JavaScript’s void operator evaluates an expression and returns undefined.


You can use the console to verify the same:


Note: void, irrespective of any value passed along, *always returns undefined as shown above*. But, void with the operand 0 is preferred.

注意void无论传递的是什么值,*总是返回undefined,如上所示*。 但是, 首选操作数为0的 void

There are two ways of using operand 0: void(0) or void 0. Either of them is fine.


何时使用Javascript void(0) (When to use Javascript void(0))

Use javascript:void(0) if, when a link is clicked, you don’t want the browser to load a new page or refresh the same page (depending on the URL specified).


Instead it will just perform the JavaScript attached to that link.


带有JavaScript void(0)的示例1: (Example 1 with Javascript void(0):)

<a href="javascript:void(0);alert('Hello ! I am here')">Click Me</a>

输出: (Output:)

When someone clicks on the ClickMe link, an alert pops up as below:


带有JavaScript void(0)的示例2: (Example 2 with Javascript void(0):)

<a href="javascript:void(0)" ondblclick="alert('Hi,i didnt refresh the page')" )>Click Me</a>

输出: (Output:)

When you double click the link, an alert will popup without any page refresh.


带有JavaScript void(0)的示例3: (Example 3 with Javascript void(0):)

<a href="javascript:void(0);" 
ondblclick="alert('Hello !! You will see me and not get redirected to google ')">Click Me</a>

输出: (Output:)

When you double click the link, an alert will popup. Closing it will also not redirect to google.

当您双击链接时,将弹出警报。 关闭它也不会重定向到google。

没有Javascript void(0)的示例: (Example without Javascript void(0):)

<a href="" ondblclick="alert('Hello !! You will see me and then get redirected to google even if not needed')">Click Me</a>

输出: (Output:)

When you double click the link, an alert will popup, but closing it will redirect to google.


结论 (Conclusion)

The void operator is useful when you need to prevent any unwanted page refresh or redirection. Rather, it performs some JavaScript operation.

当您需要防止任何不需要的页面刷新或重定向时, void运算符很有用。 而是执行一些JavaScript操作。

更多信息: (More Information:)

  1. Mozilla Docs


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/what-does-javascript-void-operator-do/

