Google Play服务API客户端无法连接:SERVICE_VERSION_UPDATE_REQUIRED(Google Play services API client can't connect: SERVICE_VERSION_UPDATE_REQUIRED)

我正在尝试连接到Google Play服务。 它过去几个月前完美工作,现在我得到我的onConnectionFailed方法调用错误代码SERVICE_VERSION_UPDATE_REQUIRED 。


compile '' compile '' compile ''


I'm trying to connect to Google Play services. It used to work perfectly a few months ago, and now I'm getting my onConnectionFailed method to invoke with error code SERVICE_VERSION_UPDATE_REQUIRED.

Pretty self explanatory, yet I'm already on the latest version:

compile '' compile '' compile ''

Why am I getting this error?


噢,我发现我还需要更新一个名为“Google Play Services”的设备上的应用程序,以使我的应用程序可以正常工作(并且很奇怪,甚至在我搜索Google Play时都没有发现,我不得不使用该链接需要服务版本更新的答案? )。

更新了它,现在我的应用程序工作。 绝对荒谬。 我真的很想知道谁的想法是让软件组件依赖于其他应用程序。


Oh, just figured out that I also need to update an app on the device called "Google Play Services" for my app to work (and weird enough, it's not even even found when I search Google Play, I had to use the link at the answer on Service Version update required?).

Updated it and now my app works. Absolutely ridiculous. I really wonder whose idea was making software components dependent on other apps.

Anyway, problem "solved".
