
I’ve spent almost 15 years designing portfolios. For myself, for the design studios I’ve founded, for the creative agencies I’ve designed for and the creative teams I’ve worked as part of. There is always a presentation of work to put together at some point along the road.

我花了将近15年的时间来设计作品集。 对于我自己,对于我建立的设计工作室,对于我为之设计的创意机构,以及我所参与的创意团队而言。 路上总是会出现一些汇整的作品。

I’ve also spent the last 6–8 months working into my latest portfolio site, which has informed some of thinking in this article.


How you put together a successful portfolio is amongst the single most important skills inside a designer’s locker. It’s all well and good knowing how to do something, but if you can’t talk, show or write about it effectively, then you’re making things significantly more difficult for yourself in the long run. It’s also all well and good seeking out those amazing opportunities, but if you have to scramble at the eleventh hour to put *something* together to show your skills and expertise, then you’re risking that opportunity slipping away. Which brings me to my first point:

如何组合成功的投资组合是设计师储物柜内最重要的技能之一。 知道如何做是一件非常好的事,但是,如果您不能有效地谈论,展示或写作,那么从长远来看,您会使自己变得更加困难。 寻找这些惊人的机会也是一件好事,但是,如果您必须在第11个小时内奋力拼搏*某些东西*来展示您的技能和专业知识,那么您就冒着机会错失的风险。 这使我想到了第一点:

1.做好准备 (1. Be prepared)

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”, as Benny Franklin said. I love a good quote, and this is one that we can all relate to. Sometimes, leaving things until the last minute is exciting; it’s where the best ideas often come to light, or when we tend to have the best travel-related experiences, for instance. Never underestimate the positive value of spontaneity in your life.

正如本尼·富兰克林(Benny Franklin)所说,“如果没有做好准备,您就准备失败”。 我喜欢一个很好的报价,这是我们所有人都可以引用的。 有时候,把事情留到最后一刻是令人兴奋的。 例如,在这里经常会出现最好的主意,或者当我们倾向于拥有最好的与旅行相关的经验时。 永远不要低估自发生活的积极价值。

However, life has a funny way of throwing the unexpected at you in a negative way — and when the kind of stuff happens that affects your means of living, any joy in the spontaneous quickly dissipates. I know people who were happy at work one day, and couldn’t wait to leave the next. Or people who have been made unceremoniously redundant or fired without notice.

但是,生活有一种有趣的方式,以消极的方式向您投掷意外的东西-当发生影响您的生活方式的事情时,自发的快乐会很快消散。 我知道有些人一天的工作很快乐,等不及要离开第二天。 或被毫不客气地裁员或被解雇的人员,恕不另行通知。

raewitte raewitte

Be prepared. Update that portfolio. Which, in turn brings me to point no. 2:

做好准备 更新该投资组合。 反过来,这又使我指出了要点。 2:

2.随时更新 (2. Update as you go)

Expenses. What a nightmare. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great that all this food, travel and accommodation is covered by the company I work for. But pulling out a folder full of receipts after a two-week stint in Shanghai doesn’t inspire me to sit for three hours and try and remember what they were all for. Especially when they’re all in Chinese. Slightly off topic, but it does relate. The big revelation that makes this monotonous task easy, is that by uploading the receipt to Expensify at the time of paying (or at least on the same day), the reason for the expense is freshly in mind and works to break a large task to a granular level. Groundbreaking.

花费。 什么样的恶梦。 不要误会我的意思,我所工作的公司为所有这些食物,旅行和住宿提供了极大的帮助。 但是在上海待了两周之后,拿出一个装满收据的文件夹并没有激发我坐三个小时来尝试并记住它们的全部用途。 尤其是当他们都是中文的时候。 稍微偏离主题,但确实相关。 使这项单调的任务变得容易的最大启示是,通过在付款时(或至少在同一天)将收据上载到Expensify,花销的原因就在脑海中了,并试图将一项繁重的任务分解为粒度级别。 开创性的。

Taking the same approach with the projects you’re working on makes for better case studies. The work is fresh in your mind; you know why you did what, who said this or that and—perhaps most importantly—you have access to your files there and then to put assets together. For the love of god, little can be more frustrating in this process than trying to find files from years prior and remembering what was what. Avoid that stress.

对您正在从事的项目采用相同的方法可以进行更好的案例研究。 这项工作是新鲜的; 您知道您为什么要做什么,是谁说了这句话,或者最重要的是,您可以在那里访问文件,然后将资产放在一起。 对于上帝的爱,在此过程中,最令人沮丧的莫过于尝试查找几年前的文件并记住是什么。 避免这种压力。

3.广度和深度 (3. Breadth and depth)

A lot of people have opinions on how many projects a designer should show, and how detailed each project should be. Well, newsflash. There is no should. No right or wrong. Just opinions. And, much like submitting a tender for work or going in on a pitch—you just never know what the person on the other end of your work is going to prefer.

很多人对一个设计师应该有多少个项目显示的意见,以及如何详细描述每一个项目应该是。 好吧,新闻快讯。 没有应该 。 没有对与错。 只是意见。 而且,就像提交工作招标或进行推销一样,您永远不知道工作另一端的人会喜欢什么。

Personally, I like breadth and depth. I like seeing an array of different types of projects that show a wide range of approaches, knowledge and skills. I like seeing the small projects, and the big projects. Some say you shouldn’t write an essay or make a case study big… but sometimes a project is just that big.

就个人而言,我喜欢广度和深度。 我喜欢看到一系列不同类型的项目,这些项目显示了广泛的方法,知识和技能。 我喜欢看小型项目和大型项目。 有人说你不应该写论文或做一个大的案例研究……但是有时候一个项目就是那么大。

If so, go and write about it. Things in life aren’t always concise. What was the brief? Did you solve any problems? What were the results? Don’t be scared. Tell me about all the things that happened, and let me see all the work that came with it. It proves that you can handle big projects, and can show your thinking.

如果是这样,请去写它。 生活中的事情并不总是那么简洁。 简介是什么? 你有解决任何问题吗? 结果如何? 别害怕 告诉我所有发生的事情,让我看看随之而来的所有工作。 它证明了您可以处理大型项目,并可以展示您的想法。

4.那么,多少? (4. So, how many?)

No less than 5. No more than 20. You know what? Forget what people tell you is ‘right’. It’s so dependant on many factors as to how many projects you show in your portfolio. For instance, design veterans Pentagram show 1125 projects on their site, while the trailblazers over at Koto only ever show 4, which are rotated every now and again. Of course, there’s just a few years difference between how long these companies have been in existence, so one factor there is that Koto don’t have as big an archive as Pentagram. But that’s not the point here. The point is that we have two branding companies, both working on projects of similar scales at this moment in time, both with different ideals on how many projects they publicly show. They’re doing what works for them.

不少于5个。不超过20个。您知道吗? 忘记人们告诉你的“正确”的东西。 它取决于您的投资组合中显示多少项目的许多因素。 例如,设计资深人士Pentagram在他们的场地上展示了1125个项目,而在Koto的开拓者只展示了4个,它们不时地旋转。 当然,这些公司的存在时间只有几年的差异,因此一个因素是Koto没有像Pentagram这样大的档案。 但这不是重点。 关键是我们有两家品牌公司,目前都在从事规模相似的项目,对于公开展示多少个项目,它们都有不同的理想。 他们正在为自己工作。

Put as many projects in your portfolio that you think is right.


5.流程 (5. Process)

There’s also a lot of opinion about process. Here’s one more. Every designer tends to approach things slightly differently. From the way we organise our files, understand the brief or articulate ideas. When we join a team, we either adopt what process is in place, influence it, or work to change it entirely. But for the most part, there are only so many creative processes that teams tend to follow. So unless there was something radically different about how you solved that problem, was led to this decision or ended up with this career-defining creative… I’d say, it doesn’t really matter. I’m not saying to not to talk about it, just don’t labour on it.

关于过程也有很多意见。 还有一个 每个设计师的处理方式往往略有不同。 通过我们整理文件的方式,了解简短或清晰的想法。 当我们加入团队时,我们要么采用现有的流程,影响流程,要么努力进行整体更改。 但是在大多数情况下,团队往往遵循的创作过程如此之多。 所以,除非有一些关于你是如何解决这个问题完全不同,是导致这一决定还是结束了这个职业定义创意......我会说,它并不真正的问题。 我并不是说不要谈论它,只是不要为此而努力。

6.所有权 (6. Ownership)

I’ve found that designers can get really hung up on the projects they ‘own’. It’s a funny notion in many ways, and unless work is conjured up in a vacuum by a lone creative, then it’s fair to say that true project ownership is often split between multiple people, in multiple roles. I think it’s important that every person involved in the process gets to include the project in their portfolio.

我发现设计师可以真正挂在他们“拥有”的项目上。 从很多方面来说,这是一个有趣的想法,除非一个孤独的创意者在真空中构思出作品,否则,可以说,真正的项目所有权通常是由多个人,多个角色来分配的。 我认为,参与该过程的每个人都必须将该项目纳入其投资组合中,这一点很重要。

Projects only ever end up where they do because of the individuals who have touched it along the way. Designers, directors, clients. Every person who is involved affects the path and therefore the final destination of creative work. We all have different perspectives and inspiration points from vastly varying lives, experiences and opinions. Even if somebody has had, say, 10% involvement in a project—it’s still theirs. They don’t have to be the one crafting the final thing to claim ownership. Design is a team sport.

项目始终只能在他们所做的事情上完成,因为在此过程中一直涉及到个人。 设计师,导演,客户。 每个参与的人都会影响创作工作的路径,从而影响最终的目的地。 我们都有着截然不同的生活,经验和观点,因此有不同的观点和启发点。 即使有人参与了某个项目,但有10%仍是他们的事。 他们不必成为提出所有权的最后一件事。 设计是一项团队运动。

The key thing is to make sure that you’re always honest about your role, and who else was involved. A respectful portfolio has a broad credits list. Greater than the sum of its parts, and all that.

关键是要确保您对自己的角色以及其他相关人员始终保持诚实。 恭敬的投资组合具有广泛的信誉清单。 大于其各部分之和的总和。

7.项目类型 (7. Types of projects)

Client work, conceptual work, self-initiated and unsolicited redesigns. I see a lot of different types of projects in portfolios. I have a range of these types of projects in mine, and I quite like to see a range in others. That’s what’s key, in my opinion. A range. It goes back to breadth and depth again.

客户工作,概念工作,自我发起和未经请求的重新设计。 我在投资组合中看到很多不同类型的项目。 我在我的项目中有很多这类的项目,而且我很想看到其他项目中的一系列项目。 我认为这就是关键。 一个范围。 它再次回到广度和深度。

I like to see designs that have had real-world constraints, changes from client feedback and team efforts. I like to see conceptual work based on ideas that suddenly pop into your mind, whether it’s for real world clients or not. Self-initiated examples are important to see—they show you’re driven, ambitious and can handle the entire process and actually completing a project by yourself. Unsolicited redesigns have their place—mostly as an exercise for practicing fun within design. That was one of the best aspects of being a student!

我喜欢看到具有现实世界限制,客户反馈和团队努力引起的变化的设计。 我喜欢看到基于想法的概念性工作突然出现在您的脑海中,无论是否针对现实世界的客户。 值得一看的是自我启动的示例,它们显示了您的进取心,雄心勃勃,可以处理整个过程,实际上可以自己完成一个项目。 主动进行的重新设计占有一席之地-主要是为了在设计中实践乐趣。 那是成为学生最好的方面之一!

But like anything, there’s a balance to be sought. If you’re lucky enough to have an abundance of real client work in your portfolio, great. But some people haven’t, and that’s when it’s absolutely fine to have other types of work in there.

但是像其他任何事情一样,需要寻求一种平衡。 如果您很幸运在您的投资组合中有大量真正的客户工作,那就太好了。 但是有些人没有,那时候可以在那里进行其他类型的工作了。

8.样机! (8. Mockups!)

There are so many ways of presenting work. This is true for the final case study in a portfolio, and when we’re presenting concepts to creative directors or pitches to clients. In those last two instances, we often use mockups of how design ideas will work in the real world. It’s often how we sell ideas.

呈现工作的方式有很多。 对于投资组合中的最终案例研究,以及当我们向创意总监介绍概念或向客户介绍产品时,都是如此。 在最后两个例子中,我们经常使用设计思想在现实世界中如何工作的模型。 这通常是我们出售想法的方式。

So why is there a tendency to look down on mockups in designer’s portfolios? It makes no sense. For a number of reasons. Unless your projects are actually produced (more applicable to non-digital projects) and you either have the skills or access to somebody with the skills to photograph the work in it’s natural habitat, how else is one supposed to show how effective their thinking in a real world environment?

那么,为什么有一种倾向看不起设计师作品集中的模型呢? 这个不成立。 由于多种原因。 除非您的项目是实际制作的(更适用于非数字项目),并且您没有技能或可以接触到可以在自然栖息地拍摄作品的人员,否则应该用其他方法来展示他们的想法在一个自然环境中的有效性。现实世界的环境?

Mockups are fine. I’d just encourage to pick the best examples you can find and use one once as part of a single case study. Repeating different designs on the same mockup file quickly decreases the impact of a project presentation.

样机很好。 我只是鼓励选择您可以找到的最佳示例,并将其作为单个案例研究的一部分使用一次。 在同一个样机文件上重复不同的设计可以Swift减少项目演示的影响。

9.艺术许可 (9. Artistic license)

While I’m on the subject of project content, I think it’s important to talk about artistic license. I’ve been guilty in the past of only ever showing work that was ‘signed-off’. In some kind of skewed loyalty to the work that only made it over the last hurdle, so much good stuff that didn’t get as far has been left wallowing on hard drives. But, much like the multiple people involved in the creation of a single project, multiple designs and revisions on those designs all informed the final outcome.

在讨论项目内容时,我认为谈论艺术许可很重要。 过去,我一直只展示“已签字”的作品而感到内。 由于对工作的忠诚度有些偏斜,所以只能克服最后一个障碍,所以很多没被开发的好东西都留在了硬盘驱动器上。 但是,就像创建单个项目涉及的多个人一样,对这些设计进行的多个设计和修订也为最终结果提供了依据。

So, let’s see them. It doesn’t necessarily mean that because a design didn’t see the light of day, that it wasn’t effective. Or that it didn’t solve the problem. We all know that there are dozens of ways to answer a brief. So, even if there’s a different version of the ‘final’ design you prefer, or there’s great work that is on the cutting room floor from along the way, include it.

所以,让我们看看他们。 这不一定意味着因为设计看不到日光,所以它没有效果。 还是说它没有解决问题。 我们都知道,有很多种方法可以回答简短的问题。 因此,即使您喜欢使用“最终”设计的其他版本,或者一路走来在切割室地板上都有出色的工作,也要包括在内。

10.标志项目 (10. Iconifying projects)

Is there one image that sums up the entire project? In an ideal world, there is. Apparently any advertisement only has a window of a few seconds to capture the imagination of a potential customer. That’s why we’ve ended up with taglines siting next to homogenous layouts on home pages and billboards. Everybody is trying to be as simple as possible by iconifying their offer.

是否有一张图像可以概括整个项目? 在理想的世界中,存在。 显然,任何广告都只有几秒钟的时间来捕捉潜在客户的想象力。 这就是为什么我们最终在首页和广告牌上的均匀布局旁边放置了标语。 每个人都试图通过标明他们的报价来尽可能地简单。

It makes sense to do the same for a portfolio piece, too. A powerful image that encapsulates the overall feeling of a project will draw people in and encourage them to make that all important click to go through to the case study itself. It needs to find the balance between abstract and intriguing to informative and revealing. Too much of either and people won’t be interested because they won’t understand what it is, or they’ll feel like they’ve got everything they need to know from that single image.

对投资组合也执行同样的操作也是很有意义的。 囊括项目整体感觉的强大图像将吸引人们并鼓励他们做出所有重要的点击,以进入案例研究本身。 它需要在抽象和有趣之间达到平衡,并在信息和揭示之间找到平衡。 两者中的任何一个都太多了,人们将不会感兴趣,因为他们不了解它是什么,或者他们会觉得他们已经从单一图像中获得了所有需要了解的信息。

There are a lot of portfolio-centric articles on Medium which have been written to inspire, inform and guide you. All by some of the best creatives across a whole range of role levels all over the world.

在Medium上有很多以投资组合为中心的文章,都是为激发,告知和指导您而写的。 所有这些都是来自全球各个角色级别的一些最佳创意。

Allow yourself to be influenced and inspired by these pieces, and more. But remember: this is your portfolio, your corner of the internet. What you do with it is up to you!

让自己受到这些作品以及更多作品的影响和启发。 但是请记住:这是您的投资组合,是的互联网一角。 您如何处理取决于您!

投资组合资源 (Portfolio resources)

BuildSquarespace · Cargo · Carbonmade · Semplice

建立 广场空间 · 货物 · Carbonmade · Semplice

MockupsLayers · LS Graphics · Yellow Images · Pixeden

样机 层 · LS图形 · 黄色图像 · Pixeden

Further ReadingPortfolio Principles · Bestfolios · DESK

进一步阅读 投资组合原则 · 最佳作品集 · 桌面

I’m Andy Cooke, and I’m currently working to create the vision of how modern education looks and feels as Creative Director at EF Education First’s Global Creative Studio in Lucerne, Switzerland.

我是安迪·库克(Andy Cooke),我目前正在努力创造愿景,以现代教育的外观和感觉为由,在瑞士卢塞恩的EF Education First全球创意工作室担任创意总监。

You can see my work here.

你可以 在这里 看到我的工作

翻译自: https://uxdesign/another-advice-article-on-portfolios-3e5d2e76beac


