
Do you want to add a full-screen welcome mat to your website?


A welcome mat is a full screen dynamic overlay that can help you get more newsletter subscribers, eBook downloads, sales to your products, etc.


In this article, we’ll share how to create a welcome mat for your WordPress site along with some great welcome mat examples to learn from.


为什么欢迎垫可以促进您的转化 (Why a Welcome Mat Can Boost Your Conversions)

More than 70% of visitors leaving your website will never return, unless you convert them into an email subscriber or a customer.


A welcome mat is a large, fullscreen interstitial that blocks the view of the rest of your website’s content to capture user’s attention.


That might sound like a bad idea, but it’s a great way to get your message in front of visitors straight away.


If visitors don’t want what you’re offering, then they can simply close the welcome mat.


Similar to exit-intent popups, welcome mats are effective in driving high conversion rates.


Of course, you’ll want to give people a good reason to sign up. If you don’t already have a lead magnet, then you could offer a discount code or even a freebie.

当然,您需要给人们一个注册的充分理由。 如果您还没有铅磁铁 ,那么您可以提供折扣代码,甚至免费赠品。

Here are two very different welcome mat examples that have very high conversion rates:


The above is a welcome mat that we use on our WPForms blog, and it converts very well.


The screenshot below is a welcome mat that we use to give one of our lead magnets that does a really good job in getting users to join our email newsletter:


That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily add a welcome mat to your website.


如何为您的网站创建欢迎垫 (How to Create a Welcome Mat for Your Website)

First, you need to sign up for an OptinMonster account. It is the best lead generation software in the world and allows you to easily create optin forms including welcome mats.

首先,您需要注册一个OptinMonster帐户。 它是世界上最好的销售线索生成软件,可让您轻松创建包括欢迎垫在内的optin表格。

Note: WPBeginner founder, Syed Balkhi, first built OptinMonster to help grow our own subscribers and sales. Now it’s a premium plugin that’s used by hundreds of thousands of websites.

注意: WPBeginner创始人Syed Balkhi最初创建OptinMonster是为了帮助发展我们自己的订户和销售量。 现在,它是一个高级插件,已被成千上万的网站使用。

Next, you’ll need to install and activate the OptinMonster WordPress plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

接下来,您需要安装并激活OptinMonster WordPress插件 。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

The plugin connects the OptinMonster app to your website. Once you’ve activated the plugin, click on the OptinMonster menu in your WordPress dashboard to connect your account.

该插件将OptinMonster应用程序连接到您的网站。 激活插件后,单击WordPress仪表板中的OptinMonster菜单以连接您的帐户。

After that, you’re ready to create your welcome mat.


为您的网站创建欢迎垫 (Creating a Welcome Mat for Your Website)

In your WordPress dashboard, click the ‘Create New Campaign’ button to start creating your welcome mat.


This will take you to the OptinMonster website.


Next, choose ‘Fullscreen’ for your campaign type.


You’ll need to choose a template for your campaign. We’re going to use the ‘Entrance’ template, but you can pick a different one if you want.

您需要为广告系列选择模板。 我们将使用“入口”模板,但您可以根据需要选择其他模板。

After you click the ‘Use Template’ button, you’ll see a campaign builder screen like this:


You can change anything you like here. You’ll want to edit the text to correspond to your own offer, of course.

您可以在此处更改任何内容。 当然,您需要编辑文本以使其与您的报价相对应。

Simply click on any element, and you’ll see that you can edit it in the left-hand pane.


Next, go to Optin Settings » Fullscreen Background. Click on ‘Background Color’ and set the A (Alpha) value to 100.

接下来,转到“ 优化设置”»“全屏背景” 。 单击“背景色”,然后将A(Alpha)值设置为100。

This ensures that your welcome mat won’t be transparent at all, so none of your site content will show through.


The next step is to let your welcome mat slide in. You can do this by clicking the ‘Home’ button on the left-hand side then clicking ‘Fullscreen Settings’.


From here, you need to toggle the ‘Display a Page Slide?’ option on, so that it’s green.

在这里,您需要切换“显示页面幻灯片?” 选项打开,使其为绿色。

This means that your welcome mat will slide down from the top of the screen instead of fading into view.


Next, you need to switch to the ‘Success’ view of your welcome mat. This is what your users will see after they perform the desired action.

接下来,您需要切换到欢迎垫的“成功”视图。 这是用户执行所需操作后将看到的内容。

Once you’re happy with your welcome mat, you can set up how it’s going to display on your site.


使欢迎垫显示在您的网站上 (Getting Your Welcome Mat to Display on Your Site)

You can set how you want to display your welcome mat popup by switching to the Display Rules tab in OptinMonste.


By default, OptinMonster campaigns display on all pages of your site after the visitor has been there for 5 seconds. Since this is a welcome mat, you’ll probably want it to display immediately. Just change this value to 0 seconds.

默认情况下,访客访问网站5秒钟后,OptinMonster广告系列就会显示在您网站的所有页面上。 由于这是一个欢迎垫,您可能希望它立即显示。 只需将此值更改为0秒即可。

By default, the welcome mat will display on every page of your site. You can easily include or exclude specific pages by using OptinMonster’s personalization rules.

默认情况下,欢迎垫将显示在您网站的每个页面上。 您可以使用OptinMonster的个性化规则轻松地包含或排除特定页面。

There are a lot of other personalization and targeting options like user’s location, what items they have in their eCommerce cart, what have they done previously on your site, etc.


Once you are ready to make your welcome mat live, simply click ‘Publish’ at the top of the screen. You will need to switch the toggle next to ‘Status’ so that it shows ‘Live’.

准备好启用欢迎垫后,只需单击屏幕顶部的“发布”即可。 您将需要切换“状态”旁边的切换开关,以便显示“实时”。

Don’t forget to click ‘Save’ to save your changes.


Now, head to your WordPress website and click on the OptinMonster menu item. You should see your welcome mat campaign, plus any other campaigns you’ve created.

现在,转到您的WordPress网站,然后单击OptinMonster菜单项。 您应该看到您的欢迎垫广告系列以及您创建的任何其他广告系列。

If it’s not appearing, just click ‘Refresh Campaigns’ to fetch data from the OptinMonster website.


To check out your campaign, you can visit your website in a new incognito browser window. You should see your welcome mat slide in seamlessly from the top of your screen.

要查看您的广告系列,您可以在新的隐身浏览器窗口中访问您的网站。 您应该从屏幕顶部看到无缝滑动的欢迎垫。

伟大的欢迎垫的例子 (Examples of Great Welcome Mats)

Let’s take a look at some welcome mat examples from different industries. For each, we’ll go through what they’re doing well, plus any minor changes we might suggest.

让我们看一些来自不同行业的欢迎垫示例。 对于每一个,我们将仔细研究他们的表现,以及我们可能建议的任何细微变化。

1. Singularity


This welcome mat from Singularity prompted users to sign up and watch the livestream of the Singularity University Global Summit. It was hugely successful and captured over 2,000 new email signups in under 9 days.

来自Singularity的欢迎垫促使用户注册并观看Singularity大学全球峰会的直播。 它取得了巨大的成功,并在9天之内捕获了2,000多个新的电子邮件注册。

We particularly liked the great use of the logo, the clear fonts, and the bright “Remind Me!” button.

我们特别喜欢徽标的使用,清晰的字体和明亮的“提醒我!”。 按钮。

2. Goins, Writer

2. Goins,作家

This welcome mat from Goins, Writer offers a free guide. It’s a clear, simple offer, and the minimalist design is in keeping with the rest of the website.

Goins Writer的这张欢迎垫提供了免费指南。 这是一个清晰,简单的报价,并且简约的设计与网站的其余部分保持一致。

We felt that the “Yes” and “No Thanks” buttons are clear and easy to use, and the use of numbers in the headline makes for a compelling offer.


3. AVweb

3. AVweb

This welcome mat has a large, clear image of a small airplane. It’s instantly eye-catching.

此欢迎垫上有大型飞机的清晰清晰图像。 立刻引人注目。

We liked the great image, and the clear “Sign Me Up!” call to action. One small possible tweak would be to shorten the tagline to avoid having it cover the top of the airplane.

我们喜欢出色的形象和清晰的“ Sign Me Up!” 呼吁采取行动。 一种可能的小的调整是缩短标语,以避免其覆盖飞机的顶部。

4. Loaded Landscapes


This welcome mat from Loaded Landscapes is a little different from other examples. The background is slightly transparent.

来自Loaded Landscapes的欢迎垫与其他示例略有不同。 背景略透明。

We liked the clear offer and the enthusiasm of the red call to action button. The background of the site beneath the welcome mat could be a little distracting, so it might be worth changing it to be fully opaque, however.

我们喜欢明确的报价和红色的号召性用语的热情。 欢迎垫下面的网站背景可能会分散注意力,因此值得将其更改为完全不透明。

5. OptimizeMyBnb

5. OptimizeMyBnb

This welcome mat was used on a specific page, linked to from a book the website owner sold through third-party retailers. These retailers didn’t pass on customers’ details, though. Using a welcome mat in this way helped capture customers’ email addresses.

此欢迎垫用于特定页面,该链接与网站所有者通过第三方零售商出售的书链接在一起。 但是,这些零售商没有传递客户的详细信息。 以这种方式使用欢迎垫有助于捕获客户的电子邮件地址。

We felt the very clear headline, subheading, and call to action text all worked well. However, we thought that “item” on the button should probably be “items” plural. This highlights the importance of carefully proofreading your welcome mat’s text.

我们认为标题,小标题和号召性文字非常清晰,效果很好。 但是,我们认为按钮上的“项目”可能应该是“项目”复数。 这突出了仔细校对欢迎垫文本的重要性。

There are dozens more full screen welcome mat examples that you can see, but we didn’t add them all in this guide.

您可以看到更多的全屏欢迎使用垫示例 ,但是在本指南中我们并未全部添加。

If you’re looking for more inspiration, here are some things you can do with a fullscreen welcome mat:


  • Present a targeted offer or coupon

  • Showcase new products and services

  • Let visitors know what to expect from the site

  • Win new subscribers by highlighting their best content

  • Point visitors to their social media profiles

  • Collect email subscribers as part of a prelaunch phase


If you’re serious about improving your website conversions, then welcome mat and even exit fullscreen interstitial are one of the highest converting items you can add to your website.


We hope this article helped you learn how to create a welcome mat for your website and that you found the examples inspiring. You may also want to take a look at our comparison of the best email marketing services and our list of the must have WordPress plugins.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何为您的网站创建欢迎垫,并发现示例对您有所启发。 您可能还想看看我们对最佳电子邮件营销服务的比较,以及我们必须具有WordPress插件的列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner/wp-tutorials/how-to-create-a-welcome-mat-for-your-wordpress-site-examples/


