

  1 #ifndef __LOOPLINK_H__
  2 #define __LOOPLINK_H__
  3 #include<stdio.h>
  4 #include<stdlib.h>
  6 typedef int datatype;
  7 typedef struct node
  8 {
  9     union
 10     {
 11         datatype data;
 12         int len;
 13     };
 14     struct node * next;
 15 }node , * looplink;
 16 //create a new looplink
 17 looplink create_looplink();
 19 //judge size
 20 int judge_looplink(looplink h);
 22 //data package assemble into node
 23 looplink create_node(datatype x);
 25 //insert after head 
 26 int insert_after_head(looplink h , datatype x);
 28 //show all
 29 void show_all_node(looplink h);
 31 //delete tail node
 32 int delete_tail(looplink h);
 34 //insert to tail
 35 int insert_tail(looplink h , datatype x);
 37 //delete head 
 38 looplink kill_head(looplink h);
 40 //show all after delete head 
 41 void show_all_after_headkilled(looplink p1st);
 43 //free looplink
 44 int free_looplink(looplink p);
 46 //delete one node return next node address
 47 looplink delete_current_node(looplink p_cur);
 49 #endif


  1 #include"looplink.h"
  3 looplink create_looplink()
  4 {
  5     looplink p = (looplink)malloc(sizeof( node ) );
  6     if(NULL == p)
  7     {
  8         puts("create looplink failed at malloc");
  9         return NULL;
 10     }
 11     p->len = 0;
 12     p->next = p;
 13     puts("create looplink succeed");
 14     return p;
 15 }
 16 //-----------------judge size 0 means only head 1 means at least one body node
 17 int judge_looplink(looplink h)
 18 {
 19     if(NULL == h)
 20     {
 21         puts("judge failed at looplink");
 22         return -1;
 23     }
 24     return h->next == h ? 0:1;
 25 }
 26 //----------------assemble data into node
 27 looplink create_node(datatype x)
 28 {
 29     looplink p = (looplink)malloc(sizeof(node) );
 30     if(NULL == p)
 31     {
 32         puts("create node failed at apply space");
 33         return NULL;
 34     }
 35     p->data = x;
 36     p->next = NULL;
 37     return p;
 38 }
 40 //---------------------insert after head 
 41 int insert_after_head(looplink h , datatype x )
 42 {
 43     if(NULL == h)
 44     {
 45         puts("insert after head failed at looplink");
 46         return -1;
 47     }
 48     looplink p = create_node(x);
 50     p->next = h->next;
 51     h->next = p;
 52     h->len++;
 53     puts("insert after head succeed");
 54     return 0;
 55 }
 57 //--------------------show all
 58 void show_all_node(looplink h)
 59 {
 60     if(NULL == h || !judge_looplink(h))
 61     {
 62         puts("show all node failed at looplink");
 63         return;
 64     }
 65     looplink p = h->next;
 66     while(p != h)
 67     {
 68         printf("%d\t",p->data);
 69         p = p->next;
 70     }
 71     puts("\nshow all succeed");
 72     return;
 73 }
 75 //------------------delete tail node
 76 int delete_tail(looplink h)
 77 {
 78     if(NULL == h || !judge_looplink(h))
 79     {
 80         puts("delete tail failed at looplink");
 81         return -1;
 82     }
 83     looplink p = h;
 84     while(p->next->next != h)
 85     {
 86         p=p->next;
 87     }
 88     looplink q = p->next;
 89     p->next = p->next->next;
 90     free(q);
 91     q = NULL;
 92     h->len--;
 93     puts("delete tail succeed");
 94     return 0;
 95 }
 96 //------------------insert to tail
 97 int insert_tail(looplink h , datatype x)
 98 {
 99     if(NULL == h)
100     {
101         puts("insert to tail failed at looplink");
102         return -1;
103     }
104     looplink p = create_node(x);
105     looplink q = h;
106     while(1)
107     {
108         if(q->next == h)
109         {
110             break;
111         }
112         q = q->next;
113     }
114     q->next = p;
115     p->next = h;
116     h->len++;
117     puts("insert to tail succeed");
118     return 0;
119 }
120 //------------------delete head return first body node address
121 looplink kill_head(looplink h)
122 {
123     if(NULL == h)
124     {
125         puts("kill head failed at looplink");
126     }
127     looplink p = h;
128     while(p->next != h)
129     {
130         p = p->next;
131     }
132     p->next = h->next;
133     free(h);
134     h = NULL;
135     puts("kill head succeed");
136     return p->next;
137 }
139 //--------------------show all after delete head
140 void show_all_after_headkilled(looplink p1st)
141 {
142     if(NULL == p1st)
143     {
144         puts("show all after kill head failed at p1st");
145         return;
146     }
147     looplink q = p1st;
148     while(1)
149     {
150         printf("%d\t", q->data);
151         q = q->next;
152         if(q == p1st)
153             break;
154     }
155     puts("\nshow all after kill head succeed");
156     return;
157 }
158 //------------------------free looplink
159 int free_looplink(looplink pf)
160 {
161     if(NULL == pf)
162     {
163         puts("looplink not exist");
164         return -1;
165     }
166     looplink pt = pf;
167     do
168     {
169         pt = pt->next;
170     }while(pt->next != pf);
171     pt->next = NULL;     //cut the loop at tail add null to tail node
172     looplink p = pf;
173     while(p != NULL)
174     {
175         looplink q = p;
176         p = p->next;
177         free(q);
178     }
179     pt = NULL;
180     p = NULL;
181     pf = NULL;
182     puts("free whole looplink succeed");
183     return 0;
184 }
185 //---------------------delete current node return next node address
186 looplink delete_current_node(looplink p_cur)
187 {
188     if(NULL == p_cur)
189     {
190         puts("delete current node failed at looplink");
191         return NULL;
192     }
193     if(p_cur->next == p_cur)    //single node return NULL
194     {
195         free(p_cur);
196         p_cur = NULL;
197         return NULL;
198     }
199     looplink p_prio = p_cur;
200     while(p_prio->next != p_cur)
201     {
202         p_prio = p_prio->next;
203     }
204     p_prio->next = p_cur->next;
206     free(p_cur);
207     p_cur = NULL;
208     return p_prio->next;
209 }


  1 #include"looplink.h"
  2 int main()
  3 {
  4     looplink h = create_looplink(); //1 looplink to revolve and delete
  5     if(NULL == h)
  6     {
  7         return -1;
  8     }
  9     insert_after_head(h , 8);
 10     insert_after_head(h , 7);
 11     insert_after_head(h , 6);
 12     insert_after_head(h , 5);
 13     insert_after_head(h , 4);
 14     insert_after_head(h , 3);
 15     insert_after_head(h , 2);
 16     insert_after_head(h , 1);
 18     looplink p1st = kill_head(h);
 19     show_all_after_headkilled(p1st);
 21     looplink h2 = create_looplink();  //2 looplink to receive
 22     if(NULL == h2)
 23     {
 24         return -1;
 25     }
 26     insert_after_head(h2 , 8);
 27     insert_after_head(h2 , 7);
 28     insert_after_head(h2 , 6);
 29     insert_after_head(h2 , 5);
 30     insert_after_head(h2 , 4);
 31     insert_after_head(h2 , 3);
 32     insert_after_head(h2 , 2);
 33     insert_after_head(h2 , 1);
 35     looplink q1st = kill_head(h2);
 36     show_all_after_headkilled(q1st);
 38     looplink q = q1st;
 39     while(p1st != NULL)
 40     {
 41         for(int i = 1;i < 4;i++ )                                                                                                                                                   
 42         {
 43             p1st = p1st->next;
 44         }
 45         q->data = p1st->data;
 46         q = q->next;
 47         p1st = delete_current_node(p1st);
 48     }
 50     show_all_after_headkilled(q1st); //show the answer
 51     return 0;
 52 }


2022-9-16 task