A dynamic niching clustering algorithm based on individual-connectedness and its application to color image segmentation

Automatically evolve the optimal number of clusters as well as the cluster centers of data set based on the proposed adaptive compact k-distance neighborhood algorithm.


X : The dataset. Where X={x1,x2,,xn}, xiRd .

NK(x) : The K -NN set of object x.

Adaptive compact k-distance neighborhood algorithm

  1. Evaluate each object x ’s neighbor-based density factor by
    And for each xX , compute the optimal K using MANOVA(multivariate analysis of variance).

  2. When NDF(x)1, call x a dense point, and denote O={x|NDF(x)1} .

  3. Build the graph G=(O,E) , where E={x,y|xONK(y),yONK(x)} .

  4. Clustering O by the connectedness in G, and the elements of XO are assigned by the principle of proximity.


There is a pit that I can’t understand the procedure that find the optimal cluster number and cluster centers by GA(Genetic Algorithm).


A dynamic niching clustering algorithm based on individual-connectedness and its