如何创建一个基于Drupal的族谱应用程序?(How would one create a Drupal-based Genealogy Application?)

我想使用Drupal来构建一个族谱应用程序。 我看到的困难在于允许用户上传gedcom文件并对其进行解析,然后从该数据中创建各种Drupal节点。 Drupal中的节点是内容项。 所以,我将个人和家庭作为内容类型,每个人都会有各种事件作为来自gedcom文件的字段。

gedcom文件是族谱信息的通用格式。 不同的桌面应用程序获取数据并将其转换为专有格式。 我不确定如何完成的是给最终用户一个表单来上传他们的gedcom文件,然后让它用Drupal创建节点,也就是内容项。 我可以使用python,perl或其他语言找到解析gedcom文件的开源代码。 所以,我可以使用其中一个库来创建JSON,XML,CSV等gedcom文件输出。

Drupal是用PHP编写的,另一个挑战的细节是,对于最终用户,我不想让他/她找到在第一步中创建的文件(第一步是解析和转换gedcom文件)并将其上传到Drupal。 只要最终用户看到,我想以某种方式使这一切发生。 不知何故,我需要一种触发Drupal的方式,在将数据转换为JSON或XML或CSV后导入数据。

I want to use Drupal for building a Genealogy application. The difficulty, I see, is in allowing users to upload a gedcom file and for it to be parsed and then from that data, various Drupal nodes would be created. Nodes in Drupal are content items. So, I'd have individuals and families as content types and each would have various events as fields that would come from the gedcom file.

The gedcom file is a generic format for genealogy information. Different desktop applications take the data and convert it to a proprietary format. What I am not sure about how to accomplish is to give the end user a form to upload their gedcom file and then have it create nodes, aka content items, with Drupal. I can find open source code to parse a gedcom file, using python, or perl, or other languages. So, I could use one of these libraries to create from the gedcom file output in JSON, XML, CSV, etc.

Drupal is written in PHP and another detail of the challenge is that for the end user, I don't want to ask him/her to find that file created in step one (where step one is the parse and convert of the gedcom file) and upload that into Drupal. I'd like to somehow make this happen in one step as far as the end user sees. Somehow I would need a way to trigger Drupal to import the data after it is converted into JSON, or XML or CSV.


我不熟悉Drupal。 但我知道已经为Drupal编写了一个相当高级的程序,名为Family Tree,这是Drupal.org上的一个项目 。


免责声明:我对该项目没有任何联系,我甚至从未尝试过这个模块。 我只是碰巧意识到这一点。

I am not personally familiar with Drupal. But I do know there already is a fairly advanced program written for Drupal called Family Tree that is a project at Drupal.org.

You might want to check that project out, or even better, contribute to it and improve it.

Disclaimer: I have no connection at all to the project, and I've never even tried the module. I just happen to be aware of it.
