In our age of intelligence, no-code approaches to doing certain things have sprout up and become so popular and essential to know. Using a no-code approach to doing something doesn’t necessarily imply that you do not know how to code. As a matter of fact, you need to be very comfortable with coding to be able to use a no-code approach well. Data science and AI is a quite complex field to apply a no-code approach but a few companies and start-ups have been able to utilize the full power of Artificial Intelligence to push the boundaries of technology so far that the tedious work of cleaning data and making predictions from data can be automated and done without having to write a single line of code. Obviously AI is one of the leading companies that has been able to perfectly create a no-code platform for Data Scientists and AI engineers.

在我们这个聪明的时代,无代码处理某些事情的方法应运而生,变得如此流行和必不可少。 使用无代码方法来做某事并不一定意味着您不知道如何编码。 事实上,您需要对编码非常熟悉才能很好地使用无代码方法。 数据科学和AI是应用无代码方法的一个非常复杂的领域,但是一些公司和初创企业已经能够利用人工智能的全部力量来推动技术的发展,以至于清理数据的繁琐工作并且可以自动完成数据预测,而无需编写任何代码。 显然,AI是能够为数据科学家和AI工程师完美创建无代码平台的领先公司之一。

为什么要使用无代码方法? (Why Use A No-Code Approach?)

You might be wondering why I am suggesting you learn to use a no-code approach as a Data Scientist or AI engineer. In this story, I am going to discuss the many benefits that come with using a no-code approach as a Data Scientist or AI engineer. It should be noted however that a no-code approach is not meant to replace the traditional method of writing code to get work done, but rather to compliment and improve the work you do as a Data Scientist or AI engineer.

您可能想知道为什么我建议您以数据科学家或AI工程师的身份学习使用无代码方法。 在这个故事中,我将讨论作为数据科学家或AI工程师使用无代码方法所带来的许多好处。 但是,应该指出的是,无代码方法并不意味着要取代编写代码的传统方法来完成工作,而是要称赞和改进您作为数据科学家或AI工程师所做的工作。

Obviously AIAI的

超级快 (It Is Super Fast)

Using a no-code approach such as Obviously AI gives you the flexiblity to wrangle and process data about 5 times faster than you naturally would, using the traditional method of writing code. With a no-code approach, you can save so much time from the data cleaning and wrangling process which you can fix somewhere else for maximum productivity. Obviously AI in particular gives you the liberty to make predictions from data too, awesome right! Having a good knowledge of the concepts involved in what you are working on is a plus and will help you in understanding the outcome of the predictions you make with no-code tools like Obviously AI.

使用诸如Obviously这样的无代码方法,使用传统的编写代码的方法,您可以灵活地以比自然快5倍的速度处理和处理数据。 使用无代码方法,您可以节省大量数据清理和整理过程的时间,可以将其修复在其他地方以实现最大的生产率。 显然 ,特别是AI可以让您自由地根据数据做出预测,真棒! 对您正在从事的工作所涉及的概念有很好的了解,并且会帮助您了解使用无代码工具(例如, 显然是AI)进行的预测的结果

有趣而有趣 (It Is Fun And Engaging)

Using a no-code approach is very interesting and Obviously AI to be specific, has a very engaging UI that gives you the feel of being involved at every stage. You can literally see engaging visualizations as you clean your data or make predictions from your data. Compared to the traditional method, the no-code approach keeps you engaged with work and helps you focus on the task at hand.

使用无代码方法非​​常有趣,并且显然AI是特定的,具有非常吸引人的UI,使您有参与每个阶段的感觉。 在清理数据或根据数据做出预测时,您可以从字面上看到引人入胜的可视化。 与传统方法相比,无代码方法使您可以继续工作并帮助您专注于手头的任务。

提高生产力 (It Increases Productivity)

Coupling a good knowledge and understanding of programming concepts and principles with a no-code approach increaces productivity with work since work can be done so fast and focus can be centered on a specific task at a time. You can work with large bits of data in seconds and automate some tasks while working around the data to save you so much time and stress. This is to say that no-code machine learning enables businesses to deeply focus on making decisions and taking actions, while seamlessly doing AI without building large system infrastructure.

通过良好的知识和对编程概念和原理的理解与无代码方法相结合,可以提高工作效率,因为工作可以如此快速地完成,并且一次可以将重点放在特定任务上。 您可以在几秒钟内处理大量数据,并在处理数据时自动执行一些任务,以节省大量时间和压力。 这就是说,无代码机器学习使企业能够在不构建大型系统基础架构的情况下无缝地进行AI的同时,更加专注于决策和行动。

关于显然AI (About Obviously AI)

Obviously AI显然是AI

Obviously AI has simplified the traditional machine learning process into 3 steps. Now you can upload your data, click a couple of buttons, and perform data predictions in minutes — without code. This allows anyone to use machine learning and makes it effortless for everyone, regardless of your technical background. Forecast revenue, optimize supply chain, personalize marketing, build personas. You can now know what happens next. Learn more here.

显然,人工智能将传统的机器学习过程简化为三个步骤。 现在,您可以上传数据,单击几个按钮,并在几分钟内执行数据预测,而无需编写代码。 这使任何人都可以使用机器学习,并且无论您的技术背景如何,都可以轻松地为所有人使用。 预测收入,优化供应链,个性化营销,建立角色。 您现在可以知道接下来会发生什么。 在这里了解更多。

Thank you for making time to read this story. I hope you learnt something and it has been helpful. You are welcome to share your thoughts and opinions in the response section and you can contact me directly on Twitter or LinkedIn. Also, the team at Obviously AI is ever ready to answer all your questions or inquiries. You can reach out to them on Twitter or on their website. Happy Hacking!

感谢您抽出时间阅读此故事。 希望您学到了一些东西,对您有所帮助。 欢迎您在回应部分中分享您的想法和观点,您可以直接在Twitter或LinkedIn上与我联系。 此外, 显然AI的团队随时准备回答您的所有问题或查询。 您可以在Twitter或他们的网站上与他们联系。 快乐黑客!

A big thank you to Anna Ayiku for proofreading and correcting the many mistakes I made writing this.

非常感谢 Anna Ayiku 校对并纠正了我在撰写本文时犯下的许多错误。

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience/the-no-code-approach-to-data-science-and-ai-41bf22fea971

