语言。 Rust是Mozilla Foundations 2015推出的一种新的系统级(低级)编程语言。在语法上与C ++相似,但可确保更好的内存安全性,同时保持相同的性能。 这就是为什么Rust已成为开发人员的第一选择,也是我们的第六选择的原因。

Reasons you should learn Rust:


  • Better error handling


  • Better support for parallelism & concurrency


  • Excellent resource management


7.Kotlin (7. Kotlin)

Perhaps the number is very few who have heard about Kotlin. But it has been declared as the second most loved one by Stack OverFlow Developer survey. It's fully compatible with Java& can be used everywhere where Java is used. It's mainly known to be android developer's language and Google also started using Kotlin for android development. However, Kotlin was launched by the software developing company JetBrains.

也许很少有人听说过Kotlin。 但是在Stack OverFlow Developer调查中,它被宣布为第二受欢迎的产品。 它与Java完全兼容,并且可以在使用Java的任何地方使用。 它主要是android开发人员的语言,Google也开始使用Kotlin进行android开发。 但是,Kotlin是由软件开发公司JetBrains推出的。

Reasons you should learn Kotlin:


  • It has become heart-throb of Android developers.


8. TypeScript (8. TypeScript)

Probably, this is another one that sounds to be a new one. TypeScript is designed with a determination to spread the JavaScript application developments in large scale. It's being used in Angular and has become the language to develop the JavaScript frameworks. This was launched by Microsoft nearly six years ago but has been in discussion vividly in 2018.

可能这是另一个听起来像是新的。 TypeScript的设计目标是大规模传播JavaScript应用程序开发。 它已在Angular中使用,并已成为开发JavaScript框架的语言。 这是微软近六年前推出的,但在2018年进行了生动的讨论。

Reasons you should learn TypeScript:


  • TypeScript manages to automatically close the feature gap between versions of JavaScript


  • Easier to debug than JavaScript


9. Matlab (9. Matlab)

Matlab is a product of MathWorks community& is being widely used due to its amazing toolbox. Matlab is mainly used for numerical computing but now is very popular in the research community. There are lots of in-build functions, features, modeling available in Matlab. It's actually compatible with GNU Octave.

Matlab是MathWorks社区的产品,由于其惊人的工具箱而被广泛使用。 Matlab主要用于数值计算,但现在在研究界非常流行。 Matlab提供了许多内置功能,特性和建模。 它实际上与GNU Octave兼容。

Reasons you should learn Matlab:


  • Easy to code, lets you to focus on algorithm


  • Enriched toolbox


  • Most loving one for research community handling numerical computations


  • MathWorks has an amazing community from where you can get all sorts of help


10.高朗 (10. GoLang)

The few of you who have heard these before must argue with us that why we have listed "GoLang" (popularly known as "Go") at the last. Of course, you (you are python lover, we bet!) have strong & valid reasons you have, we know. We admit that this new language developed by Google is providing excellent multithreading support and lots of start-up companies have started to depend on "Go". You are right to have argued that "Go" should have found a place in top 5. But still, we believe "Go" hasn't been still in that demand and popularity as others have achieved. Those who heard this for the first time should know this is also a minimal language like Python having the feature of both functional & object-oriented programming.

少数以前听过这些内容的人必须与我们争论,为什么我们最后才列出“ GoLang”(通常称为“ Go”)。 当然,我们知道,您(您是python爱好者,我们敢打赌!)有充分而合理的理由。 我们承认,由Google开发的这种新语言提供了出色的多线程支持,许多新兴公司已经开始依赖“ Go”。 您认为“ Go”应该在前5名中占据一席之地是正确的,但是,我们仍然相信,“ Go”并没有像其他人那样在需求和受欢迎程度方面仍然存在。 那些第一次听说此程序的人应该知道,这也是Python之类的最小语言,具有功能和面向对象编程的功能。

Reasonsyou should learn Go:


  • Great one for concurrency. (This is the era of multi-core app!)

    伟大的并发。 (这是多核应用程序的时代!)

  • Have lots of developing tools


This is the list of ours. Have you found anything missing or over-rated? Please let us know by commenting. Also, let us know what would be your top ten list. Beginners comment which one you liked most & which one you want to learn first. We will publish tutorials for the language that will have most votes. So do comment!!!

这是我们的清单。 您是否发现任何缺失或高估的东西? 请通过评论让我们知道。 另外,让我们知道您的十大清单是什么。 初学者评论最喜欢哪个,最想学习哪个。 我们将发布投票最多的语言的教程。 所以做评论!!!

翻译自: https://www.includehelp/articles/top-10-programming-languages-of-the-world-2019-to-play-with.aspx


