Sometimes, you need to stick a landscape oriented page in the middle of a portrait-oriented Word document—a spreadsheet, graph, or wide image, maybe. Here’s how to do that, and how to keep your page numbering intact when you do.

有时,您需要将面向横向的页面粘贴在面向纵向的Word文档的中间,也许是电子表格,图形或宽幅图像。 这是执行此操作的方法,以及执行操作时如何保持页面编号不变。

在面向画像的Word文档中创建横向页面 (Create a Landscape Page in a Portrait-Oriented Word Document)

Word documents are portrait-oriented by default, which makes sense. Occasionally, you’ll want to include one or more landscape-orientated pages. Unfortunately, you can’t just tell Word to reorient the page. Word’s page layout features apply to whole sections of the document, and by default, your document is one large section.

Word文档默认情况下是纵向的,这很有意义。 有时,您需要包含一个或多个横向页面。 不幸的是,您不能仅仅告诉Word重新定向页面。 Word的页面布局功能适用于文档的整个部分,默认情况下,您的文档是一个很大的部分。

So first, you’ll need to create a separate section in the document (even if it’s just for one page), and then you’ll need to change the page layout for that new section to landscape orientation. Here’s how.

因此,首先,您需要在文档中创建一个单独的部分(即使仅用于一页),然后您需要将该新部分的页面布局更改为横向。 这是如何做。

In your document, place your cursor at the very end of the page right before the page that you want to be landscape-oriented. We’re assuming that you’ve already got the page you want to be landscape oriented in your document. If you don’t, that’s okay, too. You can create the section first, and then insert the page if you want.

在您的文档中,将光标放在页面的最后,就您要面向横向的页面之前 。 我们假设您已经在文档中有了要横向显示的页面。 如果您不这样做,也可以。 您可以先创建该部分,然后根据需要插入页面。

For example, if you want page 31 to be landscape-oriented, place your cursor at the end of page 30.


Next, switch to the “Layout” tab on the Word Ribbon.


On the Layout tab, click the “Breaks” button, and then select the “Next Page” option on the dropdown menu.


While it’s not obvious, the action you just took created a section break where your cursor was placed, and started your new section on the next page. You will notice that an extra space was added at the top of the page that you are re-orienting. Don’t worry! That’s supposed to happen.

尽管并不明显,但您刚刚执行的操作在光标所在的位置创建了一个分节符,并在下一页开始了新的节。 您会注意到,您在重新定向页面的顶部添加了额外的空间。 不用担心 那应该发生。

Your cursor should now be at the top of the page in your new section—the page you’re changing from portrait to landscape.


Go back to the “Layout” tab. This time, click the “Orientation” button, and then click the “Landscape” option.

返回“布局”标签。 这次,单击“方向”按钮,然后单击“横向”选项。

You now have successfully switched your new section to landscape mode. However, if you scroll through your document, you’ll notice that all the pages following that section break you created are now in landscape mode. As you might guess, you now need to create another section break, and then return the rest of the document to portrait mode. This works pretty much the same as what you just did.

现在,您已成功将新部分切换为横向模式。 但是,如果您滚动浏览文档,则会发现您在该分节符之后创建的所有页面现在都处于横向模式。 您可能会猜到,现在需要创建另一个分节符,然后将文档的其余部分恢复为纵向模式。 这项工作与您刚完成的工作几乎相同。

Place your cursor at the end of last page you want to be in landscape mode—in other words, right before the first page you want to change back to portrait mode.


On the “Layout” tab, click the “Breaks” button, and then choose the “Next Page” option.


Your cursor should end up on the first page of the new section—the page where you want to start portrait mode again.


On “Layouts” tab, click the “Orientation” button, and then click the “Portrait” option.


Now, if you scroll through your document, you should see the switch to landscape orientation only on the page(s) where you want it.


修复损坏的页码 (Fix Broken Page Numbers)

Now that you’ve created a new section in your document, it’s possible that any existing page numbers got screwed up. That’s because Word usually defaults to starting over page numbering in each new section. It’s nothing to worry about, though! The fix is easy.

既然您已经在文档中创建了一个新部分,那么任何现有的页码都有可能搞砸了。 这是因为Word通常默认情况下是在每个新部分中从页码开始。 没什么可担心的! 修复很容易。

Double-click in the footer or header area (depending on where you put page numbers) of any page in your new section where the page numbering is off. This just activates the header/footer areas so you can make changes.

双击新部分中页码已关闭的任何页脚的页脚或页眉区域(取决于放置页码的位置)。 这只会激活页眉/页脚区域,因此您可以进行更改。

Right click the incorrect page number, and then choose the “Format Page Numbers” option from the context menu.


In the Page Number Format window, select the “Continue From Previous Section” option.


That should fix the page numbers in that section. Now, all you have do is go to the next section—where you switch back to portrait mode—and fix the page numbers for that section in the exact same way.

那应该修复该部分中的页码。 现在,您所要做的就是转到下一部分,在该部分您切换回纵向模式,并以完全相同的方式固定该部分的页码。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/354261/how-to-create-a-landscape-page-in-a-portrait-oriented-word-document/

