
This tutorial series was originally written in 2001, and may be out of date. Since then we’ve published other ColdFusion tutorials that are more up to date. Here are some newer tutorials you might like to check out:

本教程系列最初于2001年编写,可能已过时。 从那时起,我们发布了其他最新的ColdFusion教程。 这是您可能想检阅的一些较新的教程:

  • Five Stars! Add a Rating Widget to your ColdFusion App

    五星! 向您的ColdFusion应用程序添加评分小部件

  • Get Shorty: Trim the Fat with ColdFusion


  • ColdFusion 9 at Your Service: Image Manipulation with AIR

    为您服务的ColdFusion 9:使用AIR进行图像处理

  • What’s New in ColdFusion 9?

    ColdFusion 9有什么新功能?

介绍: (Introduction:)

The time will eventually come when you need to work with a database for a website. Using a database greatly enhances your ability to add and remove content, and all in all it requires less work to set up.

您最终需要使用网站数据库的时候到了。 使用数据库可以极大地增强您添加和删除内容的能力,并且总的来说,只需很少的工作即可完成设置。

Take this website for example. With its many articles without the use of a database a separate web page would have to be made for each and every article. Sure you could automate things with SSI but you would still have to make a separate page for each article.

以这个网站为例。 由于有很多文章而不使用数据库,因此每篇文章都必须创建一个单独的网页。 当然,您可以使用SSI使事情自动化,但是您仍然必须为每篇文章制作一个单独的页面。

With a database this is different, you can simply make a single page to view all of your articles. You simply pass a variable in the link such as ID=2 and that tells the database to serve article number 2. How to do this will be explained in this article.

与数据库不同的是,您只需制作一个页面即可查看所有文章。 您只需在链接中传递一个变量(例如ID = 2),该变量告诉数据库提供文章编号2。本文将介绍如何执行此操作。

There are 3 main programming languages used to access databases. PHP, which is normally found on unix/linux platforms, ASP, which is a creation of Microsoft and is found mostly on NT platforms, and ColdFusion(CF), which is found mostly on NT platforms as well.

有3种主要的编程语言用于访问数据库。 通常在unix / linux平台上可以找到PHP,通常是在NT平台上找到的Microsoft创建的ASP,以及在NT平台上也可以找到的ColdFusion(CF)。

This article will show you how to use ColdFusion to access a database from a website and use it to display information.


关于ColdFusion (About ColdFusion)

ColdFusion was created as a commercial product by the Allaire Corporation. As a commercial product it has some features different from other Server Side Scripting Languages. The first major difference is that ColdFusion scripts do not have to display their source code like every other scripting language, it is possible to run encrypted versions of the scripts. This allows for individuals to sell their own scripts without fear of piracy, however it has the side effect of stemming the flow of free open source CF scripts for use by the learning webmaster. The second major difference is that ColdFusion costs money. A server side scripting language works with an interpreter. Depending on the extension of the filename to be served, .php .asp or .cfm, the server will first send the file to an interpreter which is what dynamically generates your page. So to use these languages you need to install them on your server. PHP is free, ASP is free, but CF costs money, and that may be the reason why it is growing only slowly. However most NT hosting packages do already include ColdFusion so for the person who does not own their own server this pricing difference will not have much affect.

ColdFusion由Allaire Corporation创建为商业产品。 作为商业产品,它具有与其他服务器端脚本语言不同的某些功能。 第一个主要区别是ColdFusion脚本不必像其他所有脚本语言一样显示其源代码,可以运行脚本的加密版本。 这使个人可以出售自己的脚本而不必担心盗版,但是这样做的副作用是阻止了免费的开放源CF脚本流,供学习的网站管理员使用。 第二个主要区别是ColdFusion花费金钱。 服务器端脚本语言可与解释器一起使用。 根据要提供的文件名的扩展名(.php .asp或.cfm),服务器将首先将文件发送到解释器,该解释器将动态生成您的页面。 因此,要使用这些语言,您需要将它们安装在服务器上。 PHP是免费的,ASP是免费的,但是CF却要花钱,这可能就是它增长缓慢的原因。 但是,大多数NT托管软件包都已经包含ColdFusion,因此对于不拥有自己服务器的人来说,这种价格差异不会带来太大影响。

As to the language itself, I have worked with both ASP and PHP before and it is my opinion that ColdFusion is the easiest to learn and use.


关于数据库 (About Databases)

The database is the backend of any CF website. For the purposes of this tutorial we will be using Microsoft Access. Microsoft Access is a relational database which means you can relate the tables to one another. Now this article assumes you know how to work a database and are familiar with basic terms such as Field, Row, and Table.

该数据库是任何CF网站的后端。 就本教程而言,我们将使用Microsoft Access。 Microsoft Access是一个关系数据库,这意味着您可以将表相互关联。 现在,本文假设您知道如何使用数据库,并且熟悉诸如字段,行和表之类的基本术语。

When accessing a relational database from a website regardless if its Oracle, Microsoft, or MySQL, and regardless if you’re using CF, PHP, or ASP, you will use a language called SQL. SQL is the bridge between the frontend of your website and the backend. In this article you will be shown how to construct and use basic SQL statements which can be applied to any server side scripting language, not only CF.

从网站访问关系数据库时,无论是Oracle,Microsoft或MySQL,还是使用CF,PHP或ASP,都将使用称为SQL的语言。 SQL是网站的前端和后端之间的桥梁。 在本文中,将向您展示如何构造和使用基本SQL语句,这些语句可以应用于任何服务器端脚本语言,而不仅限于CF。

To let CF access a database you will need to set up a DSN on the server. To do this first upload the database file and then tell your server administrator you need a DSN set up with XXXX name using Microsoft Access Drivers, and tell them the location of the database file.

要让CF访问数据库,您将需要在服务器上设置DSN。 为此,请先上载数据库文件,然后告诉服务器管理员您需要使用Microsoft Access Drivers用XXXX名称设置DSN,然后告诉他们数据库文件的位置。

基本的ColdFusion (Basic ColdFusion)

For starters name all of your CF files with a .cfm extension. ColdFusion is a lot like HTML in that it uses tags to define many functions, this may make it easier to learn. Look at the following Example:

对于初学者,请使用.cfm扩展名命名所有CF文件。 ColdFusion与HTML非常相似,它使用标记来定义许多功能,这可能使它更易于学习。 看下面的例子:

Figure 1. Form.html<form method = "post" action = "name.cfm"> <input type = "text" size = "20" name = "name"> <input type = "submit" value = "Submit"> </form>

图1. Form.html <form method = "post" action = "name.cfm"> <input type = "text" size = "20" name = "name"> <input type = "submit" value = "Submit"> </form>

Figure 2. Name.cfm<CFOUTPUT> Hello, #name#, Welcome to my website! </CFOUTPUT>

图2. Name.cfm <CFOUTPUT> Hello, #name#, Welcome to my website! </CFOUTPUT> <CFOUTPUT> Hello, #name#, Welcome to my website! </CFOUTPUT>

Now lets examine it. In name.cfm the first tag you see is a <CFOUTPUT> tag. This tag can be put anywhere in a webpage, it can be put in the middle of an HTML tag it does not matter, what this does if tell the CF interpreter that you are going to display a variable. The variable itself is enclosed in #’s which is how CF marks its variables. This causes a problem in some instances when you use #’s on your website, such as when declaring colors. This is very simple to fix, you can simply move the <CFOUTPUT> tags directly to the sides of the variable as in the following example.

现在让我们检查一下。 在name.cfm中,您看到的第一个标记是<CFOUTPUT>标记。 该标签可以放在网页中的任何位置,也可以放在HTML标签的中间,这没关系,如果告诉CF解释器您将要显示一个变量,该怎么办。 变量本身包含在#中,这是CF标记其变量的方式。 在某些情况下,例如在声明颜色时,在网站上使用#会导致问题。 修复起来非常简单,您可以将<CFOUTPUT>标签直接移动到变量的侧面,如以下示例所示。

Figure 3. Name.cfmHello, <CFOUTPUT #name#</CFOUTPUT>, Welcome to my website!

图3. Name.cfm Hello, <CFOUTPUT #name#</CFOUTPUT>, Welcome to my website!

Or you can simply put a double ## when you need to use a pound sign for another purpose. Finally we see the </CFOUTPUT> tag, and just like HTML you need an end tag for most CF tags.

或者,当您需要将英镑符号用于其他目的时,也可以简单地输入一个双##。 最后,我们看到</ CFOUTPUT>标记,就像HTML一样,大多数CF标记都需要一个结束标记。

基本SQL (Basic SQL)

Now that you know some basic CF you need to learn some basic SQL. SQL is a very straightforward language. Look at the following statement:

现在您已经了解了一些基本的CF,现在您需要学习一些基本SQL。 SQL是一种非常简单的语言。 查看以下语句:

Figure 4. Basic SQLSELECT Name Height Weight Sex FROM Friends

图4.基本SQL SELECT Name Height Weight Sex FROM Friends

Now lets examine it. Suppose you had a database of all your friends, you would name the table Friends and name the form fields Name, Height, Weight, and Sex. What this SQL statement would do is return a list of your friends, along with their Height, Weight, and Sex. Now look at the next statement:

现在让我们检查一下。 假设您有一个所有朋友的数据库,则将表命名为Friends,并将表单字段命名为Name,Height,Weight和Sex。 此SQL语句将执行的操作是返回朋友的列表以及他们的身高,体重和性别。 现在看下一条语句:

Figure 5. Where StatementSELECT Name Height Weight FROM Friends WHERE Sex LIKE 'Male'

图5. where语句SELECT Name Height Weight FROM Friends WHERE Sex LIKE 'Male'

Now lets examine it. What this statement would do is return all your male friends. Notice the line beginning with WHERE, this is referred to as the criteria expression. The word LIKE is a search clause. See Table 1 for other search clauses.

现在让我们检查一下。 该声明将要返回所有男性朋友。 请注意以WHERE开头的行,这被称为条件表达式。 单词LIKE是搜索子句。 有关其他搜索子句,请参见表1。

表1.搜索子句 (Table 1. Search Clauses)

= Equal to LastName = ‘Smith’<> Not Equal to FirstName<> ‘Kim'< Less Than Age < ’20’<= Less Than or Equal to Age <= ’20’> Greater than Age > ’20’>= Greater Than or Equal to Age >= ’20’Between Tests inclusiveness Age between ’20’ and ’30’Exists Test for Existence FavMovie ExistsIn Tests for list of values LastName IN (‘Smith’, ‘Jones’)Is Null Tests for Null Value FavMovie IS NULLIs Not Null Tests for value FavMovie IS NOT NULLLike Tests for pattern FavMovie like “Braveheart”

=等于姓氏='Smith' <>不等于名字<> 'Kim'<小于年龄<'20' <=小于或等于年龄<='20' >大于年龄>'20' > = 测试包含之间大于或等于年龄> ='20' 年龄介于'20'和'30'之间存在测试存在性FavMovie 存在值列表​​的测试中存在LastName IN('Smith','Jones') 是否为空测试空值FavMovie IS NULL 不是Null测试值FavMovie IS NOT NULL 就像测试模式FavMovie一样,例如“ Braveheart”

In addition you can include a wildcard for these criteria expressions. For instance if you wanted all of your friends who had a name that began with an “A” you would use the following example:

此外,您可以为这些条件表达式添加通配符。 例如,如果您希望所有以“ A”开头的朋友都可以使用以下示例:

Figure 6. WildcardSELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Friends WHERE FirstName LIKE 'A%'

图6.通配符SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Friends WHERE FirstName LIKE 'A%'

基本数据库设置 (Basic Database Setup)

When creating your Database there are some things you should know. First of all never include a space in your field names. This will cause problems later. Second never name a field name using a reserved keyword such as ‘text’ or ‘date’ this will also cause problems. Finally you must correctly specify the field datatype. What follows is a list of datatypes and what is commonly used to input into them.

创建数据库时,您应该了解一些事情。 首先,在字段名称中永远不要包含空格。 这将在以后引起问题。 其次,切勿使用诸如“文本”或“日期”之类的保留关键字来命名字段名称,这也会引起问题。 最后,您必须正确指定字段数据类型。 以下是数据类型列表以及通常用于输入数据类型的列表。

表2.数据类型 (Table 2. Datatypes)

Text 255 Character Limit – Radio, Select, Text, PasswordNumber Number Only – Radio, Select, Text, PasswordDate/Time Date or Time(mm/dd/yy) – Radio, Select, TextYes/No True or False Value – CheckboxAutoNumber Automatically Numbers Rows – NoneCurrency Formats for Currency – Radio, Select, TextMemo Text without limit – Textarea

文本 255个字符限制–单选,选择,文本,密码仅数字编号–单选,选择,文本,密码日期/时间日期或时间(mm / dd / yy)–单选,选择,文本是/否是或否值–复选框自动编号自动为行编号–无货币的货币格式–单选,选择,文本备注文本无限制– Textarea

There are some notes on the above table. First of all The autonumber datatype is perfect for numbering articles. Everytime a new article is added it will simply generate an ID for it which can be used for a variety of purposes since each article will have a unique ID. The second note is that the memo datatype does have a limit, however it is so large you will likely never reach it.

上表有一些注意事项。 首先,自动编号数据类型非常适合为文章编号。 每次添加新文章时,它都会简单地为其生成一个ID,该ID可用于多种用途,因为每篇文章都有唯一的ID。 第二个注意事项是备忘数据类型确实有一个限制,但是它太大了,您可能永远无法达到它。

ColdFusion数据库集成 (ColdFusion Database Integration)

Now that you know the basics of what you need to create a database integrated website it is time to put everything together. Create a Database named Friends, and a table within it named Friends. Create the following Fields and Datatypes:

既然您已经知道创建数据库集成网站所需的基础知识,那么现在该将所有内容放到一起。 创建一个名为Friends的数据库,并在其中创建一个名为Friends的表。 创建以下字段和数据类型:

FirstName – Text LastName – Text Age – Number FriendID – AutoNumber Sex – Text FavMovie – Text FavColor – Text Car – Text Comments – Memo

名–文本姓–文本年龄–数字FriendID –自动编号性别–文本FavMovie –文本FavColor –文本汽车–文本注释–备注

Then fill in the appropriate values for a number of people. Upload it to your server and tell your Server Admin to create a DSN named “Friends” for it using Microsoft Access Drivers.

然后为许多人填写适当的值。 将其上载到服务器,并告诉服务器管理员使用Microsoft Access驱动程序为其创建一个名为“ Friends”的DSN。

Now we have the database, lets make a website for it. First lets make a page that lets people search the database.

现在我们有了数据库,让我们为其建立一个网站。 首先让我们创建一个页面,让人们搜索数据库。

Figure 7. Search.htm<form method = "post" action = "results.cfm"> <h1>Search For Friends</h1> <select name = "Sex"> <option value = "male">Male <option value = "female">Female </select> <input type = "Submit" value = "Submit"> </form>

图7. Search.htm <form method = "post" action = "results.cfm"> <h1>Search For Friends</h1> <select name = "Sex"> <option value = "male">Male <option value = "female">Female </select> <input type = "Submit" value = "Submit"> </form>

We have our simple search page, now we need the results page:


Figure 8. Results.cfm<CFQUERY DATASOURCE = "Friends" NAME = "MAIN"> SELECT FirstName, LastName, Age, FriendID FROM Friends Where Sex LIKE '#sex#' </CFQUERY>

图8. Results.cfm <CFQUERY DATASOURCE = "Friends" NAME = "MAIN"> SELECT FirstName, LastName, Age, FriendID FROM Friends Where Sex LIKE '#sex#' </CFQUERY>

<div align = “center”> <b>You Found the Following Friends</b><br> <table border = “1”> <tr> <td> First Name </td> <td> Last Name </td> <td> Age </td> <td> More Info </td> </tr>

<div align =“ center”> <b>您找到了以下朋友</ b> <br> <table border =“ 1”> <tr> <td>名</ td> <td>姓</ td> <td>年龄</ td> <td>更多信息</ td> </ tr>



<tr> <td> #FirstName# </td> <td> #LastName# </td> <td> #Age# </td> <td> <a href = “info.cfm?ID=#FriendID#>Click Here!</a> </td> </tr>

<tr> <td>#FirstName#</ td> <td>#LastName#</ td> <td>#Age#</ td> <td> <a href =“ info.cfm?ID =#FriendID# >单击此处!</a> </ td> </ tr>

</CFOUTPUT> </table> </div>

</ CFOUTPUT> </ table> </ div>

Now lets examine the above. As you can see to perform a ColdFusion Query you just fill in the CFQUERY tags with your SQL statement and you’re good to go. Any part of the SQL statement can be substituted with a variable passed from a previous page as I did with the sex variable. Then notice the CFOUTPUT tags have a query argument, this tells it that it is drawing info from a query and also sometimes you will use multiple queries on one page, this tells it which query to use.

现在让我们检查以上内容。 正如您看到的那样执行ColdFusion查询,您只需用SQL语句填充CFQUERY标记,就可以了。 就像我对sex变量所做的那样,SQL语句的任何部分都可以替换为从上一页传递的变量。 然后注意CFOUTPUT标记有一个查询参数,这告诉它它正在从查询中提取信息,有时您还会在一页上使用多个查询,从而告诉它使用哪个查询。

Then you’ll notice I only had to include one table row between the CFOUTPUT tags, this is because ColdFusion will duplicate whatever is in the CFOUTPUT tags once for every row returned by the query. Finally notice what is in the More Info column. This is a link to another page that also passes the FriendID as an argument. Lets take a look at that page now.

然后您会注意到我只需要在CFOUTPUT标记之间包括一个表行,这是因为ColdFusion会对查询返回的每一行重复一次CFOUTPUT标记中的内容。 最后,注意“更多信息”列中的内容。 这是指向另一个页面的链接,该页面也将FriendID作为参数传递。 现在让我们看一下该页面。

Figure 9. info.cfm<CFQUERY DATASOURCE = "Friends" NAME = "INFO"> SELECT * FROM Friends WHERE FriendID = '#ID#' </CFQUERY>

图9. info.cfm <CFQUERY DATASOURCE = "Friends" NAME = "INFO"> SELECT * FROM Friends WHERE FriendID = '#ID#' </CFQUERY>

<div align = “center”> <CFOUTPUT QUERY = “INFO”> <h1>Friend Info For #FirstName# #LastName#</h1> <P> <b>Sex: #sex#</b><br> <b>Age: #age#</b><br> <b>Favorite Movie: #FavMovie#</b><br> <b>Favorite Color: #FavColor#</b><br> <b>Car: #car#</b><br> Comments:<br>

<div align =“ center”> <CFOUTPUT QUERY =“ INFO”> <h1>#FirstName##LastName#</ h1>的朋友信息<P> <b>性别:#sex#</ b> <br> <b>年龄:#age#</ b> <br> <b>喜欢的电影:#FavMovie#</ b> <br> <b>喜欢的颜色:#FavColor#</ b> <br> <b>汽车:#car#</ b> <br>评论:<br>

#ParagraphFormat(Comments)# </cfoutput> </div>

#ParagraphFormat(Comments)#</ cfoutput> </ div>

Now lets examine the above. In the Select statement I use an * because I want to select all of the fields. Then in the where statement I am using the ID variable I passed in the URL. This time for the output I do not put it in a table since each ID is unique and I know only one row will be returned. Then I list the variables as before with one exception. For the comment variable I include the ParagraphFormat function. What this function does is recognize the 2 blank lines between paragraphs and inserts a <p> tag there so that it is displayed correctly on the page.

现在让我们检查以上内容。 在Select语句中,我使用*,因为我想选择所有字段。 然后在where语句中,我使用的是我在URL中传递的ID变量。 这次用于输出的原因是我没有将其放在表中,因为每个ID都是唯一的,并且我知道将只返回一行。 然后我像以前一样列出变量,但有一个例外。 对于注释变量,我包括ParagraphFormat函数。 此功能的作用是识别段落之间的2个空白行,并在其中插入<p>标记,以便在页面上正确显示该标记。

结论 (Conclusion)

You should now be able to create a fully database integrated ColdFusion website. Stay tuned for my next article which will cover advanced intermediate coding techniques and more advanced SQL.

现在,您应该可以创建一个完全数据库集成的ColdFusion网站。 请继续关注我的下一篇文章 ,其中将介绍高级中间编码技术和更高级SQL。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/cold-fusion-tutorial/


