
This is approach mitigates complexity separating the concerns of the front end,which typically revolve around language semantics,error checking,and the like,from the concerns of the back end,which concentrates on producting output that is both efficient and correct.


Alternative calculation models in neural networks include models with loops,where some kind of time delay

process must be used,and "winner takes all"models,where the neuron with the highest value from the calculation fires and takes a value 1,and all other neurons take a value 0;


The procedure by which a computer is told how to work is called programing.


该句的主要结构是The procedure is called programming.采用一般现在时和被动语态。by which为“介词+关系代词”引导定语从句,从句的谓语也为被动语态,which指代procedure

Were there no plants,there would be no photosynthetic and life could not go on.



Backing up your files safeguards them against loss if your hard disk fails or you accidentally overwrite or delete data.


Insert new diskette for drive A:and strike any key when already.


Must be structure field name.



Written language uses a small number of symbols which are esaily encoded in digital form and can be combined in innumerable ways to convery meaning.

译文“书面语言只使用很少的符号,它们很容易以数字形式编码,并且可以用数不清的方法来表示其含义,句中are encoded 和 can be combined 是并列谓语,用被动语态,in digital form和in innumerable ways 中的介词in表示以什么形式,用什么方式。

This instrument works on the principle that each individual substance emits a characteristic spectrum of light when its molecules are caused to vibrate by the application of heat,electricity,etc.;and after studying the spectrum which he had obtained on this occasion,Hildebrand reported the gas to be nitrogen.

译文:这个仪器的工作原理是,当物质的分子由于加热、通电等而引起振动时,每种物质产生一种独特的光谱;在研究了此种情况下收集到的光谱后,Hilderbrand 宣布这种气体是氮。

这个句子的基本骨架是用and连接的两个并列的主句:This instrument works on the principle和after studying the spectrum,Hilder reported the gas to be nitrogen.第一个主句有一个用that连接的同位语从句,说明主句中的principle,而这个同位语从句又有一个用that连接的同位语从句,说明主句中的principle,而这个同位语从句又有一个用when连接的时间状语从句。第二个主句中包含了一个用which连接的定语从句,说明spectrum.

Having developed the capacity to store vast quantities of data,and compress it into a small space,and now having the capability to accurately and quickly retrieve information via adaptive pattern recognition make up the core which is taking multimedia solutions from a fringe technology to something which is at the beginning of pervading every aspect of our lives,and finally,living up to the promises that the hype has generated during the last five years.


Technology for development will allow construction of larger projects,artificial intelligence(intelligent agents,knowledge based systems,data mining and intelligent filtering and so on)will be increasingly feasible as costs decrease,performance improves and widespread networking are available.


这也是一个长句。本句的主语是Technology for development,谓语是will allow,其后是一宾语从句,作为allow的宾语,在宾语从句中,construction of larger projects,artificial intelligence(intelligent agents,knowledge based systems,data mining and intelligent filtering,and so on )作主语,will be increasingly feasible 是系表结构作为谓语,as引导的原因状语从句作为状语,修饰谓语

It was in the 1940s that the first computer was built.


It is necessary to learn Visual Basic



