ACH与QuickBooks桌面 - 哪个API?(ACH with QuickBooks Desktop - which API?)

我们一直在使用这个QBMS API为我们的QB DESKTOP客户端使用QBMS: https : //这对于信用卡仍然可以正常工作,但是现在我们需要支持QB Desktop的ACH付款我们可以使用哪些API? 请注意,这些QB Desktop客户端使用“连接票证”进行身份验证。

我们还通过新的QBO API以及支持ACH的新QB Payment API支持QB ONLINE 。 此付款API使用OAuth身份验证(访问令牌密钥)而不是“连接票证”,那么有没有办法将此API 与QB DESKTOP结合使用 ? 如果是这样,客户( 具有Intuit商家帐户的客户 )去哪里获取访问令牌密钥? 请注意,客户端没有QB Online应用程序,他们只有一个有Intuit和QBD的商家帐户。 因此,通常的方式进入Intuit应用程序商店并单击[立即获取应用程序]按钮将无法正常工作。

We've been using the QBMS for our QB DESKTOP clients using this QBMS API: This continues to work fine for credit cards, but now we need to support ACH payments for QB Desktop. What API(s) can we use for this? Note that these QB Desktop clients use a "connection ticket" for authentication.

We also have support for QB ONLINE via the new QBO APIs as well as the new QB Payment APIs that does support ACH. This payments API uses OAuth authentication (Access Token Secret) and not the "connection ticket", so is there a way to use this API in conjunction with QB DESKTOP? If so, where does the client (the one that has the Intuit merchant account) go to obtain the Access Token Secret? Note that the client does not have the QB Online app, they just have a merchant account with Intuit and QBD. So the usual way of going to the Intuit app store and clicking the [Get App Now] button will not work.


QB桌面的ACH付款。 我们可以使用哪些API?

使用QuickBooks Payments API 。 这是您唯一的选择 - 它是唯一支持ACH的API Intuit。 它会做信用卡以及ACH。

请注意,这些QB Desktop客户端使用“连接票证”进行身份验证。


那么有没有办法将此API与QB DESKTOP结合使用?




它们通过QuickBooks Online用户所经历的相同OAuth连接过程, 除了您传递一个标志,表明您只想连接到Payments ,而不是QuickBooks Online 。


请注意,客户端没有QB Online应用程序,他们只有一个有Intuit和QBD的商家帐户。

那很好。 他们不需要QuickBooks Online帐户。


没关系,他们不会去App Store连接。


ACH payments for QB Desktop. What API(s) can we use for this?

Use the QuickBooks Payments API. It's your only choice -- it's the only API Intuit offers which supports ACH. It will do credit cards as well as ACH.

Note that these QB Desktop clients use a "connection ticket" for authentication.

They won't use a connection ticket anymore, they'll use OAuth.

so is there a way to use this API in conjunction with QB DESKTOP?


If so, where does the client (the one that has the Intuit merchant account) go to obtain the Access Token Secret?

You provide them with a webpage they visit to get the tokens/secrets.

They go through the same OAuth connection process that QuickBooks Online users go through except you pass a flag indicating the you only want to connect to Payments, and not to QuickBooks Online.

Specifically, look at the datasources.payments option referred to here:

Note that the client does not have the QB Online app, they just have a merchant account with Intuit and QBD.

That's just fine. They will NOT need a QuickBooks Online account.

So the usual way of going to the Intuit app store and clicking the [Get App Now] button will not work.

That's fine, they will NOT be going to the App Store to get connected.

Instead, you'll provide a webpage for them to visit, which kicks off the OAuth flow, and lets them get their OAuth creds.
