


例如,如果我要制作一个需要从数据库中读取信息的工具,将其解析为字段,只获取用户请求的信息,然后格式化信息并将其打印到屏幕上,我的第一个代码草稿将是简单的伪代码,如下所示:# Header information

# Get user input

# Connect to Database

# Read in values from database

# Gather useful information

# Format information

# Print information




在任何时候,我可能意识到代码中还有其他事情要做,如果我不想停止我正在做的工作,我会添加它们来提醒自己以后再回来编写代码。在# Header information #Don't forget to import the database dbconn class

user_input_row = int(input("Which row (1-10)? "))

#Protect against non-integer inputs so that the program doesn't fail

user_input_column = input("Which column (A, B, C)? "))

#Make sure the user gives a valid column before connecting to the database

dbase = dbconn("My_Database")

#Verify that we have a connection to the database and that the database is populated

row_of_interest = dbase.getrow(user_input_row)

# Separate the row by columns use .split()

# >> User only wants user_input_column

# Gather useful information

# Format information

# >> Make the table look like this:

# C C1 C2 < User's choice

# _________|________|_______

# Title | Field | Group

# Print information


当你不知道如何编写代码,但你知道你想要什么时,伪代码也能很好地工作,例如,如果你有一个关于如何在程序中创建某种循环的问题:my_list = [0,1,2,3,4,5]

for i in range(len(my_list)) but just when i is even:

print (my_list[i]) #How do I get it to print out when i is even?


在您的例子中,有用的伪代码(如解释代码的方式)可能如下所示:user_response=input("Input a number: ") # Get a number from user as a string

our_input=float(user_response) # Change that string into a float

def string (our_input):

if (our_input % 15) == 0 : # If our input is divisible by 15

return ("fizzbuzz")

elif (our_input % 3) == 0 : # If our input is divisible by 3 but not 15

return ("fizz")

elif (our_input % 5) == 0 : # If our input is divisible by 5 but not 15

return ("buzz")

else : # If our input is not divisible by 3, 5 or 15

return ("null")

print(string(our_input)) # Print out response

