
📈Python金融系列 (📈Python for finance series)

Warning: There is no magical formula or Holy Grail here, though a new world might open the door for you.


📈Python金融系列 (📈Python for finance series)

  1. Identifying Outliers


  2. Identifying Outliers — Part Two


  3. Identifying Outliers — Part Three


  4. Stylized Facts


  5. Feature Engineering & Feature Selection


  6. Data Transformation


Following up the previous posts in these series, this time we are going to explore a real Technical Analysis (TA) in the financial market. For a very long time, I have been fascinated by the inner logic of TA called Volume Spread Analysis (VSA). I have found no articles on applying modern Machine learning on this time proving long-lasting technique. Here I am trying to throw out a minnow to catch a whale. If I could make some noise in this field, it was worth the time I spent on this article.

遵循这些系列中的先前文章,这次我们将探索金融市场中的实际技术分析(TA)。 很长时间以来,我一直着迷于TA的内部逻辑,即体积扩展分析(VSA)。 到目前为止,我还没有发现有关应用现代机器学习的文章证明了其持久的技术。 在这里,我试图扔一条小鱼来捉鲸鱼。 如果我能在这个领域引起一些轰动,那是值得我在本文上花费的时间。

Especially, after I read David H. Weis’s Trades About to Happen, in his book he described:

特别是,在我阅读David H. Weis的著作《 即将发生的交易》之后 ,他描述了:

“Instead of analyzing an array of indicators or algorithms, you should be able to listen to what any market says about itself.”¹


To closely listen to the market, as also well said from this quote below, just as it may not be possible to predict the future, it is also hard to neglect things about to happen. The key is to capture what is about to happen and follow the flow.

正如下面的引文所言,密切听取市场意见,正如可能无法预测未来一样,也很难忽略即将发生的事情。 关键是捕获将要发生的事情并遵循流程。

But how to perceive things about to happen, a statement made long ago by Richard Wyckoff gives some clues:

但是,如何感知即将发生的事情, Richard Wyckoff很久以前发表的声明给出了一些线索:

“Successful tape reading [chart reading] is a study of Force. It requires ability to judge which side has the greatest pulling power and one must have the courage to go with that side. There are critical points which occur in each swing just as in the life of a business or of an individual. At these junctures it seems as though a feather’s weight on either side would determine the immediate trend. Any one who can spot these points has much to win and little to lose.”²

“成功的磁带阅读[图表阅读]是对Force的研究。 它需要能够判断哪一方具有最大的拉动力,而一方必须有勇气与那一方并驾齐驱。 就像企业或个人的生活一样,每一个环节都有一些关键点。 在这些关头,似乎两侧的羽毛重量将决定当前趋势。 任何能够发现这些点的人都将赢得很多,而损失却很少。”²

But how to interpret the market behaviours? One of the eloquent description of market forces by Richard Wyckoff is very instructive:

但是,如何解释市场行为呢? 理查德·怀科夫 ( Richard Wyckoff )对市场力量的雄辩性描述之一很有启发性:

“The market is like a slowly revolving wheel: Whether the wheel will continue to revolve in the same direction, stand still or reverse depends entirely upon the forces which come in contact with it hub and tread. even when the contact is broken, and nothing remains to affect its course, the wheel retains a certain impulse from the most recent dominating force, and revolves until it comes to a standstill or is subjected to other influences.”²

“市场就像一个缓慢旋转的轮子:轮子将继续沿相同方向旋转,静止还是反向旋转,完全取决于与轮毂和胎面相接触的力。 即使接触断开,也没有影响其行程的方向盘,车轮仍会保留来自最新支配力的一定冲力,并旋转直到其停止或受到其他影响。”²

David H. Weis gives a marvellous example of how to interpret the bars and relate them to the market behaviours. Through his construction of a hypothetical bar behaviour, every single bar becomes alive and rushes to tell you their stories.

戴维·H·韦斯(David H. Weis)提供了一个出色的例子,说明了如何解读酒吧并将其与市场行为联系起来。 通过构造一个假想的酒吧行为,每个酒吧都活着并争先恐后地告诉您他们的故事。

Hypothetical Behaviour

For all the details of the analysis, please refer to David’s book.


Purchased this book before it officially released and got David’s signature.

Before we dive deep into the code, it would be better to give a bit more background on Volume Spread Analysis (VSA). VSA is the study of the relationship between volume and price to predict market direction by following the professional traders, so-called market maker. All the interpretations of market behaviours follow 3 basic laws:

在深入研究代码之前,最好对体积扩展分析(VSA)有所了解。 VSA是对数量和价格之间关系的研究,旨在通过跟随专业交易者(所谓的做市商)来预测市场方向。 市场行为的所有解释都遵循3个基本定律:

  • The Law of Supply and Demand

  • The Law of Effort vs. Results

  • The Law of Cause and Effect


There are also three big names in VSA’s development history.


  • Jesse Livermore

  • Richard Wyckoff

    理查德·威科夫(Richard Wyckoff)
  • Tom Williams


And tons of learning materials can be found online. For a beginner, I would recommend the following 2 books.

大量的学习资料可以在网上找到。 对于初学者,我建议以下2本书。

  1. Master the Markets by Tom Williams

    汤姆·威廉姆斯(Tom Williams) 掌握市场

  2. Trades About to Happen by David H. Weis

    David H. Weis 即将发生的交易

Also, if you only want to have a quick peek on this topic, there is a nice article on VSA from here.


One of the great advantages of Machine learning / Deep learning lies on the no need for feature engineering. The basic of VSA is, as said in its name, volume, the spread of price range, location of the close related to the change of stock price in a bar.

机器学习/深度学习的一大优势在于无需特征工程。 正如其名称中所述,VSA的基本原理是数量,价格范围的价差,与条形图的股价变化相关的收盘位置。

These features can be defined as:


Definition of bars
  • Volume: pretty straight forward

  • Range/Spread: Difference between high and close

  • Closing Price Relative to Range: Is the closing price near the top or the bottom of the price bar?

  • The change of stock price: pretty straight forward


There are many terminologies created by Richard Wyckoff, like Sign of strength (SOS), Sign of weakness (SOW) etc.. However, most of those terminologies are purely the combination of those 4 basic features. I don’t believe that, with deep learning, over-engineering features is a sensible thing to do. Considering one of the advantages of deep learning is that it completely automates what used to be the most crucial step in a machine-learning workflow: feature engineering. The thing we need to do is to tell the algorithm where to look at, rather than babysitting them step by step. Without further ado, let’s dive into the code.

理查德·怀科夫(Richard Wyckoff)创建了许多术语 ,例如“强势迹象(SOS)”,“弱势迹象(SOW)”等。但是,这些术语中的大多数纯粹是这四个基本特征的组合。 我不认为通过深度学习,过度设计功能不是明智的选择。 考虑到深度学习的优点之一是它可以完全自动化机器学习工作流程中最关键的步骤:特征工程。 我们需要做的是告诉算法要看的地方,而不是一步一步地照顾他们。 事不宜迟,让我们深入研究代码。

1.数据准备 (1. Data preparation)

For consistency, in all the 📈Python for finance series, I will try to reuse the same data as much as I can. More details about data preparation can be found here, here and here.

为了保持一致性,在所有Python金融系列丛书中 ,我将尽量重用相同的数据。 有关数据准备的更多详细信息,可以在此处 , 此处和此处找到 。

#import all the libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import yfinance as yf #the stock data from Yahoo Financeimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt #set the parameters for plotting
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 300#define a function to get data
def get_data(symbols, begin_date=None,end_date=None):
df = yf.download('AAPL', start = '2000-01-01',
auto_adjust=True,#only download adjusted data
end= '2010-12-31')
#my convention: always lowercase
df.columns = ['open','high','low',

return df
prices = get_data('AAPL', '2000-01-01', '2010-12-31')

✍提示! (✍Tip!)

The data we download this time is adjusted data from yfinance by setting the auto_adjust=True. If you have access to tick data, by all means. It would be much better with tick data as articulated from Advances in Financial Machine Learning by Marcos Prado. Anyway, 10 years adjusted data only gives 2766 entries, which is far from “Big Data”.

我们这次下载的数据是 通过设置 auto_adjust=True yfinance 调整的数据 如果可以访问滴答数据,请务必。 剔除的报价数据会更好 Marcos Prado 在金融机器学习中 进展 。 无论如何,经过10年调整的数据仅提供2766条记录,与“大数据”相去甚远。

2.特征工程 (2. Feature Engineering)

The key point of combining VSA with modern data science is through reading and interpreting the bars' own actions, one (hopefully algorithm) can construct a story of the market behaviours. The story might not be easily understood by a human, but works in a sophisticated way.

将VSA与现代数据科学相结合的关键点在于,通过阅读和解释条形自身的行为,一个(希望是一种算法)可以构建一个关于市场行为的故事。 这个故事可能不容易为人类所理解,而是以一种复杂的方式进行。

Volume in conjunction with the price range and the position of the close is easy to be expressed by code.


  • Volume: pretty straight forward

  • Range/Spread: Difference between high and close

def price_spread(df):
return (df.high - df.low)
  • Closing Price Relative to Range: Is the closing price near the top or the bottom of the price bar?

def close_location(df):
return (df.high - df.close) / (df.high - df.low)#o indicates the close is the high of the day, and 1 means close
#is the low of the day and the smaller the value, the closer the #close price to the high.
  • The change of stock price: pretty straight forward


Now comes the tricky part,


“When viewed in a larger context, some of the price bars take on a new meaning.”


That means to see the full pictures, we need to observe those 4 basic features under a different time scale.


To do that, we need to reconstruct a High(H), Low(L), Close(C) and Volume(V) bar at varied time span.


def create_HLCV(i): 
#i: days
#as we don't care about open that much, that leaves volume,
#high,low and close
''' df = pd.DataFrame(index=prices.index) df[f'high_{i}D'] = prices.high.rolling(i).max()
df[f'low_{i}D'] = prices.low.rolling(i).min()
df[f'close_{i}D'] = prices.close.rolling(i).\
apply(lambda x:x[-1])
# close_2D = close as rolling backwards means today is
#literally, the last day of the rolling window.
df[f'volume_{i}D'] = prices.volume.rolling(i).sum()

return df

next step, create those 4 basic features based on a different time scale.


def create_features(i):
df = create_HLCV(i)
high = df[f'high_{i}D']
low = df[f'low_{i}D']
close = df[f'close_{i}D']
volume = df[f'volume_{i}D']

features = pd.DataFrame(index=prices.index)
features[f'volume_{i}D'] = volume
features[f'price_spread_{i}D'] = high - low
features[f'close_loc_{i}D'] = (high - close) / (high - low)
features[f'close_change_{i}D'] = close.diff()

return features

The time spans that I would like to explore are 1, 2, 3 days and 1 week, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, which roughly are [1,2,3,5,20,40,60] days. Now, we can create a whole bunch of features,

我想探索的时间范围是1、2、3天和1周,1个月,2个月,3个月,大约是[1,2,3,5,20,40,60]天。 现在,我们可以创建很多功能,

def create_bunch_of_features():
days = [1,2,3,5,20,40,60]
bunch_of_features = pd.DataFrame(index=prices.index)
for day in days:
f = create_features(day)
bunch_of_features = bunch_of_features.join(f)

return bunch_of_featuresbunch_of_features = create_bunch_of_features()

To make things easy to understand, our target outcome will only be the next day’s return.


# next day's returns as outcomes
outcomes = pd.DataFrame(index=prices.index)
outcomes['close_1'] = prices.close.pct_change(-1)

3.特征选择 (3. Feature Selection)

Let’s have a look at how those features correlated with outcomes, the next day’s return.


corr = bunch_of_features.corrwith(outcomes.close_1)
corr.sort_values(ascending=False).plot.barh(title = 'Strength of Correlation');

It is hard to say there are some correlations, as all the numbers are well below 0.8.



Next, let’s see how those features related to each other.


corr_matrix = bunch_of_features.corr()

Instead of making heatmap, I am trying to use Seaborn’s Clustermap to cluster row-wise or col-wise to see if there is any pattern emerges. Seaborn’s Clustermap function is great for making simple heatmaps and hierarchically-clustered heatmaps with dendrograms on both rows and/or columns. This reorganizes the data for the rows and columns and displays similar content next to one another for even more depth of understanding the data. A nice tutorial about cluster map can be found here. To get a cluster map, all you need is actually one line of code.

我没有制作热图,而是尝试使用Seaborn的Clustermap对行或逐行进行聚类,以查看是否出现任何模式。 Seaborn的Clustermap功能非常适用于制作简单的热图和在行和/或列上均具有树状图的层次集群的热图。 这将重新组织行和列的数据,并相邻显示相似的内容,以进一步了解数据。 可以在这里找到有关集群映射的很好的教程。 要获得集群图,实际上只需要一行代码。


If you carefully scrutinize the graph, some conclusions can be drawn:


  1. Price spread closely related to the volume, as clearly shown at the centre of the graph.

  2. And the location of close related to each other at different timespan, as indicated at the bottom right corner.

  3. From the pale colour of the top left corner, close price change does pair with itself, which makes perfect sense. However, it is a bit random as no cluster pattern at varied time scale. I would expect that 2Days change should be paired with 3Days change.

    从左上角的浅色开始,接近的价格变化与自身匹配,这是很合理的。 但是,由于在变化的时间尺度上没有群集模式,因此它有点随机。 我希望2天的更改应与3天的更改配对。

The randomness of the close price difference could thank to the characteristics of the stock price itself. Simple percentage return might be a better option. This can be realized by modifying the close diff() to close pct_change().

收盘价差的随机性可以归功于股票价格本身的特征。 简单的百分比回报可能是更好的选择。 这可以通过将close diff()修改为close pct_change()

def create_features_v1(i):
df = create_HLCV(i)
high = df[f'high_{i}D']
low = df[f'low_{i}D']
close = df[f'close_{i}D']
volume = df[f'volume_{i}D']

features = pd.DataFrame(index=prices.index)
features[f'volume_{i}D'] = volume
features[f'price_spread_{i}D'] = high - low
features[f'close_loc_{i}D'] = (high - close) / (high - low)
#only change here
features[f'close_change_{i}D'] = close.pct_change()

return features

and do everything again.


def create_bunch_of_features_v1():
days = [1,2,3,5,20,40,60]
bunch_of_features = pd.DataFrame(index=prices.index)
for day in days:
f = create_features_v1(day)#here is the only difference
bunch_of_features = bunch_of_features.join(f)

return bunch_of_featuresbunch_of_features_v1 = create_bunch_of_features_v1()#check the correlation
corr_v1 = bunch_of_features_v1.corrwith(outcomes.close_1)
corr_v1.sort_values(ascending=False).plot.barh( title = 'Strength of Correlation')

a little bit different, but not much!



What happens to the correlation between features?


corr_matrix_v1 = bunch_of_features_v1.corr()
sns.clustermap(corr_matrix_v1, cmap='coolwarm', linewidth=1)

Well, the pattern remains unchanged. Let’s change the default method from “average” to “ward”. These two methods are similar, but “ward” is more like K-MEANs clustering. A nice tutorial on this topic can be found here.

好吧,模式保持不变。 让我们将默认方法从“平均值”更改为“病房”。 这两种方法相似,但是“ ward”更像是K-MEAN聚类。 可以在这里找到有关该主题的不错的教程。

sns.clustermap(corr_matrix_v1, cmap='coolwarm', linewidth=1,

To select features, we want to pick those that have the strongest, most persistent relationships to the target outcome. At the meantime, to minimize the amount of overlap or collinearity in your selected features to avoid noise and waste of computer power. For those features that paired together in a cluster, I only pick the one that has a stronger correlation with the outcome. By just looking at the cluster map, a few features are picked out.

要选择特征,我们要选择与目标结果之间关系最牢固,最持久的特征。 同时,为了最大程度地减少所选功能中的重叠或共线性,避免产生噪音和计算机电源浪费。 对于在集群中配对在一起的那些特征,我只选择与结果相关性更强的那些特征。 通过仅查看聚类图,就可以挑选出一些功能。

deselected_features_v1 = ['close_loc_3D','close_loc_60D',
'volume_3D', 'volume_60D',
'close_change_3D','close_change_60D']selected_features_v1 = bunch_of_features.drop \
(labels=deselected_features_v1, axis=1)

Next, we are going to take a look at pair-plot, A pair plot is a great method to identify trends for follow-up analysis, allowing us to see both distributions of single variables and relationships between multiple variables. Again, all we need is a single line of code.

接下来,我们将看一下配对图, 配对图是识别趋势以进行后续分析的好方法,它使我们既可以看到单个变量的分布又可以看到多个变量之间的关系。 同样,我们只需要一行代码。


The graph is overwhelming and hard to see. Let’s take a small group as an example.

该图是压倒性的,很难看到。 让我们以一个小组为例。

selected_features_1D_list = ['volume_1D', 'price_spread_1D',\         'close_loc_1D', 'close_change_1D']selected_features_1D = selected_features_v1\

There are two things I noticed immediately, one is there are outliers and another is the distribution are no way close to normal.


Let’s deal with the outliers for now. In order to do everything in one go, I will join the outcome with features and remove outliers together.

现在让我们处理异常值。 为了一次性完成所有工作,我将结果与功能结合在一起,并将异常值一起移除。

features_outcomes = selected_features_v1.join(outcomes)

I will use the same method described here, here and here to remove the outliers.

我将使用此处 , 此处和此处所述的相同方法来删除异常值。

stats = features_outcomes.describe()
def get_outliers(df, i=4):
#i is number of sigma, which define the boundary along mean
outliers = pd.DataFrame()

for col in df.columns:
mu = stats.loc['mean', col]
sigma = stats.loc['std', col]
condition = (df[col] > mu + sigma * i) | (df[col] < mu - sigma * i)
outliers[f'{col}_outliers'] = df[col][condition]

return outliersoutliers = get_outliers(features_outcomes, i=1)

I set 1 standard deviation as the boundary to dig out most of the outliers. Then remove all the outliers along with the NaN values.

我将1个标准差设置为边界,以挖掘出大多数异常值。 然后删除所有异常值以及NaN值。

features_outcomes_rmv_outliers = features_outcomes.drop(index = outliers.index).dropna()

With the outliers removed, we can do the pair plot again.


sns.pairplot(features_outcomes_rmv_outliers, vars=selected_features_1D_list);

Now, the plots are looking much better, but it is barely to draw any useful conclusions. It would be nice to see which spots are down moves and which are up moves in conjunction with those features. I can extract the sign of stock price change and add an extra dimension to the plots.

现在,这些图看起来好多了,但是几乎没有得出任何有用的结论。 很高兴看到哪些点向下移动,哪些点向上移动以及这些功能。 我可以提取股票价格变化的迹象,并为图添加额外的维度。

features_outcomes_rmv_outliers['sign_of_close'] = features_outcomes_rmv_outliers['close_1'].apply(np.sign)

Now, let’s re-plot the pairplot() again with a bit of tweak to make the graph pretty.

现在,让我们通过一些调整再次重新绘制pairplot() ,以使图表更漂亮。

palette='husl', hue='sign_of_close',
markers = ['*', '<', '+'],

Now, it looks much better. Clearly, when the prices go up, they (the blue spot) are denser and aggregate at a certain location. Whereas on down days, they spread everywhere.

现在,它看起来好多了。 显然,当价格上涨时,它们(蓝色点)在某个位置更密集且聚集在一起。 而在低迷时期,它们无处不在。

I would really appreciate it if you could shed some light on the pair plot and leave your comments below, thanks.


Here is the summary of all the codes used in this article:


#import all the libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import yfinance as yf #the stock data from Yahoo Financeimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt #set the parameters for plotting
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 300#define a function to get data
def get_data(symbols, begin_date=None,end_date=None):
df = yf.download('AAPL', start = '2000-01-01',
auto_adjust=True,#only download adjusted data
end= '2010-12-31')
#my convention: always lowercase
df.columns = ['open','high','low',

return dfprices = get_data('AAPL', '2000-01-01', '2010-12-31')#create some features
def create_HLCV(i):#as we don't care open that much, that leaves volume,
#high,low and closedf = pd.DataFrame(index=prices.index)
df[f'high_{i}D'] = prices.high.rolling(i).max()
df[f'low_{i}D'] = prices.low.rolling(i).min()
df[f'close_{i}D'] = prices.close.rolling(i).\
apply(lambda x:x[-1])
# close_2D = close as rolling backwards means today is
# literly the last day of the rolling window.
df[f'volume_{i}D'] = prices.volume.rolling(i).sum()

return dfdef create_features_v1(i):
df = create_HLCV(i)
high = df[f'high_{i}D']
low = df[f'low_{i}D']
close = df[f'close_{i}D']
volume = df[f'volume_{i}D']

features = pd.DataFrame(index=prices.index)
features[f'volume_{i}D'] = volume
features[f'price_spread_{i}D'] = high - low
features[f'close_loc_{i}D'] = (high - close) / (high - low)
features[f'close_change_{i}D'] = close.pct_change()

return featuresdef create_bunch_of_features_v1():
the timespan that i would like to explore
are 1, 2, 3 days and 1 week, 1 month, 2 month, 3 month
which roughly are [1,2,3,5,20,40,60]
days = [1,2,3,5,20,40,60]
bunch_of_features = pd.DataFrame(index=prices.index)
for day in days:
f = create_features_v1(day)
bunch_of_features = bunch_of_features.join(f)

return bunch_of_featuresbunch_of_features_v1 = create_bunch_of_features_v1()#define the outcome target
#here, to make thing easy to understand, i will only try to predict #the next days's return
outcomes = pd.DataFrame(index=prices.index)# next day's returns
outcomes['close_1'] = prices.close.pct_change(-1)#decide which features are abundant from cluster map
deselected_features_v1 = ['close_loc_3D','close_loc_60D',
'volume_3D', 'volume_60D',
selected_features_v1 = bunch_of_features_v1.drop(labels=deselected_features_v1, axis=1)#join the features and outcome together to remove the outliers
features_outcomes = selected_features_v1.join(outcomes)
stats = features_outcomes.describe()#define the method to identify outliers
def get_outliers(df, i=4):
#i is number of sigma, which define the boundary along mean
outliers = pd.DataFrame()

for col in df.columns:
mu = stats.loc['mean', col]
sigma = stats.loc['std', col]
condition = (df[col] > mu + sigma * i) | (df[col] < mu - sigma * i)
outliers[f'{col}_outliers'] = df[col][condition]

return outliersoutliers = get_outliers(features_outcomes, i=1)#remove all the outliers and Nan value
features_outcomes_rmv_outliers = features_outcomes.drop(index = outliers.index).dropna()

I know this article goes too long, I am better off leaving it here. In the next article, I will do a data transformation to see if I have a way to fix the issue of distribution. Stay tuned!

我知道这篇文章太长了,最好把它留在这里。 在下一篇文章中,我将进行数据转换,以查看是否有办法解决分发问题。 敬请关注!

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience/feature-engineering-feature-selection-8c1d57af18d2


