如何检测人工智能自信但肤浅的答案? How to detect the AI’s confident but shallow answers?

我面试过很多产品经理候选人,其中一种常规面试形式(在 PM 面试循环中非常标准)是产品Sense面试。受到最近推出的 ChatGPT 和 Jackie Bavaro 的以下推文的启发,我决定面试 ChatGPT 的产品经理职位。

I've interviewed a lot of product manager candidates, and one of the regular interview formats (which is pretty standard in a PM interview loop) is the product sense interview .Inspired by the recent launch of ChatGPT and the following tweet by Jackie Bavaro, I decided to interview ChatGPT for a product manager position.


我面试了 ChatGPT 的 PM (产品经理)岗位,它几乎得到了这份工作!!!