Azure Web服务停止时Azure Webjob是否停止(Does Azure Webjob stop when Azure App Service is stopped)

在我们当前的设置中,有一个用于Azure App服务的插槽,我的问题是,当插槽停止时它是否还会关闭部署在该插槽上的webjob或者web作业是否会继续运行?

In our current setup there are 2 slots for an Azure App service, the question that I have is, when the slot is stopped would it also shut down the webjob that is deployed on that slot or would the web job continue to run?


即使Azure App Service Web App未运行,也可以运行Azure WebJob。

虽然在Web应用程序的“应用程序设置”中使用WEBJOBS_STOPPED设置运行Web App时,可以强制WebJob不运行或停止




It is possible to run an Azure WebJob even when the Azure App Service Web App is not running.

Though you can force the WebJob not to run or stop when the Web App is running using WEBJOBS_STOPPED setting in your Web App's "Application Settings"

Take a look at this article about this subject for more details:

The following picture shows a running WebJob when the web app is not running:

enter image description here


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