QUnit中的'Q'代表什么?(what does the 'Q' in QUnit stand for?)

我目前正在为我正在研究的一些JavaScript模块上的可能名称进行头脑风暴,并且正在寻找想法。 我遇到了QUnit并且想知道'Q'代表什么,因为它的主页上似乎没有提供信息。 例如,它是“查询”,还是像QBASIC一样“快速”?

I'm currently brainstorming for possible names on some JavaScript modules I'm working on, and was looking for ideas. I came across QUnit and was wondering what the 'Q' stands for, since the info doesn't appear to be available on its home page. Is it "Query" for example, or maybe "quick" like in QBASIC?


QUnit是jQuery单元测试套件。 Q逻辑上最直接来自jQuery就像你说的那样。

QUnit is the jQuery unit testing suite. The Q most logically derives from jQuery just like you said.
