
Machine learning has taken off and it’s doing so with fury, bringing new insights to every single industry. If you want to be in demand, this is a skill that will put you in the front line. As intimidating as it may seem, it’s surprisingly easy if you approach it the right way.

机器学习已经风起云涌,并且正在如此激昂,为每个行业带来了新见解。 如果您想获得需求,这是一种技巧,它将使您处于第一线。 尽管看起来令人生畏,但如果以正确的方式进行处理,这将非常容易。

Machine learning (ML) is a fascinating practice and field of study. It’s what allowed the introduction of self-driven cars, of robots that can clean your house, the navigation system of drones of all kinds, the recommendation system behind YouTube and Netflix, face recognition systems, hand written recognition, game playing, and lots more.

机器学习(ML)是一个有趣的实践和研究领域。 正是由于这些原因,才引入了自动驾驶汽车,可以打扫房屋的机器人,各种无人机的导航系统,YouTube和Netflix背后的推荐系统,人脸识别系统,手写识别,游戏等等。 。

And because of its incredibly high value and somewhat cryptic nature, it’s an expertise in very high demand that keeps expanding to different areas — which just five years ago would have seemed inconceivable. Through this article, we’ll see different practical ways to approach it.

而且由于其难以置信的高价值和某种神秘的性质,它是一种在非常高的需求中的专业知识,并且不断扩展到不同的领域-仅在五年前这还简直不可思议。 通过本文,我们将看到不同的实践方法。

“对不起……但是什么是机器学习?” (“Pardon Me … but What is Machine Learning?”)

ML is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI). As Arthur Samuel — one of the pioneers in the field — put it, ML gives “computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed”. That is, instead of programming a computer (or robot) to do something, you give information and set the framework to let the system program itself.

ML是人工智能(AI)的一个分支。 正如该领域的先驱之一Arthur Samuel所说的那样,ML使“计算机无需经过明确编程即可学习。” 也就是说,您无需提供计算机(或机器人)程序来执行某些操作,而是提供信息并设置框架以使系统自行编程。

Freaking fascinating? Yes, but we won’t get into the details of this seemingly impossible thing here, but instead point you to the right places where you’ll be able to find that for yourself.

让人着迷吗? 是的,但是我们不会在这里详细介绍这看似不可能的事情,而是将您指向正确的地方,您可以自己找到这些地方。

开始之前,请注意 (Before Starting, a Word of Caution)

ML is something of an advanced practice, and you’ll need to have not only some foundations in computer sciences, but also be able to code in at least one programming language. Some popular programming languages for ML are Python, R, Java, C, and MATLAB, among others.

ML是一种高级实践,您不仅需要具备计算机科学的一些基础,而且还必须能够使用至少一种编程语言进行编码。 ML的一些流行编程语言是Python,R,Java,C和MATLAB等。

1.快速开始……真正地,不到十分钟 (1. Start Very Quickly … Like, Really, in Less than Ten Minutes)

Sometimes, and for some people, it’s better to just get hands on into something to have a first taste and develop an intuition of what this new art or skill is about, and then dig deeper into some specifics and details.


Google’s Machine Learning Recipes with Josh Gordon is just that — a straightforward and practical approach to ML. Using the Python scikit-learn and TensorFlow libraries, Josh will walk you through very practical examples and down-to-earth explanations behind the very principles of ML.

谷歌与乔什·戈登 ( Josh Gordon )合作的机器学习食谱就是这样-一种直接而实用的机器学习方法。 Josh使用Python scikit-learn和TensorFlow库,将带您逐步了解非常实用的示例以及ML基本原理的扎实解释。

Here’s the first 7-minute video of the series, introducing a supervised learning algorithm in Python — in just six lines of code!:


The publishing schedule is somewhat irregular, with videos published every month or second month, covering topics such as decision trees, feature selection, pipelines, classifiers: not bad at all for 6-to-8 minute videos that anyone with a little foundation in programming can follow.


2.免费参加一流大学的课程 (2. Take Courses from Top-Notch Universities, for Free)

If you’re hungry for quality knowledge, you may have heard by now about Coursera, edX, Udacity, and many, many others. We’re talking MOOCs, or massive open online courses.

如果你饿了质量知识,你可能现在听到有关Coursera , 给予edX , Udacity和许多 , 许多其他 。 我们正在谈论MOOC,或大规模的在线公开课程

Let’s break it down quickly:


  • massive: they have no vacancy limits, and can be accessed by as many people as desired.

    庞大 :他们没有职位空缺,可以由任意数量的人访问。

  • open: anyone can access them, regardless of their age and previous knowledge on the topic, and independently if they’re able to pay for a certification or not.

    开放式 :任何人都可以访问它们,而不论其年龄和对该主题的先前知识如何,并且无论他们是否能够支付认证费用,都可以独立访问。

  • online: all you need is a device connected to the Internet; even a mobile phone would do.

    在线 :您需要的只是连接到Internet的设备; 即使是手机也可以。

  • course: these are actual courses with reading materials, practical exercises, and even deadlines.

    课程 :这些是实际课程,包括阅读材料,实践练习,甚至是截止日期。

Let’s see some courses you could start with.


斯坦福大学的吴恩达机器学习 (Stanford’s Andrew Ng Machine Learning)

Stanford Prof. Ng is a leading researcher on the field of artificial intelligence, and is the person who pretty much started the MOOC spark that would later turn into a fire of knowledge when he first put his Machine Learning online course. The response was overwhelming, with many thousands of people from all around the world taking the course and discussing this topic. He later turned this course into what it is today Coursera, the leading provider of MOOCs.

斯坦福大学的Ng教授是人工智能领域的领先研究人员,并且是几乎开始产生MOOC火花的人,后来他首次上机学习在线课程时就变成了知识之火。 对此React热烈,来自世界各地的数千人参加了该课程并讨论了这个主题。 后来,他将本课程转变为今天的MOOC的领先提供商Coursera。

The course is as fabulous as it is challenging. I remember having spent an hour or so just to read a 5-page assignment scope before I was able to grasp it. So unlike Josh Gordon’s series, this is a little more on the academic side, but with a lot of practical knowledge and advice that will be very useful later on in your ML practices. But it is doable, and the amount of feedback on the forums is truly overwhelming. Mind you, it was among the first MOOCs I ever took, and one of the best.

这门课程既具有挑战性又很棒。 我记得花了一个小时左右的时间才阅读了5页的作业范围,然后才能够掌握它。 因此,与乔什·戈登(Josh Gordon)的系列不同,这在学术方面要多一些,但是具有许多实践知识和建议,这些知识和建议在以后的机器学习实践中将非常有用。 但这是可行的,并且在论坛上的反馈数量确实是压倒性的。 请注意,它是我参加过的第一批MOOC之一,也是最好的MOOC之一。

Course details:


  • Approx. duration: 2–5 months

    大约 持续时间 :2–5个月

  • Difficulty: high

    难度 :高

  • Workload: mid-to-heavy

    工作量 :中到重

塞巴斯蒂安·特伦(Sebastian Thrun)的人工智能入门 (Sebastian Thrun’s Intro to Artificial Intelligence)

Also a professor and AI researcher at Stanford (on the field of robotics), co-founder of Google X Lab (the “semi-secret” R&D company behind of Google’s self-driven cars, among other projects), Sebastian is also the founder of a mayor MOOC provider, Udacity. Along with Peter Norvig (Director of Research at Google), he put together the amazing Intro to Artificial Intelligence.

塞巴斯蒂安(Sebastian) 还是斯坦福大学( 机器人技术领域 )的教授兼AI研究员, 谷歌X Lab (谷歌无人驾驶汽车背后的“半秘密”研发公司, 以及其他项目 )的联合创始人。市长MOOC提供商Udacity。 与彼得·诺维格(Google研究总监)一起,他撰写了《惊人的人工智能入门》

This is pretty much the foundation to all things ML. It’s a lot lighter than Andrew’s course, with its content spread over more units to make it easier to digest, though it’s a long one.

这几乎是所有ML的基础。 它比安德鲁的课程要轻得多,它的内容分布在更多的单元上,以便于消化,尽管它很长。

Course details:


  • Approx. duration: 4 months

    大约 持续时间 :4个月

  • Difficulty: intermediate

    难度 :中级

  • Workload: light

    工作量 :轻

Caltec的Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa从数据中学习 (Caltec’s Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa Learning from Data)

Prof. Yaser is another of the pioneers of putting quality learning material online, making available his Learning from Data ML course on his website, with all of its lectures, learning materials and exams, even before MOOCs were a thing. Later he would package these materials into a MOOC offered regularly by Caltech on edX.

Yaser教授是将高质量的学习材料在线放置的另一位先驱,甚至在MOOC成为现实之前, 就在其网站上提供了他的“ 从数据 ML 学习” 课程及其所有讲座,学习材料和考试。 后来,他将这些材料打包到Caltech在edX上定期提供的MOOC中 。

I took this one as well, and I can tell you that you’ll have to do some heavy lifting here. But if you’ve enjoyed Andrew’s course and are hungry for more foundations, this seems like a reasonable next step.

我也接受了这一点,我可以告诉你,您必须在这里做些繁重的工作。 但是,如果您喜欢安德鲁(Andrew)的课程并且渴望获得更多基础知识,那么下一步似乎是合理的。

Course details:


  • Approx. duration: 4 months

    大约 持续时间 :4个月

  • Difficulty: very high

    难度 :很高

  • Workload: very heavy (10–20 hours per week)

    工作量 :非常重(每周10–20个小时)

其他Coursera,edX和Udacity课程 (Other Coursera, edX and Udacity Courses)

There’s a very extensive offering of ML and AI courses that you can take for free, not only at Coursera, edX, and Udacity, but at other MOOC providers as well, such as Data Camp — though data science seems to be something of a niche for the three providers we’ve discussed.

您不仅可以在Coursera , edX和Udacity上 ,而且可以在其他MOOC提供商(例如Data Camp)上免费提供大量的ML和AI课程,尽管数据科学似乎是一个利基市场我们讨论过的三个提供商。

3.获得部分价格的认证教育 (3. Get Certified Education, for a Fraction of the Price)

So far, we’ve talked free MOOCs. They’re awesome, and you don’t need to pay a cent to enroll in them and start learning. In the beginning, these providers used to offer free certificates or statements of accomplishments, even some of them verifiable online. These programs, however, have been discontinued, so in most cases you won’t get a certificate or any type of credential that you could use to demonstrate your education to a potential employer, or even to another higher education institution.

到目前为止,我们已经讨论了免费的MOOC。 它们很棒,您无需花一分钱就可以开始学习。 最初,这些提供程序曾经提供免费的证书或成就声明 ,甚至其中一些可在线验证 。 但是,这些程序已经终止,因此在大多数情况下,您不会获得可用于向潜在雇主甚至其他高等教育机构证明自己的学历的证书或任何类型的凭证。

This may not be a problem if you just want to learn for the sake of it, and even use this knowledge to leverage a successful career as a freelancer, as many professionals already do around the globe. But applying for work can be a different matter, and certs and degrees do ease the way in many cases, so let’s discuss them.

如果您只是想为此学习,甚至像全球许多专业人士所做的那样,甚至可以利用这些知识来发挥自由职业者的成功事业,那么这可能不是问题。 但是申请工作可能是另一回事,证书和学位确实可以简化很多情况,所以让我们讨论一下。

经过验证的课程 (Verified Courses)

A verified course might be somewhere between $40–$200, depending on the course and the institution. Basically, you pay a premium to get your identity and assignments verified (this is what a verified certificate looks like.) You can find more about Coursera’s Course Certificates and edX’s Verified Certificates. You’ll find they both have a huge offering of ML and data-science–related verified courses, as you can see on this edX search.

经验证的课程可能在$ 40- $ 200之间,具体取决于课程和机构。 基本上,您需要支付一定的费用才能使您的身份和作业得到验证(这是经过验证的证书的样子 。)您可以找到有关Coursera的课程证书和edX的已验证证书的更多信息 。 您会发现他们都提供大量与ML和数据科学相关的经过验证的课程,如您在edX搜索中所见。

Notice that, whether you pay or not, the contents and materials of the course are exactly the same. What you get by paying is the certification that you actually took and passed the course.

请注意, 无论您是否付款,课程的内容和材料都是完全相同的。 通过付款获得的是您实际通过并通过该课程的证明。

Coursera专业 (Coursera Specializations)

Coursera took the concept of verified courses a step forward by grouping some related courses and adding a capstone project to give you a specialization certificate.

Coursera通过对一些相关的课程进行分组并添加一个顶点项目来为您提供专业证书 ,从而将经过验证的课程的概念向前推进了一步。

Some specializations of interest to us are:


Big Data6UC San Diego
Deep Learning5deeplearning.ai
Machine Learning 4University of Washington
Recommender Systems5University of Minnesota
Introduction to Robotics6University of Pennsylvania
Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs)3Stanford University
专业化 培训班 机构
大数据 6 加州大学圣地亚哥分校
深度学习 5 deeplearning.ai
机器学习 4 华盛顿大学
推荐系统 5 明尼苏达大学
机器人学概论 6 宾夕法尼亚大学
概率图形模型 (PGM) 3 斯坦福大学

Coursera硕士学位 (Coursera Master’s Degree)

Coursera’s Master of Computer Science in Data Science (MCS-DS) is an actual, official master’s degree issued by an accredited university. Topics in the program are heavily ML-related, and include:

Coursera的数据科学计算机科学硕士 (MCS-DS)是由经认可的大学颁发的实际的官方硕士学位。 该程序中的主题与ML密切相关,包括:

  • data visualization

  • machine learning

  • data mining

  • cloud computing

  • statistics

  • information science


Course details:


  • Institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    院校 :伊利诺伊大学香槟分校

  • Price: $600 per credit-hour for a $19,200 in total tuition

    价格 :每学分时600美元,总学费为19,200美元

  • Duration: 32 hours

    片长 :32小时

edX XSeries和专业证书 (edX XSeries and Professional Certificates)

edX has an XSeries Program for courses within a single topic, in pretty much the same fashion as Coursera’s Specializations. Such series of interest to us include:

edX具有用于单个主题内课程的XSeries程序 ,其方式与Coursera的专业化几乎相同。 我们感兴趣的系列包括:

Microsoft Azure HDInsight Big Data Analyst3Microsoft$49–99 per course
Genomics Data Analysis3Harvard University$132.30
Data Analysis for Life Sciences4Harvard University$221.40
Data Science and Engineering with Spark3UC Berkeley$49–99 per course
系列 培训班 机构 成本
Microsoft Azure HDInsight大数据分析师 3 微软 每门课程$ 49–99
基因组数据分析 3 哈佛大学 $ 132.30
生命科学的数据分析 4 哈佛大学 $ 221.40
Spark的数据科学与工程 3 加州大学伯克利分校 每门课程$ 49–99

edX also has Professional Certificate Programs for “critical skills,” including Data Science and Big Data, both offered by Microsoft.

edX还具有针对“关键技能”的专业证书计划 ,包括Microsoft提供的Data Science和Big Data 。

edX MicroMasters和大学学分 (edX MicroMasters and College Credit)

You also have credit-eligible courses, which are not only verified, but may also serve you to claim for credit towards your B.S. or master’s degree. There are, naturally, a lot of details in the fine print, so you’ll have to do some extra research.

您还拥有符合学分的课程 ,这些课程不仅经过验证,而且还可以帮助您索取学士学位或硕士学位的学分。 精美的印刷品中自然有很多细节,因此您需要做一些额外的研究。

edX MicroMasters are precisely in this vein. Here are some interesting ones (costs are higher here, as you also pay hours of tuition towards a degree):

edX MicroMasters恰恰与此有关。 以下是一些有趣的问题(这里的费用较高,因为您还要支付学位的学费):

Artificial Intelligence4Columbia University$1,200
Big Data5University of Adelaide$1,215
Data Science4UC San Diego$1,260
Robotics4University of Pennsylvania$1,256
程序 培训班 机构 成本
人工智能 4 哥伦比亚大学 $ 1,200
大数据 5 阿德莱德大学 $ 1,215
数据科学 4 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 $ 1,260
机器人技术 4 宾夕法尼亚大学 $ 1,256

Find out more to earn university credit on edX, and read the MOOCs for Credit report by Class Central.

了解更多信息,以在edX上获得大学学分 ,并阅读Class Central的MOOC学分报告。

Udacity的纳米学位 (Udacity’s Nanodegrees)

A nanodegree is something of degree, issued by Udacity. While Udacity isn’t itself an accredited educational institution, they went to great lengths to partner with tech industry leaders to deliver the most market-targeted education possible — in other words, to prepare you specifically with the skills that the labor market is demanding right now.

毫微度是Udacity发行的度数。 尽管Udacity本身并不是一家经过认可的教育机构,但他们竭尽全力与科技行业的领导者合作,以提供尽可能以市场为导向的教育,换句话说,专门为您提供劳动力市场所要求的正确技能现在。

And we’re really talking big names, here: Google, Amazon, IBM, Nvidia, Mercedes-Benz, DiDi, AT&T, among many others. And Udacity’s partners not only co-design the study programs, but even have hiring agreements with Udacity!

我们在这里实际上是在谈论大牌:Google,亚马逊,IBM,Nvidia,梅赛德斯·奔驰,DiDi,AT&T 等 。 而且Udacity的合作伙伴不仅共同设计学习计划,甚至与Udacity签订了雇用协议!

Udacity and their partners even go as far as to publish estimated salary figures:


programtimeestimated salary
Artificial Intelligence6 months$59.4K to $250K
Deep LearningTBDTBD
Machine Learning6 months$38.7K to $212K
Roboticstwo 3-month terms$42k to $156k
Self-Driving Car9 months$67.8K to $265K
程序 时间 估计工资
人工智能 6个月 $ 5.94万到$ 250K
深度学习 待定 待定
机器学习 6个月 38.7万美元至21.2万美元
机器人技术 两个三个月的学期 $ 42k至$ 156k
无人驾驶汽车 9个月 $ 6.78万至$ 265K

找到一份工作或您的钱回来! (Get a job or your money back!)

In fact, the ML nanodegree is part of the Nanodegree Plus program, which is probably one of the most reckless innovations in online learning: you study and graduate, and if you don’t get a high paying job, Udacity refunds your tuition! Unbelievable.

实际上,ML纳米学位是Nanodegree Plus计划的一部分,该计划可能是在线学习中最鲁re的创新之一: 您学习并毕业,如果您没有高薪工作,Udacity会退还您的学费! 难以置信的。

4.参加在线竞赛:学习并赢钱(如果您擅长的话) (4. Enroll in Online Competitions: Learn and Win Money (If You Get Good at It))

Kaggle is an online platform (now part of Google) for predictive modeling and analytic competitions, where companies and researchers from around the world post data sets and statistics, for competitors to find models that will make predictions and explain the data — more often than not, using ML.


Competitions have improved the gesture recognition software for Microsoft Kinect, the search for the Higgs boson at CERN, and even made ground-breaking advancements in biology and medicine, among other fields. And it must be noted that many of the winners had no prior knowledge of physics, chemistry, or any of the fields of study of the competitions, as you’ll read on Kaggle’s winners interviews.

竞赛改善了Microsoft Kinect的手势识别软件, 在CERN寻找希格斯玻色子的能力 ,甚至在生物学和医学等领域取得了突破性的进步。 必须指出的是,许多获胜者都没有物理,化学或比赛研究领域的任何先验知识,就像您在Kaggle 获胜者访谈中所读到的那样。

And you can win money! In fact, big money (for details on the $3 million price on a Kaggle competition, see “The latest incentive contest aims to predict hospitalizations by harnessing spare grey cells“).

而且您可以赢钱! 实际上,这笔钱真是笔大钱( 有关Kaggle竞赛300万美元的价格的详细信息,请参阅“ 最新的激励竞赛旨在通过利用备用灰细胞来预测住院人数 ”)。

单独或团队 (Individually or in teams)

You can join for free, choose the programming language and algorithms of your choice, and start participating immediately on any competition. There are very active forums from were you can get a lot of insight about what competitors do on real ML challenges, even partner with them and form teams, and share the price should your team get to win a competition.

您可以免费加入,选择自己喜欢的编程语言和算法,然后立即开始参加任何比赛。 从这里可以找到很多非常活跃的论坛,您可以了解竞争对手在实际ML挑战方面的工作,甚至可以与他们合作并组建团队,并在团队赢得比赛的情况下分享价格。

But even if you don’t win a competition, you’ll learn a lot in the process by approaching real data sets and discussing the ins and outs of data modeling for making predictions with other ML practitioners.


关注排行榜 (Follow the leaderboard)

Kaggle has super cool live rankings for ongoing competitions, making the whole process feel as an actual competition:

Kaggle可以为正在进行的比赛提供超酷的实时排名 ,使整个过程感觉就像一场真正的比赛:

But beware! As you’ll learn sooner or later, making a model that predicts the test data so accurately might get you some points on the leaderboard, but kill you later when new data is introduced (overfitting, hello!)

但是要当心! 正如您迟早会学到的那样,建立一个能够如此准确地预测测试数据的模型可能会在排行榜上获得一些优势,但是稍后在引入新数据时会杀死您( 过度拟合 ,您好!)

5.申请工作! (5. Apply for a Job!)

As with pretty much everything, you’ll get better the more you challenge yourself and work at it. Solo or as a part of an organization, if you can ML you’ll be on demand.

与几乎所有事情一样,挑战自我并努力工作会越好。 单独或作为组织的一部分,如果您可以ML,那么您将处于需求中。

作为自由职业者 (As a freelancer)

Working on ML as a freelancer is totally possible, and with time you could get to have a decent income by only working sparingly on ML projects.


Sites like Freelancer, Upwork, or Guru can be a starting point for working on small to mid-size projects. But beware, this is an international and very competitive arena, and building a portfolio and your own network clients from scratch when you start solo can prove very challenging in the beginning.

诸如Freelancer , Upwork或Guru之类的网站可能是从事中小型项目的起点。 但是请注意,这是一个国际竞争激烈的舞台,一开始就从头开始建立投资组合和自己的网络客户可能会非常困难。

在初创公司 (In a startup)

We live in a data-abundant era, and this is a trend that will only increase. Startup companies, often working with technology, are specially eager for engineers who can manage data and gain valuable insight out of it.

我们生活在一个数据丰富的时代,而且这个趋势只会增加。 经常与技术合作的初创公司特别渴望能够管理数据并从中获得有价值的见识的工程师。

Once you have built a solid foundation, search the local job boards for tech companies, and apply even if they aren’t openly looking for a ML engineer, talk them into how much value you can drive to their business with your data mining and analytics abilities.


在正规公司 (In a regular company)

ML engineers are also in high demand in industries such as finance, medicine, chemistry, and even in unexpected places such as social sciences if big data datasets are available.


Applying won’t be easy, as you’ll need not only some credentials for your engineering skills, but also some knowledge in whichever industry you’re applying for. (For example, a “risk management analyst” position in a bank will require not only ML skills, but also a B.S. or master’s degree in finance or credit.) However, if you’ve somehow built these skills, rest assured you’ll be aiming at a top-paying job.

申请并非易事,因为您不仅需要一些工程技能的证书,而且还需要您所申请行业的一些知识。 (例如,在银行中的“风险管理分析师”职位不仅需要ML技能,而且还需要金融或信贷专业的学士学位或硕士学位。)但是,如果您已经建立了这些技能,请放心,您会瞄准高薪工作。

接下来做什么 (What to Do Next)

You wanted to start with ML, and fortunately you’ve got choices:


  • Want to have a quick intuition on ML? Watch Josh Gordon’s videos and start coding in minutes.

    想快速了解ML吗? 观看Josh Gordon的视频,并在几分钟内开始编码。

  • Want to be at the deep learning vanguard? Take a specialized course and apply those techniques to a specific challenge.

    想要成为深度学习的先锋吗? 参加专门课程并将这些技术应用于特定挑战。

  • Want to build a career on ML? Get some credentials and apply for a job.

    想要在ML上发展事业吗? 获取一些凭据并申请工作。

  • Interested in the field on an academic level? You’re in luck, as there’s plenty of quality material available!

    对学术领域有兴趣吗? 您很幸运,因为这里有很多优质的材料!

ML is one of the few disciplines in IT that we can predict will still be trending for some time into the future. The algorithms may change, the techniques may improve and new libraries and approaches may be introduced, but we’re just at the beginning of letting machines learn by themselves.

机器学习是我们可以预测的在未来一段时间内仍会发展的少数IT学科之一。 算法可能会发生变化,技术可能会有所改进,新的库和方法可能会引入,但是我们才刚刚开始让机器自己学习。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/5-ways-get-started-machine-learning/


