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Natee Meepian/Shutterstock 纳蒂·米皮安(Natee Meepian)/Shutterstock

LinkedIn Premium is the paid subscription tier of the most widely used professional networking site. Is it worth the steep monthly fee, or are you better off using the free version? Find out here.

LinkedIn Premium是最广泛使用的专业网络站点的付费订阅层。 值得付出高昂的月费,还是使用免费版本更好? 在这里找到。

什么是LinkedIn Premium? (What Is LinkedIn Premium?)

LinkedIn is the largest career-focused social media website on the web. While the site is free to use, there are a lot of features that are only available if you subscribe to LinkedIn Premium. It’s a paid upgrade you can get for your LinkedIn account. Premium is primarily intended for current job-hunters, recruiters, and those looking to get new clients to their business.

LinkedIn是网络上最大的以职业为导向的社交媒体网站。 虽然该网站可以免费使用,但是只有您订阅了LinkedIn Premium才能使用很多功能。 您可以通过LinkedIn帐户获得付费升级。 Premium主要用于当前的求职者,招聘人员以及希望为他们的业务吸引新客户的人员。

Annual pricing ranges from $29.99/month to $99.95/month, with a free 1-month trial available for all LinkedIn members. However, several features are standard across all tiers of the plan:

年度价格从$ 29.99 /月到$ 99.95 /月不等,所有LinkedIn会员都可以免费使用1个月的试用期。 但是,在计划的所有层中,几个功能都是标准的:

  • InMail Credits: InMail allows you to message anyone, even if that person is not a connection. Each plan gets a certain number of credits per month.

    InMail积分: InMail允许您向任何人发送消息,即使该人不是联系人。 每个计划每月都会获得一定数量的学分。

  • Profile Viewers: This allows you to see the names and accounts of those who have looked at your profile or company page in the last 90 days. You can also browse in invisible mode, which will hide your account from other peoples’ viewer lists.

    个人资料查看器 :您可以查看最近90天内浏览过您的个人资料或公司页面的人员的姓名和帐户。 您也可以在不可见模式下浏览,这会将您的帐户从其他人的查看器列表中隐藏。

  • LinkedIn Learning: All premium accounts get access to the site’s library of online courses, with subjects ranging from spreadsheets to online marketing.


保费计划 (The Premium Plans)

LinkedIn / LinkedIn Blog LinkedIn / LinkedIn博客

There are four different tiers of LinkedIn Premium, each intended for a different kind of user. Here’s a breakdown of each plan’s features, pricing, and who they’re meant for:

LinkedIn Premium有四个不同的层次,每个层次针对不同类型的用户。 以下是每个计划的功能,价格及其用途的细分:

  • Premium Career: The base plan starts at $29.99 a month, and is for people who are currently hunting for jobs and want to connect with hiring managers. Features include:

    高级职业:基本计划起价为每月29.99美元,适用于当前正在寻找工作并希望与招聘经理建立联系的人员。 功能包括:

    • 3 InMail message credits

    • Comparing your profile with other candidates applying for the same jobs

    • Resources for helping you with interviews and recruitment


    Premium Career: The base plan starts at $29.99 a month, and is for people who are currently hunting for jobs and want to connect with hiring managers. Features include:

    高级职业:基本计划起价为每月29.99美元,适用于当前正在寻找工作并希望与招聘经理建立联系的人员。 功能包括:

  • Premium Business: This plan starts at $47.99 a month, and is for company owners and those in business development to connect with potential partners and promote their brand.


    • 15 InMail message credits

    • Insights and information regarding company pages on LinkedIn

    • Viewing an unlimited number of people when browsing through the site


    Premium Business: This plan starts at $47.99 a month, and is for company owners and those in business development to connect with potential partners and promote their brand.


  • Sales Navigator: It starts at $64.99 a month, and is for professionals who want to generate sales and build leads on LinkedIn.

    Sales Navigator:每月起价为64.99美元,适用于希望在LinkedIn上产生销售并建立销售线索的专业人士。

    • 20 InMail message credits

    • Insights on potential accounts and leads on LinkedIn

    • Creating lists of leads via an on-site lead builder and recommendations


    Sales Navigator: It starts at $64.99 a month, and is for professionals who want to generate sales and build leads on LinkedIn.

    Sales Navigator:每月起价为64.99美元,适用于希望在LinkedIn上产生销售并建立销售线索的专业人士。

  • Recruiter Lite: The highest-end tier starts at $99.95, and is intended for recruiters and headhunters to find quality talent on the site.

    Recruiter Lite:最高端的起价为99.95美元,旨在供招聘人员和猎头公司在网站上找到优质的人才。

    • 30 InMail message credits

    • Advanced unlimited search with filters specifically for recruiting

    • Integrated hiring functionality and candidate tracking

    • Dynamic candidate suggestions for each opening


    Recruiter Lite: The highest-end tier starts at $99.95, and is intended for recruiters and headhunters to find quality talent on the site.

    Recruiter Lite:最高端的起价为99.95美元,旨在供招聘人员和猎头公司在网站上找到优质的人才。

LinkedIn确实希望您获得溢价 (LinkedIn Really Wants You on Premium)

If you currently have a LinkedIn account, there’s a good chance you’ve been asked to subscribe to LinkedIn Premium recently. Whether it’s via constant e-mails or the prompts to upgrade scattered across the site, they market the service very aggressively.

如果您目前拥有LinkedIn帐户,则很可能会要求您最近订阅LinkedIn Premium。 无论是通过不间断的电子邮件还是遍布站点的升级提示,他们都非常积极地推广该服务。

You will also frequently receive e-mails telling you about who’s recently viewed your profile, while not providing you with any names. This e-mail will direct you to a premium subscription page so you can find out who looked you up.

您还将经常收到电子邮件,告诉您谁最近查看了您的个人资料,而没有为您提供任何名称。 该电子邮件会将您定向到高级订阅页面,以便您查找谁在抬头。

While LinkedIn Premium certainly has a few features that may be worth the asking price, seeing who viewed your profile is a relatively unimportant one. The majority of the people who viewed you are likely first or second-degree connections, and may not be worth the steep initial asking price of $29.99 a month for an entire year.

尽管LinkedIn Premium当然具有一些可能值得开价的功能,但查看谁查看了您的个人资料相对来说并不重要。 看过您的大多数人可能都是一等或二等学位的人,可能不值一整年每月29.99美元的陡峭最初要价。

但是这值得吗? (But Is It Worth it?)


Should you pay up for a Linkedin subscription? It depends on what you plan to use it for.

您应该为Linkedin订阅付费吗? 这取决于您打算如何使用它。

If you’re a recruiter, business owner, or a salesperson, LinkedIn may be an excellent way to connect with potential clients and candidates. This is especially true if most of the people in your industry use LinkedIn as a way of connecting with other professionals. However, before you get a subscription, you should carefully consider if LinkedIn is the ideal way to build a network.

如果您是招聘人员,企业主或销售人员,LinkedIn可能是与潜在客户和候选人联系的绝佳方法。 如果您所在行业的大多数人都使用LinkedIn作为与其他专业人员联系的一种方式,则尤其如此。 但是,在获得订阅之前,您应该仔细考虑LinkedIn是建立网络的理想方法。

For regular users, on the other hand, the only real benefit is additional job-hunting features. However, if you’re currently employed or are not actively seeking new work, the mail credits and seeing who viewed your profile may not be worth the price of admission.

另一方面,对于普通用户而言,唯一真正的好处是附加的求职功能。 但是,如果您当前正在工作或未在积极寻找新工作,那么邮件的信用以及查看谁查看了您的个人资料可能不值这个价钱。

If you’re currently in the process of looking for a job, however, it might be a good time to try out the trial.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/670646/what-is-linkedin-premium-and-is-it-worth-it/

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linkedin 分享_什么是LinkedIn Premium,它值得吗?