ai 分形艺术

In order to determine whether or not AI can be creative in itself, one must consider the definition and boundaries of “creativity” itself. There are cases where creations made completely by an AI system are treated as examples of a creative process at work, such as paintings and artworks made through a GAN system. There are also cases where an AI system acts as a source of inspiration that leads to creative work, such as the generation of patterns, which can be used within a design of any kind.

为了确定AI本身是否具有创造力,必须考虑“创造力”本身的定义和界限。 在某些情况下,完全由AI系统完成的创作被视为工作中创造性过程的示例,例如通过GAN系统完成的绘画和艺术品。 在某些情况下,人工智能系统会充当灵感来源,从而引发创造性工作,例如可以在任何类型的设计中使用的图案生成。

There are three simple categories to creativity according to Margaret A. Boden from the University of Sussex: combinational, exploratory, and transformational. Combinational creativity can be described as combinational in theory — ideas are formed from familiar concepts and ideas. Exploratory creativity focuses on the generation of new ideas by exploring the boundaries of a certain idea and bring out new potential. The last one, transformational creativity, attempts to transform concepts through a new dimension, resulting in something completely different.

萨塞克斯大学的玛格丽特·博登(Margaret A. Boden)认为,创造力分为三个简单的类别:组合性,探索性和变革性。 组合创造力可以说是理论​​上的组合-想法是由熟悉的概念和想法形成的。 探索性创造力通过探索某个想法的边界并发掘新的潜力来专注于新想法的产生。 最后一个是变革性创造力,它试图通过一个新的维度来转变概念,从而产生完全不同的东西。

It can be seen through these categories that current AI systems usually fall under the first two categories. Data is fed to the system, and something new is created out of the set data that has been received. The third category of creativity, however, can be argued that it requires human effort. The ability to create a concept that reaches outside of its own set dimensions requires human intelligence. In this way, the current state of AI can be creative within a limited boundary. What is most important about this concept is that the AI can be vastly creative in a combinational sense, in that it can achieve faster results compared to humans. Having a creative concept that is created through an AI-assisted process will be significantly greater than one without in terms of produced data sets.

通过这些类别可以看出,当前的AI系统通常属于前两个类别。 数据被馈送到系统,并从已接收的设置数据中创建一些新内容。 但是,可以说第三类创造力需要人类的努力。 创建超出其自身设定范围的概念的能力需要人类的智慧。 这样,AI的当前状态可以在有限的边界内发挥创造力。 这个概念最重要的是,人工智能可以在组合意义上发挥巨大的创造力,因为与人类相比,它可以更快地取得成果。 通过AI辅助流程创建的创意概念将远远大于没有产生的数据集的创意。

In this example below, my group and I created a GAN model using RunwayML that generates an image that mimics Japanese manga covers. These generated images would have been difficult to replicate solely on human effort. On top of that, the generated images mimic the overall color schemes and location of the lettering for the manga titles but do not spell anything out. Although this model could be improved upon by separating various aspects of the manga covers into variables and running a GAN model through each of these variables, the results from this model itself show images that are unlike anything the world has ever seen.

在下面的示例中,我和我的团队使用RunwayML创建了GAN模型,该模型生成的图像模仿日本漫画的封面。 这些生成的图像如果仅靠人工就很难复制。 最重要的是,生成的图像模仿了漫画标题的整体配色方案和刻字位置,但没有说明任何内容。 尽管可以通过将漫画封面的各个方面分成变量并通过每个变量运行GAN模型来改进此模型,但是该模型本身的结果显示的图像与世界上任何事物都不一样。


This video shows how the model is attempting to recreate the lettering for the manga cover on the top and bottom sections. It is also trying to recreate a character model or face in the middle.
该视频显示了模型如何尝试为顶部和底部的漫画封面重新创建字母。 它还尝试在中间重新创建角色模型或面Kong。

Although the GAN model was unsuccessful at creating a “fake” manga cover, it shed light on the aspect of creativeness within AI. Despite the images produced by the GAN model is unique, it is difficult to declare these images as “creative” in nature (at least, in the transformational perspective). If these images were used as, for example, an album cover or a book cover, then perhaps it can be considered creative in the sense that we, as humans, have used the images and placed creative meaning into it.

尽管GAN模型无法成功创建“假”漫画封面,但它揭示了AI内部的创造力。 尽管GAN模型产生的图像是唯一的,但实际上很难将这些图像声明为“创意”(至少从转换角度而言)。 如果将这些图像用作相册封面或书籍封面,那么就我们人类而言,使用这些图像并赋予其创造性意义就可以认为它是创造性的。

A prototype GAN model for this manga cover maker used birds as a base model, resulting in the manga cover images undertaking some bird-like aspects. The colors seem to take on a specific color scheme, with patterns of feathers seen in some of the images. In cases such as these, although unintentional, it can spark new ideas for designs. In this way, humans can take advantage of the boundless nature of AI’s combinational and exploratory creativity and use it to create something transformative in nature.

该漫画封面制造商的GAN模型原型使用鸟类作为基本模型,从而使漫画封面图像具有类似鸟类的特征。 颜色似乎采用特定的配色方案,在某些图像中看到羽毛图案。 在这种情况下,尽管不是故意的,但它可以激发设计的新思路。 这样,人类可以利用AI的组合性和探索性创造力的无限本质,并利用它来创造本质上具有变革性的东西。

A more direct example of AI being used as a tool for creativity are programs that revolve around the camera.


The website above utilizes the camera to detect what kind of hand gesture is being made. In response, the program would throw out a sign that makes it so that it would lose every time in rock-paper-scissors. The original model was a rock-paper-scissors machine that would always win against the player. Although relatively simple, this website illustrates how beneficial AI can be in creating new and exciting concepts. Although the program itself is not necessarily creative, it can lead to creative creations when combined with human intelligence.

上面的网站利用摄像头来检测正在做出哪种手势。 作为响应,该程序将抛出一个使它消失的信号,从而每次在剪刀石头布中都会丢失。 最初的模型是一台剪刀石头布的机器,总是会与玩家胜出。 尽管相对简单,但该网站说明了AI在创建新的令人兴奋的概念方面有多么有益。 尽管程序本身不一定具有创造力,但与人类智能相结合,它可以带来创造力。

This project, in turn, branched into another interactive page where the camera detects the facial gesture that is made and sends feedback in the form of an emoji. The concept of this program is to show how simple it can be to integrate facial detection and recognition through AI. The creative aspect of this requires human interaction, however.

反过来,该项目又分支到另一个交互式页面,在该页面中,相机检测到所做出的面部手势,并以表情符号的形式发送反馈。 该程序的概念旨在展示通过AI集成面部检测和识别有多么简单。 但是,这种创造力需要人与人之间的互动。

With all of these observations, however, the argument of whether or not AI can be creative in an artistic sense can be traced back to what creativity is in the first place, and what art is in itself. Seeing AI designs by itself is different from seeing a design that is AI-assisted. Does art require a deep and meaningful background for it to be considered valuable? By that logic, AI designs can never be considered creative. Although the topic of “art” can be subjective, modern-day AI technology is similar to a pen, in that by adding a human aspect to it, the tool becomes a means to creative output. The bigger question lies in the future of AI, however. As AI develops into something that is more and more difficult to distinguish between human creation, the question of whether or not AI can be considered an artist must be reevaluated.

但是,通过所有这些观察,关于AI是否可以在艺术意义上发挥创造力的争论可以追溯到首先创造力是什么,以及艺术本身是什么。 单独看到AI设计与看到AI辅助设计是不同的。 艺术是否需要深厚且有意义的背景才能被视为有价值? 按照这种逻辑,永远不能认为AI设计具有创造力。 尽管“艺术”的主题可能是主观的,但现代的AI技术类似于笔,因为它通过增加人性化的方式,使该工具成为创造性输出的一种手段。 然而,更大的问题在于人工智能的未来。 随着AI发展成为越来越难以区分人类创造的事物,必须重新评估是否可以将AI视为艺术家的问题。

翻译自: https://medium/sfc-interaction-design-class-2020-spring/ai-as-an-artist-b94439bf529a

ai 分形艺术


ai 分形艺术_作为艺术家的AI?