垂直对齐 文本

Microsoft Word comes equipped with a tool that allows users to align text both vertically and horizontally, giving you complete freedom for determining the position of text in a Word document. Here’s how it all works.

Microsoft Word附带了一个工具,该工具允许用户垂直和水平对齐文本,使您可以完全自由地确定Word文档中文本的位置。 这就是全部的运作方式。

在Word中水平对齐文本 (Aligning Text Horizontally in Word)

Horizontal alignment, also known as centered alignment, positions the text evenly between the margins on either side of the page. This tool also allows you to be selective with the text you align horizontally, giving you more control over what you can do to your document.

水平对齐方式(也称为居中对齐)可将文本均匀地放置在页面两侧的页边距之间。 该工具还允许您选择水平对齐的文本,从而可以更好地控制对文档的操作。

To align text horizontally on a page, highlight the text you want to center. Next, click the “Center Alignment” icon in the “Paragraph” group of the “Home” tab. Alternatively, you can use the Ctrl+E keyboard shortcut.

要在页面上水平对齐文本,请突出显示要居中的文本。 接下来,单击“主页”选项卡的“段落”组中的“居中对齐”图标。 或者,您可以使用Ctrl + E键盘快捷键。

Your text will now be horizontally aligned. If you don’t already have text typed, it’s also an option to select the center alignment option before entering the text. It’s all up to you.

您的文本现在将水平对齐。 如果您尚未输入文字,也可以输入文字之前选择居中对齐选项。 这一切都取决于你。

在Word中垂直对齐文本 (Aligning Text Vertically in Word)

As you’ve probably guessed, vertical alignment positions the text evenly between the upper and lower margins of the page. You won’t notice a difference in the text alignment if you use it on a page that’s already full of text.

您可能已经猜到了,垂直对齐将文本均匀地定位在页面的上下空白之间。 如果在已经充满文本的页面上使用文本对齐方式,您将不会注意到差异。

To see any real difference, try enabling the horizontal text option before inputting the text in your document.


To align text vertically on a page, head over to the “Layout” tab and select the small icon in the bottom-right corner of the “Page Setup” group.


This opens the “Page Setup” dialog box. Select the “Layout” tab and then click the arrow next to “Vertical Alignment” in the “Page” section. A selection of vertical alignment options will appear. Go ahead and click “Center” (or choose another option that better suits your requirements).

这将打开“页面设置”对话框。 选择“布局”选项卡,然后在“页面”部分中单击“垂直对齐”旁边的箭头。 出现垂直对齐选项。 继续并单击“居中”(或选择更适合您要求的另一个选项)。

Your text will now reflect the selected vertical alignment option.


What if you only want to align specific text in the document vertically? There’s also an easy way to make this happen.

如果您只想垂直对齐文档中的特定文本怎么办? 还有一种简单的方法可以实现这一目标。

First, highlight the text you want to align vertically. Once selected, head back to the “Layout” tab of the “Page Setup” dialog box. Next, choose the desired vertical alignment type, open the drop-down menu next to “Apply To,” select “Selected text,” and then click the “OK” button.

首先,突出显示要垂直对齐的文本。 选择后,返回“页面设置”对话框的“布局”选项卡。 接下来,选择所需的垂直对齐类型,打开“应用于”旁边的下拉菜单,选择“选定的文本”,然后单击“确定”按钮。

The selected text will now reflect the selected vertical alignment option.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/445170/how-to-align-text-vertically-or-horizontally-in-microsoft-word/

垂直对齐 文本


垂直对齐 文本_如何在Microsoft Word中垂直或水平对齐文本