One of the tasks you have to do quite often in Excel is to count things. Here's how to count cells greater than set amount with Excel COUNTIF function.

在Excel中必须经常执行的任务之一是计算事物。 这是使用Excel COUNTIF函数计算大于设置数量的单元格的方法。

学生考试成绩 (Student Test Scores)

In this example, we have a list of students and their test scores.


If the passing score is 50, how can you get Excel to count the number of students who passed the test?


使用COUNTIF和运算符 ( Use COUNTIF and an Operator)

The Excel COUNTIF function will count cells, based on the criteria that you enter. As part of the criteria, you can use an operator, such as greater than, or less than, to count a specific range of numbers.

Excel COUNTIF函数将根据您输入的条件对单元格进行计数。 作为条件的一部分,可以使用大于或小于的运算符来计算特定范围的数字。

In this example, the passing score is 50. To find the students who failed the test, you'd count the scores that are less than 50 -- <50.


To include this operator in the COUNTIF criteria, enclose the operator and number in double quote marks.



= COUNTIF(B2:B11,“ <50”)

将单元格引用与COUNTIF条件一起使用 (Use a Cell Reference with COUNTIF Criteria)

Instead of typing a number in the COUNTIF criteria, you can use a cell reference. In this example, cell F5 contains the passing score.

您可以使用单元格引用来代替在COUNTIF条件中键入数字。 在此示例中,单元格F5包含通过分数。

To find the students who passed the test, you'd count the scores that are greater than or equal to the value in cell F5 -- >=F5.

要找到通过考试的学生,您可以计算分数,该分数大于或等于单元格F5中的值-> = F5。

To include a cell reference and operator in the COUNTIF criteria, enclose the operator in double quote marks, and use an ampersand before the cell reference.


=COUNTIF(B2:B11,">=" & F5)

= COUNTIF(B2:B11,“> =”&F5)

单元格引用自动更新 (Cell Reference Automatically Updates)

An advantage to using a cell reference in the COUNTIF criteria is that the result will automatically update, if the value in the referenced cell changes.


In the screenshot below, you can see that the passing score has been increased from 50 to 70. Because the Passed formula uses a reference to cell F5, the count is automatically updated.


The Failed formula has the passing score of 50 typed into the criteria, so that value would have to be changed, before the result is updated.


观看COUNTIF视频 (Watch the COUNTIF Video)

To see the steps for creating a COUNTIF formula with an operator, you can watch this short Excel tutorial video.



翻译自: https://contexturesblog/archives/2010/06/28/count-cells-greater-than-set-amount-with-excel-countif-function/


使用Excel COUNTIF函数对大于设置数量的单元格进行计数