The FailSafe™ PCR PreMix Selection Kit contains a unique blend of thermostable DNA polymerases and a set of twelve reaction PreMixes. This comprehensive set of reagents was specifically designed to meet every PCR need. Any template: routine; difficult (e.g., high GC content or secondary structure); or long (approximately 20 kb in length), can easily be amplified   with FailSafe PCR. And because the FailSafe PCR Enzyme Mix provides fidelity at least three times higher than Taq DNA polymerase alone, PCR products are suitable for downstream applications such as cloning, sequencing, expression, and mutation analysis. The FailSafe PCR Enzyme Mix is an enzyme blend containing a 3′→5′ proofreading enzyme for high fidelity.

The 12 FailSafe PCR 2X PreMixes contain a buffered salt solution with all 4 dNTPs, and various amounts of MgCl2, and FailSafe PCR Enhancer (with betaine).The user simply adds template, primers, and the FailSafe PCR Enzyme Mix to each of the PreMixes and amplifies. The results will clearly show, on a gel, which PreMix is best for that template/primer pair combination. The presence of betaine (trimethyl glycine) in the FailSafe PCR Enhancer substantially improves the yield and specificity of amplification of many target sequences, especially those containing a high G+C content or secondary structure.In addition, betaine also may enhance PCR by protecting DNA polymerases from thermal denaturation.The effects of betaine seem to be independent of the   polymerase used, though the concentration of betaine required for amplification varies with the target sequence.

Once the optimal PreMix has been determined, consistent amplification is achieved with the FailSafe™ PCR System with PreMix Choice customized to your template/primer pair combination. Choose from different sizes of FailSafe PCR   Enzyme Mix paired with the FailSafe PCR PreMixes of your choice. Individual FailSafe™ PCR 2X PreMixes and FailSafe™ Enzyme Mix Only are also available separately


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