
When you type in Word, paragraphs flow smoothly from one page to the next, and page breaks are automatically inserted when needed. However, what if you want to keep a certain paragraph together and not split the paragraphs between two pages? There’s a simple fix for this.

当您键入Word时,段落可以从一页顺利移到下一页,并且在需要时会自动插入分页符。 但是,如果您想将某个段落放在一起而不将段落分成两页怎么办? 有一个简单的解决方案。

Why not just insert a manual page break before the paragraph? As you edit the document, other page break locations will change, and that manual page break may cause some strange pagination. Using the “Keep Lines Together” setting, however, preserves all your page breaks and any paragraphs you don’t want split between two pages are kept together on one page.

为什么不只是在段落之前插入手动分页符? 当您编辑文档时,其他分页符的位置也会改变,而手动分页符可能会导致某些奇怪的分页。 但是,使用“将行保持在一起”设置可以保留所有分页符,并且您不希望在两页之间拆分的任何段落都可以保持在一起。

For example, the paragraph in the image below is split, the last two lines being moved to the next page. We’re going to force this entire paragraph to stay together and move to the next page.

例如,下图中的段落被拆分,最后两行被移至下一页。 我们将迫使整个段落保持在一起并移至下一页。

To keep the lines of a paragraph together, put the cursor in the paragraph and click the “Paragraph Settings” dialog button in the lower-right corner of the Paragraph section on the Home tab.


On the Paragraph dialog box, click the “Line and Page Breaks” tab and then check the “Keep lines together” box in the Pagination section. Click “OK”.

在“段落”对话框中,单击“换行和分页符”选项卡,然后在“分页”部分中选中“将行保持在一起”框。 点击“确定”。

The whole paragraph moves to the next page.


This setting only applies to the current selected paragraph (whether the paragraph is highlighted or you’ve just placed the cursor in it). So, you must apply this setting separately to each paragraph you want to keep together.

此设置仅适用于当前选定的段落(该段落是突出显示还是您刚刚将光标放在其中)。 因此,您必须将此设置分别应用于要保留在一起的每个段落。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/256909/how-to-stop-a-paragraph-from-splitting-between-pages-in-microsoft-word/



word拆分段落符及标记_如何阻止段落在Microsoft Word中的页面之间拆分