如何在使用order by和limit的子查询上连接表(how to join a table on a subquery that uses order by and limit)


加入tEv的第一行,按时间排序,其中tEv.class_id = tClass.class_id


select c.class_id, c.class_name, e.start_time, e.ev_id from tClass c left join tEv e on ( e.ev_id = ( select ss1.ev_id from ( select ed.ev_id from tEvDisp ed, tEv e where ed.class_id = c.class_id and ed.viewable = 'Y' and ed.display_until > localtimestamp and e.ev_id = ed.ev_id order by e.start_time ) ss1 where rownum = 1 ) ) where c.is_matching = 'Y';



For each row from table tClass matching a given where clause,

join on the first row in tEv, sorted by time, where tEv.class_id = tClass.class_id

The following code throws the error ORA-01799: a column may not be outer-joined to a subquery

select c.class_id, c.class_name, e.start_time, e.ev_id from tClass c left join tEv e on ( e.ev_id = ( select ss1.ev_id from ( select ed.ev_id from tEvDisp ed, tEv e where ed.class_id = c.class_id and ed.viewable = 'Y' and ed.display_until > localtimestamp and e.ev_id = ed.ev_id order by e.start_time ) ss1 where rownum = 1 ) ) where c.is_matching = 'Y';

How can this be rewritten to do what is described?

The above is for oracle, but needs to work in sqlite (substituting where necessary)


不知道SQLite - 如果这不起作用则需要单独的问题 - 但对于Oracle,你可以这样做:

select c.class_id, c.class_name, e.start_time, e.ev_id from tClass c left join ( select class_id, ev_id, start_time from ( select ed.class_id, ed.ev_id, e.start_time, row_number() over (partition by ed.class_id order by e.start_time) as rn from tEvDisp ed join tEv e on e.ev_id = ed.ev_id where ed.viewable = 'Y' and ed.display_until > localtimestamp ) where rn = 1 ) e on e.class_id = c.class_id where c.is_matching = 'Y';

这使用一个查询最多tEv数据的子查询,使用解析row_number()来识别每个class_id的最新数据,该数据受rn = 1过滤器的限制。

该子查询由每个class_id最多一行class_id ,然后使用左外连接对tClass 。

No idea about SQLite - that would need to be a separate question if this doesn't work - but for Oracle you could do something like this:

select c.class_id, c.class_name, e.start_time, e.ev_id from tClass c left join ( select class_id, ev_id, start_time from ( select ed.class_id, ed.ev_id, e.start_time, row_number() over (partition by ed.class_id order by e.start_time) as rn from tEvDisp ed join tEv e on e.ev_id = ed.ev_id where ed.viewable = 'Y' and ed.display_until > localtimestamp ) where rn = 1 ) e on e.class_id = c.class_id where c.is_matching = 'Y';

This uses a subquery which finds the most tEv data, using an analytic row_number() to identify the latest data for each class_id, which is restricted by the rn = 1 filter.

That subquery, consisting of at most one row per class_id, is then used the left outer join against tClass.
