UITableView(及其单元格)似乎在iPhone6 / iPhone6 +上放大了[重复](UITableView (and its cells) seems to be zoomed on iPhone6/iPhone6+ [duplicate])


iPhone6状态栏显示放大应用但不在主屏幕上[关闭] 1回答

我遇到了一个奇怪的行为。 几个月前我开始开发iPhone应用程序,当iOS8和iPhone6没有出来时。 但是现在我已经使用了iOS8的iPhone 6+,我的应用程序中的所有tableviews似乎都有点“缩放”了。 所以我尝试将我的tableview代码复制并粘贴到一个新的新项目中,结果如下:



我们可以清楚地看到我的应用程序中的tableview更大。 正如我所说,我使用完全相同的代码来生成这个TableView,那有什么不对?

我试图将我的应用程序转换为Xcode 6大小类,但这似乎不是问题。


This question already has an answer here:

iPhone6 status bar showing zoomed in app but not on home screen [closed] 1 answer

I've encountered a strange behavior. I began to develop an iPhone app months ago, back when iOS8 and iPhone6 were not out. But now that I've an iPhone 6+ with iOS8, all the tableviews in my app seem to be kinda "zoomed". So I tried to copy & paste my tableview code on a new fresh project and here are the results :

My app :

Test project with same code :

We can clearly see that the tableview in my app is bigger. And as I said I'm using the exact same code to generate this TableView, so what's wrong ?

I tried to convert my app to Xcode 6 size classes but this doesn't seem to be the problem.

P.S : I'm developing my app on the last Xcode version (6.1) The cells I'm using are just standard UITableViewCell


您需要在项目中包含LaunchImage .xib。 否则,6-Plus会将您的应用视为在普通iPhone 6上运行并进行放大。


You need to include a LaunchImage .xib in your project. Otherwise the 6-Plus treats your app as running on a plain iPhone 6 and zooms it up.

See https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/userexperience/conceptual/MobileHIG/LaunchImages.html
