
Here you will know about the most popular programming languages in 2018.


Every year a survey is done among the developers and shared on stackoverflow. This year the survey was done among 100,000 developers and on the basis of that I am sharing the list of famous programming technologies.

每年,开发人员之间都会进行一次调查,并就stackoverflow进行共享。 今年,这项调查是在100,000个开发人员中进行的,在此基础上,我分享了著名的编程技术列表。

2018年十大最受欢迎的编程语言 (Top 10 Most Popular Programming Languages in 2018)

In this list JavaScript is the most used programming language and maintaining this position from last 5 years. Being one of the fastest growing language, popularity of python is increasing day by day. This year python outranked c#, last year it outranked php.

在此列表中,JavaScript是最常用的编程语言,并且在过去五年中一直保持这一位置。 作为发展最快的语言之一,python的流行程度正日益提高。 今年python排名超过c#,去年排名超过php。

You can learn more about the survey here https://insights.stackoverflow/survey/2018/


Comment down below what is your favorite programming language. Do share the article with you friends.

在您最喜欢的编程语言下面进行注释。 务必与您的朋友分享文章。

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer/2018/04/most-popular-programming-languages.html


