WordPress has built-in support to handle audio files in various formats. It can automatically embed an audio file in a supported format, but what if you need more features like playlists, customization options, etc? In this article, we have hand-picked the bet audio player plugins for WordPress.

WordPress具有内置支持,可以处理各种格式的音频文件。 它可以自动以支持的格式嵌入音频文件,但是如果您需要更多功能,例如播放列表,自定义选项等,该怎么办? 在本文中,我们为WordPress精心挑选了押注音频播放器插件。

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1.在WordPress中添加音频文件和播放列表 (1. Add Audio Files and Playlists in WordPress)

WordPress can automatically embed an audio file in mp3 format. All you need to do is upload the file using the media uploader, and insert the file URL in the post editor like this:

WordPress可以自动嵌入mp3格式的音频文件。 您需要做的就是使用媒体上传器上传文件,然后在帖子编辑器中插入文件URL,如下所示:



You can also create playlists by selecting multiple audio files in media uploader and clicking the create audio playlist link from the left.


When you insert the audio playlist in the post editor, you will be able to see it in the visual editor. You can add audio playlists in any WordPress post or page.

当您在帖子编辑器中插入音频播放列表时,您将能够在视觉编辑器中看到它。 您可以在任何WordPress帖子或页面中添加音频播放列表。

2.音频专辑 (2. Audio Album)

Audio Album plugin is written for the purpose of displaying audio playlists and albums using the built-in WordPress functionality. Audio Album extends this functionality by offering an easier way to style your media player and the appearance of your albums.

音频专辑插件的编写是为了使用内置的WordPress功能显示音频播放列表和专辑。 音频专辑通过提供一种更轻松的方式来设置媒体播放器和专辑外观的样式,扩展了此功能。

It can also be used to add single tracks. The plugin comes with easy to use shortcodes that offer plenty of options. It also provides a basic stylesheet that you can edit to customize the media player.

它也可以用于添加单个轨道。 该插件带有易于使用的短代码,提供了很多选项。 它还提供了一个基本样式表,您可以对其进行编辑以自定义媒体播放器。

3.简单的音频播放器 (3. Simple Audio Player)

Simple Audio Player is a comprehensive audio plugin for WordPress. Instead of using HTML5 as the default playback option, Simple Audio Player uses flash as the default and HTML5 as the fallback.

Simple Audio Player是适用于WordPress的全面音频插件。 与使用HTML5作为默认播放选项不同,Simple Audio Player使用flash作为默认播放并将HTML5作为后备播放。

The plugin also provides easier options to change the color and size of the media player. Simple audio player plugin lets you enter audio playlists and tracks using a shortcode.

该插件还提供了更简单的选项来更改媒体播放器的颜色和大小。 简单的音频播放器插件可让您使用简码输入音频播放列表和曲目。

4.紧凑的WP音频播放器 (4. Compact WP Audio Player)

The default WordPress audio player takes all the available width in your post area. Compact WP Audio player solves this by adding a smaller audio player that can be easily adjusted to meet your needs.

默认的WordPress音频播放器采用您帖子区域中的所有可用宽度。 紧凑的WP音频播放器通过添加更小的音频播放器来解决此问题,可以轻松调整以满足您的需求。

This plugin uses HTML5 playback as the default option and offers flash as the fallback. It is fully responsive and even if you select a wider player, it will adjust itself automatically to fit user’s device or screen size.

该插件使用HTML5播放作为默认选项,并提供Flash作为后备。 它具有充分的响应能力,即使您选择了更大的播放器,它也会自动调整自身以适合用户的设备或屏幕尺寸。

5. HTML5 jQuery音频播放器 (5. HTML5 jQuery Audio Player)

HTML5 jQuery Audio Player offers a customizable and trendy looking audio player for WordPress. It comes with a lot of options, and it can also be used with Easy Digital Downloads to sell your digital content.

HTML5 jQuery音频播放器为WordPress提供了可定制且外观时尚的音频播放器。 它具有很多选项,还可以与Easy Digital Downloads一起使用以出售您的数字内容。

Your users can rate songs without leaving the page. The main feature of the plugin is its visual appearance. It can also display your album art and meta data beautifully.

您的用户可以在不离开页面的情况下为歌曲评分。 该插件的主要功能是其视觉外观。 它还可以精美地显示您的专辑封面和元数据。

6. CP Media Player (6. CP Media Player)

CP Media Player is a beautiful audio/video player for WordPress. It comes with a custom media player with several skins to change its appearance. It works on all devices and is fully responsive. Another useful feature of CM media player is the ability to display subtitles using the WebSRT format.

CP Media Player是用于WordPress的漂亮音频/视频播放器。 它带有一个带有几种外观的自定义媒体播放器,以更改其外观。 它可以在所有设备上使用,并且响应Swift。 CM媒体播放器的另一个有用功能是能够使用WebSRT格式显示字幕。

7.简单的音乐小部件 (7. Simple Music Widget)

Simple Music Widget adds an audio player widget that you can add to sidebars on your WordPress site. It is particularly useful if you want to display media along with other content on your website.

“简单音乐”小部件添加了一个音频播放器小部件,您可以将其添加到WordPress网站上的侧边栏。 如果要在网站上显示媒体以及其他内容,则该功能特别有用。

Simple music widget is extremely easy to use and comes with its own widget settings. See our tutorial on how to add an audio music player widget in WordPress.

简单的音乐小部件非常易于使用,并具有自己的小部件设置。 请参阅有关如何在WordPress中添加音频音乐播放器小部件的教程。

8. SoundCloud是金牌 (8. SoundCloud is Gold)

As the name suggests, SoundCloud is Gold is a WordPress plugin for SoundCloud. It allows you to easily manage your audio files hosted on SoundCloud. WordPress automatically embeds SoundCloud files using the oEmbed protocols, but this plugin allows you to do much more than that.

顾名思义,SoundCloud is Gold是SoundCloud的WordPress插件。 它使您可以轻松管理托管在SoundCloud上的音频文件。 WordPress使用oEmbed协议自动嵌入SoundCloud文件,但是此插件可让您做更多的事情。

You can manage your SoundCloud files from within your WordPress admin area, add files to your posts and pages without leaving the post editor, and add albums / playlists on the fly.


9.模糊的PowerPress播客 (9. Blubrry PowerPress Podcasting)

Blubrry PowerPress Podcasting is the best WordPress plugin for podcaster. It is a powerful, feature rich solution designed specifically for podcasting. It works with any hosting solution, but it works particularly well with Blubrry a hosted solution for podcasters.

Blubrry PowerPress播客是播客的最佳WordPress插件。 这是一个功能强大,功能丰富的解决方案,专为播客而设计。 它可以与任何托管解决方案一起使用,但与Blubrry的播客托管解决方案一起使用特别好。

It optimizes your podcast files for SEO, allows you to manage your podcasts efficiently, and more importantly it allows your users to easily subscribe to your podcast. Check out our step by step guide on how to start a podcast with WordPress.

它针对SEO优化了播客文件,使您可以有效地管理播客,更重要的是,它使用户可以轻松订阅您的播客。 查阅我们的逐步指南, 了解如何使用WordPress启动播客 。

We hope this article helped you find the best audio player for your WordPress site. You may also want to check out our list of best WordPress themes for bands and musicians.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适合WordPress网站的最佳音频播放器。 您可能还需要查看我们为乐队和音乐家提供的最佳WordPress主题列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner/plugins/9-best-audio-player-plugins-for-wordpress/

