
by Henrik Lindberg

亨里克·林德伯格(Henrik Lindberg)

完成期望后会发生什么:可视化育儿数据 (What to expect when you’re done expecting: visualizing the data of parenting)

A new mother will spend about 40,000 hours with her child over the first 18 years. This averages out to six hours a day. Dad gets to spend about 30.000 hours. It’s certainly useful to enjoy kids if you’re thinking about becoming a parent. You’ll spend a lot of time with them. But you’ll also have plenty of time to get used to it, if you haven’t already.

新妈妈在头18年内将与孩子共度40,000小时。 每天平均要花六个小时。 爸爸花了大约30.000小时。 如果您正在考虑成为父母,那么享受孩子无疑是很有用的。 您将花费很多时间与他们在一起。 但是,如果您还没有习惯的话,还可以有很多时间来适应它。

Having kids changes your life. You suddenly became responsible for this seemingly helpless creature (that somehow still seems to make sure to be properly fed and held and kept clean…ish). The emotional swings between love and frustration and pride and guilt and punch-drunk tiredness. And the sudden shortage of spare time.

有孩子会改变你的生活。 您突然对这个看似无助的生物负责(某种程度上似乎仍要确保正确喂养,保持并保持清洁……有些污秽)。 情感在爱与沮丧,骄傲与内gui和醉酒疲倦之间摇摆。 以及业余时间的突然短缺。

Having kids changes your life not only figuratively, but also in how you spend your days. Precisely how varies throughout the world. For example, Swedish parents get 480 paid parental days per child. It is not uncommon for mom to stay home for a year and dad for another six, eight, ten months. Or to set aside parental days to have long summer vacations.

生孩子不仅会比喻性地改变您的生活,还会改变您的生活方式。 精确地在世界范围内变化。 例如,瑞典父母每个孩子可获得480个带薪育儿日 。 妈妈在家里呆一年,爸爸再呆六个,八个,十个月的情况并不少见。 或放开父母节放暑假。

Here, however, we will stay in the US. We’ll look at how life changes for American parents through the lens of the American Time Use Survey.

但是,在这里,我们将留在美国。 我们将通过“ 美国时间使用调查”的角度来看美国父母的生活变化。

The changes you bring home together with the new life are immediate. They are without a doubt the greatest for the mother. Our survey gives data only by age in years of the youngest child living in the household, so to get an idea about the difference a child makes we have to look at the first year all at once.

您带给新生活的改变是立竿见影的。 毫无疑问,它们对母亲来说是最大的。 我们的调查仅按家庭中年龄最小的孩子的年龄提供数据,因此要了解孩子所造成的差异,我们必须一次查看第一年。

A large, red field appears, spread throughout the day. The act of caring for a child takes almost four hours of mom’s time, plus two of dad’s, on average during the first year. (I would love to have seen data for the first few weeks; I suspect that our chart would be quite red.)

出现一个大的红色区域,全天分布。 在第一年中,照顾孩子的行为平均要花费妈妈大约四个小时的时间,再加上两个爸爸的时间。 (我很想看到前几周的数据;我怀疑我们的图表会很红。)

Caring for children is also not something that is easily scheduled —babies have a tendency of needing care throughout the day and at times not necessarily at parents’ convenience. To make room for all of this, mom’s work and mom’s leisure both have go give way.

照料孩子也不是一件容易的事-婴儿有全天需要照顾的趋势,有时不一定在父母的方便下。 为了给所有这些腾出空间,妈妈的工作和妈妈的休闲都已让位。

Dad, on the other hand, typically stay at work and keep the other practical stuff going. Just as with mom, though, it’s no vacation: he equally cuts his time for leisure to care for the little one when he gets back home.

另一方面,爸爸通常会留在公司工作,并让其他实用的东西继续前进。 就像和妈妈一样,这不是放假:他同样会减少休闲时间,回家后照顾小孩子。

The first few months as a parent revolve around something other than yourself. From being used to do what you want, when you want to, nothing seems to be about you anymore. It can also feel quite alienating. You seem to live entirely different lives than your childless friends.

作为父母的头几个月围绕着您以外的其他事物。 从习惯做自己想做的事情到想要做的事情,似乎再也没有关于您的事情了。 感觉也很疏远。 您的生活似乎与没有孩子的朋友完全不同。

During the first year, mom spends four hours a day doing different things than her friends, and dad spends two. As the years go by, life gradually returns to what it used to be — or at least sets into a new balance where there is room for both being a parent, being a partner, and being a person.

在第一年中,妈妈每天花4个小时与朋友做不同的事情,爸爸花2个小时。 随着岁月的流逝,生活逐渐恢复到过去的状态–或至少建立了新的平衡,在这种平衡中,父母,伴侣和个人都有余地。

By the time the youngest turns eight, that difference between mothers and non-mothers is down to two hours a day, and at age sixteen only one. Dad’s return to normality follows a similar pace, although consistently with only half the difference.

到最小的孩子八岁时,母亲与非母亲之间的差异每天减少到两个小时,而在十六岁时只有一个小时。 父亲恢复正常生活的步伐相似,尽管差距只有一半。

At 16 years of age, childcare requires only some fifteen minutes a day. Mom is still home a little more than her childless friends, and still does relatively more housework. Both mom and dad still spends less time watching TV.

在16岁时,保育一天只需要15分钟。 妈妈比没有孩子的朋友在家还多一点,而且做家务还相对更多。 爸爸妈妈仍然花更少的时间看电视。

There seems to be a popular myth about parenthood that you no longer have time for hobbies, or culture, or meeting friends. Our data, however, suggest that you don’t trade a glamorous life without kids for sitting isolated in the couch with.

关于父母身份,似乎有一个流行的神话,那就是您不再有时间爱好,文化或结识朋友。 但是,我们的数据表明,如果没有孩子坐在沙发上与您隔离,您不会失去光彩照人的生活。

Sure, many hobbies get put on hold when the kids are young, but the childless friends seem to spend their time watching TV or at the computer rather than going to parties or pursuing their artistic ambitions. So the truth is perhaps that few of us live glamorous lives regardless of children. Or, more likely, that if something is important to you, you’ll figure out a way.

当然,当孩子还很小的时候,很多爱好就被搁置了,但是没有孩子的朋友们似乎把时间花在看电视或电脑上,而不是去参加聚会或追求艺术野心。 因此,事实可能是,我们当中很少有人不顾孩子而过着光荣的生活。 或者,更有可能的是,如果某些事情对您很重要,那么您会找到一种方法。

It’s not only what we do that matters, it is equally important with whom we do it. Bringing up children can feel like a lonely endeavor, especially when you are cut down on work and other social activities.

这不仅我们做的事情,这是与我们有它的重要性。 抚养孩子可能会感到孤独,特别是当您减少工作和其他社交活动时。

The data confirms that parents spend more time with the family. Before the kids arrive, both men and women spend about six waking hours a day with their family. With a baby in the house, mom spends a full 10 hours with family, nine of which include the baby.

数据证实,父母与家人在一起的时间更多。 在孩子们到达之前,男人和女人每天与家人在一起大约要花六个小时的醒来时间。 妈妈在家里抱着一个婴儿时,与家人共度了整整10个小时的时间,其中有9个包括婴儿。

A common piece of advice given to new parents is to not forget about the partner. Raising kids is hard, but is easier and more joyful if you share it with someone you get along well with. Here, the good thing is that having a child doesn’t necessarily change the amount of time you spend with your spouse. You’ll still meet as much as you used to. The worse thing, though, is that the time you spend with your spouse alone changes dramatically, from four hours a day to one. It is probably for good reasons that we are told to set aside time together and to make the most of the time we are able to find.

给新父​​母的一个常见建议是不要忘记伴侣。 抚养孩子很困难,但如果与相处融洽的人分享,则会变得更加轻松愉快。 在这里,好事是生孩子并不一定会改变您与配偶共度的时间。 您仍然会像以前那样见面。 但是,更糟糕的是,您与配偶独处的时间发生了巨大变化,从每天四个小时变为一个小时。 可能是出于充分的原因,我们被要求安排时间在一起并充分利用我们能够找到的时间。

The same is true with having time for ourselves. Me-time is immediately cut in half. The time we do take can be a source of guilt: it seems selfish to spend precious time doing things for oneself. Again, we are wise in taking the advice of those who have gone before us: You cannot give what you don’t have, so make sure to carve out time to get back in balance.

有时间陪伴自己也是如此。 我的时间立即减少了一半。 我们走的时候可能是内疚来源:看来自私的花费宝贵的时间做的事情为自己。 同样,我们明智的做法是听从那些已经走过的人的建议:您无法奉献自己没有的东西,因此请务必抽出时间使自己恢复平衡。

Becoming a parent is difficult from time to time. The life we’ve spent building becomes in many ways turned upside down overnight, and with little guidance we are able to relate to. In other ways becoming a parent is kind of easy. We have no choice but to adapt. The best we can hope for is to have a loving partner with whom to figure it all out. Beyond that, all we can do is to be prepared to not be prepared. Know that life suddenly will become different, before a new normal — not the same, but also not that different — will take its place.

不时成为父母是困难的。 我们花在建筑上的生活在一夜之间以许多方式变得颠倒了,并且在我们几乎没有指导的情况下。 在其他方面,成为父母很容易。 我们别无选择,只能适应。 我们所能期望的最好的是拥有一个充满爱心的伙伴,与他一起解决这个问题。 除此之外,我们所能做的就是准备不准备。 知道生活会突然变得不同,在新的常态(不一样,但也没有那么大的改变)取代它之前。

All numbers here are taken from the American Time Use Survey 2003–2015, for people aged 25–50 years with spouses. All graphs were created by me.

这里的所有数字均来自2003-2015年美国时间使用调查,该调查针对年龄在25-50岁且有配偶的人。 所有图都是我创建的。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/what-to-expect-when-youre-done-expecting-25fb0c00393/


