
For an out-of-the-textbook definition, automation is basically the process of making a physically laborious task less easy to complete and with minimal human interference. Automating tasks helps reduce the amount of human effort wasted on that task, cut time and reduce the risk of human injury that may result in the process of completing or implementing the task. However, in this story, we would focus mainly on automating tasks in the software space. This is to say, writing automation scripts in various programming languages to get work done way easier, faster and with tremendous accuracy.

对于课本之外的定义,自动化基本上是使一项艰巨的任务变得不那么容易完成并且将人为干扰降到最低的过程。 自动化任务有助于减少在该任务上浪费的人力,减少时间并减少可能导致完成或实施该任务的过程中造成人身伤害的风险。 但是,在这个故事中,我们将主要关注软件空间中的自动化任务。 这就是说,用各种编程语言编写自动化脚本可以使工作更轻松,更快,更准确。

Automation is cost-cutting by tightening the corners and not cutting them.― Haresh Sippy

自动化是通过紧缩角子而不是切角子来削减成本。—— Haresh Sippy

自动化脚本 (Automation Scripting)

For every individual we can randomly pick who works especially with computers, there will be a task or a list of tasks that you constantly do. You will find that those tasks are normally time-consuming and quite laborious. The tasks could be as simple as sending emails, exploring datasets, analyzing spreadsheet files and others. No matter how simple the task appears to be, it can be very stressful especially if you have to spend multiple hours per day working on it. Automation then would be very necessary to save you the stress and multiple hours per day you spend on the task so you can use that time and effort for something more worthwhile. Automation scripts are very similar to the regular scripts that you can write in programming languages with the exception that automation scripts seek to automate a process or task.

对于我们每个人,我们都可以随机选择谁特别是与计算机一起工作的人,这将是您不断执行的一项任务或一系列任务。 您会发现这些任务通常很耗时且很费力。 这些任务可能很简单,例如发送电子邮件,浏览数据集,分析电子表格文件等。 无论任务看起来多么简单,它都会带来很大的压力,特别是如果您每天必须花费多个小时来处理它。 因此,自动化对于节省您的压力和每天花在工作上的多个小时非常必要,这样您就可以将时间和精力用于更有价值的事情上。 自动化脚本与可以用编程语言编写的常规脚本非常相似,不同之处在于自动化脚本会设法使流程或任务自动化。

Any daily work task that takes 5 minutes will cost over 20 hours a year, or over half of a work week. Even if it takes 20 hours to automate that daily 5 minute task, the automation will break even in a year.― Anthony J. Stieber

任何耗时5分钟的日常工作每年将花费20多个小时,或一周工作时间的一半以上。 即使将每天5分钟的任务自动化需要20个小时,自动化也会在一年内达到收支平衡。—— Anthony J. Stieber

使用Python自动化任务 (Automating Tasks With Python)

There are a lot of programming languages around today but python is by far the most popular and preferred language to anyone who seeks to learn the art of task automation. Python is very easy to learn and write, code experimentation and implementation can also be carried out very easily and swiftly in Python. Most people also prefer python for automation because of the large community built around it where people could easily share their problems and get help from other people in the community. Also, there is a wide range of resources to choose from on the internet to guide you with Python for automation with my personal favorite being the book, Automate the Boring Stuff With Python. This is a very insightful and beginner-friendly book that takes everyone even with no prior knowledge in the python programming language from beginner to mastery in the art of automation, you should read it if you have a keen interest in learning general python as you specialize in automation as well.

当今有许多编程语言,但是python是迄今为止寻求学习任务自动化技术的任何人中最受欢迎和首选的语言。 Python非常易于学习和编写,代码实验和实现也可以在Python中非常轻松快捷地进行。 大多数人也更喜欢python来实现自动化,因为围绕它构建的大型社区使人们可以轻松地共享问题并从社区中的其他人那里获得帮助。 另外,我个人最喜欢的一本书《使用Python自动化无聊的东西》一书提供了广泛的资源,可从Internet上选择使用Python进行自动化指导。 这是一本非常有见地且对初学者友好的书,即使没有对python编程语言的任何了解,也可以使所有人从自动化的初学者到精通者,如果您对学习通用python有浓厚的兴趣,那么应该阅读此书。在自动化方面也是如此。

Morning Brew on Morning Brew在 Unsplash Unsplash拍摄

自动化会使您的工作过时吗?(Will Automation Make Your Job Obsolete?)

Technology advancements do sometimes mean that certain jobs become less needed over time, but that doesn’t mean entire industries are just out of luck. In fact, research shows that automation doesn’t reduce the number of jobs available, and it can even add more jobs to the workforce.

技术的进步有时确实意味着随着时间的推移,某些工作的需求变得越来越少,但这并不意味着整个行业都走运了。 实际上,研究表明,自动化并不会减少可用的工作数量,甚至可以为劳动力增加更多的工作。

Western Goveners University Blog

Western Goveners University Blog

The idea of automating tasks is very scary to certain people because it gives them the impression that their jobs are going to be replaced by automation bots or made obsolete. In pure honesty, automation merely seeks to free time and reduce effort. If your jobs fall into both categories of being time-consuming and requiring too much manual effort or labor to perform, it is most likely to be automated if there is that option or available service for the automation to take place. However, it is your sole responsibility to make yourself useful in these times of evolving technology. Automation is expected to coin in more jobs than it replaces and it is going to be most available for people who work on automating tasks or jobs. Grow along with technology. Teach yourself to learn, unlearn and relearn. By doing this, you prepare yourself for the evolving times in today’s fast-growing technology world.

自动化任务的想法对某些人来说非常可怕,因为它给他们留下了这样的印象,即他们的工作将被自动化机器人所取代或被淘汰。 纯粹地讲,自动化只是试图释放时间并减少工作量。 如果您的工作属于既费时又需要过多的体力劳动或人工来执行,则很可能会自动执行该选项或可用服务。 但是,在当今技术不断发展的时代中发挥自己的作用是您的唯一责任。 自动化有望带来更多的工作,而不是它所取代的工作,它将对从事自动化任务或工作的人们来说是最有用的。 与技术一起成长。 教自己学习,学习和重新学习。 这样,您就可以为当今快速发展的技术世界的发展做好准备。

Automation won’t take your job, but the self-inflicted imprisonment of industrial isolation will.― Richie Norton

自动化不会接您的工作,但将导致工业隔离的自我约束。— Richie Norton

In the software development space, automation can come in many forms; writing and packaging automation scripts or classes to be used as packages or libraries, is one of the most common ways. This can save you the stress and time of having to write numerous lines of code each and every time you need to implement something. As an agile software developer, data scientist, AI or ML engineer, automating simple but time-consuming tasks should be a go-to method for you. It makes you stand out at what you do even as it saves you time and effort 😉.

在软件开发领域,自动化可以有多种形式。 编写和打包用作脚本包或库的自动化脚本或类是最常见的方法之一。 这样可以节省您每次都要编写大量代码的压力和时间。 作为敏捷的软件开发人员,数据科学家,AI或ML工程师,自动化简单但耗时的任务应该是您的首选方法。 即使您节省了时间和精力,它也使您在工作中脱颖而出。

I currently have two big automation scripts I have published as python packages, FastML and Xplore. I have a few more currently being tested and will be released soon. I am very passionate about automation as I seek to make the work of data scientists or analysts, AI and ML engineers easy. Reach out to me if you want to chat about something I mentioned in this story or just want to get friendly 😊I am available if you want to chat personally on Twitter or connect on LinkedIn. Happy Programming!

我目前有两个以python软件包发布的大型自动化脚本,即FastML和Xplore 。 我目前正在测试另外一些,并将很快发布。 我对自动化充满热情,因为我希望简化数据科学家或分析师,AI和ML工程师的工作。 如果您想聊天我在这个故事中提到的事情或者只是想变得友善,请与我联系😊如果您想在Twitter上亲自聊天或在LinkedIn上联系,可以联系我。 编程愉快!

My heartfelt gratitude goes to Anna Ayiku for proofreading and correcting the many mistakes I made writing this.

我衷心感谢Anna Ayiku校对并纠正了我在撰写本文时犯下的许多错误。

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience/the-task-automation-guide-8581ca304cda


