
Are you looking for the best online grammar checker tools for WordPress? Most browsers come with a built-in spellcheck too, but it doesn’t check for grammar and readability. In this article, we have hand-picked the best grammar checker tools that you can use with WordPress.

您是否正在寻找适用于WordPress的最佳在线语法检查器工具? 大多数浏览器也都带有内置的拼写检查功能,但是它不检查语法和可读性。 在本文中,我们精心挑选了可与WordPress一起使用的最佳语法检查器工具。

为什么要为WordPress添加语法检查器工具? (Why Add a Grammar Checker Tool for WordPress?)

Even the most experienced writers make mistakes. Proofreading your own articles often lead to making small careless errors because we often tend to rush through the pre-publish checklist.

即使是最有经验的作家也会犯错误。 校对您自己的文章通常会导致犯下一些粗心的错误,因为我们经常倾向于匆匆浏览发布前的清单 。

One way to overcome this issue is to read your articles out loud. Listening to your own voice can help you find mistakes and improve the overall readability score of your articles.

解决此问题的一种方法是大声朗读您的文章。 倾听自己的声音可以帮助您发现错误并提高文章的整体可读性得分 。

To help you with the grammar and spelling, you can use a grammar checker tool. These tools can detect spelling and grammar mistakes as you type. This saves you time on proofreading while improving content across your website.

为了帮助您进行语法和拼写检查,可以使用语法检查器工具。 这些工具可以在您键入时检测拼写和语法错误。 这可以节省您校对的时间,同时可以改善整个网站的内容。

That being said, let’s take a look at the best grammar checker tools for WordPress that you can use.


1.语法上 (1. Grammarly)

Grammarly is a popular online grammar checker tool available as a browser addon for Google Chrome, Firefox, and even Microsoft Edge. It checks for grammar and spelling errors as you write your posts.

语法是一种流行的在线语法检查器工具,可作为Google Chrome,Firefox甚至Microsoft Edge的浏览器插件。 在您撰写帖子时,它会检查语法和拼写错误。

It will show an indicator at the bottom right corner of the writing area. Clicking on the indicator will show you the number of errors. Spelling, grammar, and contextual errors will be highlighted with an underline as you write.

它将在书写区域的右下角显示一个指示器。 单击指示器将为您显示错误数量。 拼写,语法和上下文错误会在您撰写时以下划线突出显示。

One downside of Grammarly is that you will have to switch to the text editor for proofreading.


2.生姜 (2. Ginger)

Ginger is another handy spelling and grammar checker tool to improve your writing skills and boost productivity. It is available as a browser addon and offers a nice user experience.

Ginger是另一个方便的拼写和语法检查器工具,可以提高您的写作技巧并提高工作效率。 它可以作为浏览器插件使用,并提供良好的用户体验。

It displays a tiny icon at the bottom right corner of writing areas including WordPress post editor, Gmail, Facebook, and more. It checks for mistakes as you type and highlight errors with context.

它在包括WordPress帖子编辑器,Gmail,Facebook等在内的书写区域的右下角显示一个小图标。 键入时检查错误,并使用上下文突出显示错误。

There are a few drawbacks of using Ginger. You will need to switch to the text editor in WordPress. For better proofreading, you will need to click on the icon to launch the Ginger editor.

使用Ginger有一些缺点。 您将需要切换到WordPress中的文本编辑器。 为了更好地进行校对,您需要单击该图标以启动Ginger编辑器。

3.截止日期之后 (3. After The Deadline)

After The Deadline is available as a Google Chrome extension. It comes with a built-in spell checker tool with optional grammar and readability check.

截止日期之后可以作为Google Chrome扩展程序使用。 它带有一个内置的拼写检查器工具,该工具具有可选的语​​法和可读性检查。

Once you have installed the addon in your browser, you will need to click on it and select options. This will open the addon’s settings page where you can check the options that you want the addon to look out for.

在浏览器中安装插件后,您需要单击它并选择选项。 这将打开插件的设置页面,您可以在其中检查您希望插件查找的选项。

You can run the tool while writing your blog posts by clicking on the spellcheck icon at the bottom right corner of the editor.


4.海明威 (4. Hemingway)

Hemingway is available as a web-based text editor, so it doesn’t work directly inside your WordPress post editor. However you can use their free web based editor to check your articles for readability, grammar, and spelling errors.

Hemingway可作为基于Web的文本编辑器使用,因此无法直接在WordPress帖子编辑器中运行。 但是,您可以使用其免费的基于Web的编辑器来检查文章的可读性,语法和拼写错误。

Think of Hemingway as not just a grammar checker but a style checker. It is designed to improve readability by showing you a readability score of your content and suggesting improvements. The web app has a clean and distraction free layout which can help you assess your content quickly before hitting the publish button in WordPress.

将海明威不仅视为语法检查器,而且还视为样式检查器。 它旨在通过向您显示内容的可读性得分并提出改进建议来提高可读性。 该网络应用程序具有简洁无干扰的布局,可帮助您在点击WordPress中的“发布”按钮之前快速评估内容。

Hemingway is also available as a paid desktop app for both Windows and Mac which allows you to post directly to WordPress.


5.语言工具 (5. LanguageTool)

LanguageTool is available as a free addon for Chrome, FireFox, Google Docs, and LibreOffice. It is also available as a web based editor and a complete desktop app.

LanguageTool是Chrome,FireFox,Google Docs和LibreOffice的免费插件。 它也可以作为基于Web的编辑器和完整的桌面应用程序使用。

The good thing about LanguageTool is that it works with English, German, Polish, Russian, and over 20 other languages. This makes it a particularly useful tool for multilingual websites and multilingual authors.

LanguageTool的优点在于它可以与英语,德语,波兰语,俄语以及20多种其他语言一起使用。 这使其成为多语言网站和多语言作者的特别有用的工具。

The downside is that the free version is only limited to 20,000 characters per check, so you will need to upgrade to paid plans for more features.


6.喷气背包 (6. Jetpack)

Jetpack is a WordPress plugin suite that comes with a lot of useful modules. One of its core features is to add proofreading to the WordPress post editor.

Jetpack是一个WordPress插件套件,带有许多有用的模块。 它的核心功能之一是向WordPress帖子编辑器添加校对功能。

For extended grammar check, you need to visit the JetPack » Settings page. Under the writing tab, you will see the spelling, style, and grammar section. From here you can enable different proofreading options including style rules.

要进行扩展的语法检查,您需要访问JetPack»设置页面。 在“书写”选项卡下,您将看到“拼写,样式和语法”部分。 在这里,您可以启用不同的校对选项,包括样式规则。

The downside of using JetPack is that it requires a WordPress account, and you will also get tons of features that you may not need.


We hope this article helped you find the best online grammar checker tools for WordPress. You may also want to see our list of best contact form plugins for WordPress.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适用于WordPress的最佳在线语法检查器工具。 您可能还希望查看我们的WordPress最佳联系表单插件列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner/showcase/best-online-grammar-checker-tools-for-wordpress-2018/


