
如果需要抽取pdf 中的表格 OR 其他数据,欢迎评论哦


  • pdfplumber
    • Table of Contents
    • Installation
    • Command line interface
      • Basic example
      • Options
    • Python library
      • Basic example
      • Loading a PDF
      • The `pdfplumber.PDF` class
      • The `pdfplumber.Page` class
      • Objects
        • `char` properties
        • `line` properties
        • `rect` properties
        • `curve` properties
        • `image` properties
        • `figure` properties
    • Visual debugging
      • Creating a `PageImage` with `.to_image()`
      • Basic `PageImage` methods
      • Drawing methods
    • Extracting tables
      • Table-extraction methods
      • Table-extraction settings
      • Table-extraction strategies
      • Notes
    • Extracting form values
    • Demonstrations
    • Comparison to other libraries
      • Specific comparisons
      • reference

Original Website:https://github/jsvine/pdfplumber#visual-debugging

Plumb a PDF for detailed information about each text character, rectangle, and line. Plus: Table extraction and visual debugging.

Works best on machine-generated, rather than scanned, PDFs. Built on pdfminer.six.

Currently tested on Python 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8.

Note: pdfplumber v0.5.22 was the final version to support Python 3.5.

Table of Contents

  • Installation
  • Command line interface
  • Python library
  • Visual debugging
  • Extracting tables
  • Extracting form values
  • Demonstrations
  • Comparison to other libraries


pip install pdfplumber

Command line interface

Basic example

curl "https://raw.githubusercontent/jsvine/pdfplumber/stable/examples/pdfs/background-checks.pdf" > background-checks.pdf

pdfplumber < background-checks.pdf > background-checks.csv

The output will be a CSV containing info about every character, line, and rectangle in the PDF.



--format [format]csv or json. The json format returns more information; it includes PDF-level and page-level metadata, plus dictionary-nested attributes. csv或json. 该JSON格式返回的更多信息; 它包括PDF级和页面级元数据,以及词典嵌套属性。
--pages [list of pages]A space-delimited, 1-indexed list of pages or hyphenated page ranges. E.g., 1, 11-15, which would return data for pages 1, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. 以空格分隔的带页码的页面列表或带连字符的页面范围。例如1、11-15 ,这将返回第1、11、12、13、14和15页的数据。
--types [list of object types to extract]–types [要提取的对象类型列表]Choices are char, rect, line, curve, image, annot. Defaults to all.

Python library

Basic example

import pdfplumber

with pdfplumber.open("path/to/file.pdf") as pdf:
    first_page = pdf.pages[0]

Loading a PDF

To start working with a PDF, call pdfplumber.open(x), where x can be a:

  • path to your PDF file
  • file object, loaded as bytes
  • file-like object, loaded as bytes

The open method returns an instance of the pdfplumber.PDF class.

To load a password-protected PDF, pass the password keyword argument, e.g., pdfplumber.open("file.pdf", password = "test").

The pdfplumber.PDF class

The top-level pdfplumber.PDF class represents a single PDF and has two main properties:


.metadataA dictionary of metadata key/value pairs, drawn from the PDF’s Info trailers. Typically includes “CreationDate,” “ModDate,” “Producer,” etc 从PDF的信息预告片提取的元数据 键/值对 字典
.pagesA list containing one pdfplumber.Page instance per page loaded. 包含每个加载的页面的pdfplumber.Page实例的列表

The pdfplumber.Page class

The pdfplumber.Page class is at the core of pdfplumber. Most things you’ll do with pdfplumber will revolve around(围绕) this class. It has these main properties:

.page_numberThe sequential page number, starting with 1 for the first page, 2 for the second, and so on.
.widthThe page’s width.
.heightThe page’s height.
.objects / .chars / .lines / .rects / .curves / .figures / .imagesEach of these properties is a list, and each list contains one dictionary for each such object embedded on the page. For more detail, see “Objects” below. 这些属性的类型都是列表,并且每个列表都包含一个嵌入页面的对象的字典。有关更多详细信息,请参见下面的对象

… and these main methods:

.crop(bounding_box, relative=False)Returns a version of the page cropped to the bounding box, which should be expressed as 4-tuple with the values (x0, top, x1, bottom). Cropped pages retain objects that fall at least partly within the bounding box. If an object falls only partly within the box, its dimensions are sliced to fit the bounding box. If relative=True, the bounding box is calculated as an offset from the top-left of the page’s bounding box, rather than an absolute positioning. (See Issue #245 for a visual example and explanation.) 返回裁剪到边框的页面副本,该版本应表示为具有值(x0,top,x1,bottom)的4元组。裁剪后的页面保留了至少部分位于边界框内的对象。如果对象仅部分落在该框内,则对其尺寸进行切片以适合边界框。如果relative = True ,则将边界框计算为距页面边界框左上角的偏移量,而不是绝对位置。??(有关直观示例和说明,请参见第245期。)
.within_bbox(bounding_box, relative=False)Similar to .crop, but only retains objects that fall entirely within the bounding box. 类似于.crop()方法 ,但只保留完全落在边框内的对象。
.filter(test_function)Returns a version of the page with only the .objects for which test_function(obj) returns True. 返回一个版本的页面,只有在.objects为其test_function(OBJ)返回真。
.extract_text(x_tolerance=3, y_tolerance=3)Collates all of the page’s character objects into a single string. Adds spaces where the difference between the x1 of one character and the x0 of the next is greater than x_tolerance. Adds newline characters where the difference between the doctop of one character and the doctop of the next is greater than y_tolerance. 将页面的所有字符对象整理成一个单一的字符串。当一个字符的 "x1 "和下一个字符的 "x0 "之间的差异大于 "x_tolerance "时,添加空格。当一个字符的 "doctop "和下一个字符的 "doctop "之间的差异大于 "y_tolerance "时,添加换行字符。
.extract_words(x_tolerance=3, y_tolerance=3, horizontal_ltr=True, vertical_ttb=True)Returns a list of all word-looking things and their bounding boxes. Words are considered to be sequences of characters where (for “upright” characters) the difference between the x1 of one character and the x0 of the next is less than or equal to x_tolerance and where the doctop of one character and the doctop of the next is less than or equal to y_tolerance. A similar approach is taken for non-upright characters, but instead measuring the vertical, rather than horizontal, distances between them. The parameters horizontal_ltr and vertical_ttb indicate whether the words should be read from left-to-right (for horizontal words) / top-to-bottom (for vertical words). 返回所有具有单词外观的事物及其边界框的列表。话被认为是字符序列,其中(为“直立”字符)之间的差X1一个字符和X0的下一个小于或等于x_tolerance和其中doctop一个字符和doctop下一的小于或等于y_tolerance 。对于非垂直字符也可以采用类似的方法,但是要测量非垂直字符之间的垂直距离,而不是水平距离。参数horizontal_ltr和vertical_ttb指示是否应从左到右(对于水平单词)/从上到下(对于垂直单词)读取单词。
.extract_tables(table_settings)Extracts tabular data from the page. For more details see “Extracting tables” below. 从页面中提取表格数据。有关更多详细信息,请参见下面的提取表
.to_image(**conversion_kwargs)Returns an instance of the PageImage class. For more details, see “Visual debugging” below. For conversion_kwargs, see here. 返回PageImage类的实例。有关更多详细信息,请参见下面的可视调试。有关conversion_kwargs,请参见此处。**


Each instance of pdfplumber.PDF and pdfplumber.Page provides access to four types of PDF objects. The following properties each return a Python list of the matching objects:每个实例都提供对四种类型的PDF对象的访问。以下属性均返回匹配对象的Python列表:

  • .chars, each representing a single text character.
  • .lines, each representing a single 1-dimensional line.
  • .rects, each representing a single 2-dimensional rectangle.
  • .curves, each representing a series of connected points.
  • .images, each representing an image.
  • .figures, each representing a figure.
  • .annots, each representing a single PDF annotation (cf. Section 8.4 of the official PDF specification for details)
  • .hyperlinks, each representing a single PDF annotation of the subtype Link and having an URI action attribute 每个代表子类型Link的单个PDF注释,并具有URI操作属性

Each object is represented as a simple Python dict, with the following properties:

char properties

page_numberPage number on which this character was found.
textE.g., “z”, or “Z” or " ".
fontnameName of the character’s font face.
sizeFont size.
advEqual to text width * the font size * scaling factor. 等于文本宽度*******字体大小*******缩放因子。
uprightWhether the character is upright. 直立
heightHeight of the character.
widthWidth of the character.
x0Distance of left side of character from left side of page. 字符左侧到页面左侧的距离
x1Distance of right side of character from left side of page.
y0Distance of bottom of character from bottom of page.
y1Distance of top of character from bottom of page.
topDistance of top of character from top of page.
bottomDistance of bottom of the character from top of page.
doctopDistance of top of character from top of document.

line properties

page_numberPage number on which this line was found.
heightHeight of line.
widthWidth of line.
x0Distance of left-side extremity from left side of page.左端距页面左侧的距离。
x1Distance of right-side extremity from left side of page.
y0Distance of bottom extremity from bottom of page.
y1Distance of top extremity bottom of page.
topDistance of top of line from top of page.
bottomDistance of bottom of the line from top of page.
doctopDistance of top of line from top of document.
linewidthThickness of line.

rect properties

page_numberPage number on which this rectangle was found.
heightHeight of rectangle.
widthWidth of rectangle.
x0Distance of left side of rectangle from left side of page.
x1Distance of right side of rectangle from left side of page.
y0Distance of bottom of rectangle from bottom of page.
y1Distance of top of rectangle from bottom of page.
topDistance of top of rectangle from top of page.
bottomDistance of bottom of the rectangle from top of page.
doctopDistance of top of rectangle from top of document.
linewidthThickness(粗细) of line.

curve properties

page_numberPage number on which this curve was found.
pointsPoints — as a list of (x, top) tuples — describing the curve.
heightHeight of curve’s bounding box. 曲线边界框的高度。
widthWidth of curve’s bounding box.
x0Distance of curve’s left-most point from left side of page.
x1Distance of curve’s right-most point from left side of the page.
y0Distance of curve’s lowest point from bottom of page.
y1Distance of curve’s highest point from bottom of page.
topDistance of curve’s highest point from top of page.
bottomDistance of curve’s lowest point from top of page.
doctopDistance of curve’s highest point from top of document.
linewidthThickness of line.

Additionally, both pdfplumber.PDF and pdfplumber.Page provide access to two derived lists of objects: .rect_edges (which decomposes each rectangle into its four lines) and .edges (which combines .rect_edges with .lines). 另外,pdfplumber.PDF和pdfplumber.Page都能够访问两个派生对象列表:.rect_edges (将每个矩形分解成四条线)和.edges (将.rect_edges与.lines结合在一起)。

image properties

[To be completed.]

figure properties

[To be completed.]

Visual debugging

Note: To use pdfplumber's visual-debugging tools, you’ll also need to have two additional pieces of software installed on your computer:

  • ImageMagick. Installation instructions here.
  • ghostscript. Installation instructions here, or simply apt install ghostscript (Ubuntu) / brew install ghostscript (Mac).

Creating a PageImage with .to_image()

To turn any page (including cropped pages) into an PageImage object, call my_page.to_image(). You can optionally pass a resolution={integer} keyword argument, which defaults to 72. E.g.:

im = my_pdf.pages[0].to_image(resolution=150)

PageImage objects play nicely with IPython/Jupyter notebooks; they automatically render as cell outputs. For example:

[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-5w4FcX6Z-1604391297909)(examples/screenshots/visual-debugging-in-jupyter.png “Visual debugging in Jupyter”)]

Basic PageImage methods

im.reset()Clears anything you’ve drawn so far.
im.copy()Copies the image to a new PageImage object.
im.save(path_or_fileobject, format="PNG")Saves the annotated image.

Drawing methods

You can pass explicit coordinates or any pdfplumber PDF object (e.g., char, line, rect) to these methods.

Single-object methodBulk methodDescription
im.draw_line(line, stroke={color}, stroke_width=1)im.draw_lines(list_of_lines, **kwargs)Draws a line from a line, curve, or a 2-tuple of 2-tuples (e.g., ((x, y), (x, y))).
im.draw_vline(location, stroke={color}, stroke_width=1)im.draw_vlines(list_of_locations, **kwargs)Draws a vertical line at the x-coordinate indicated by location.在由location指示的x坐标处绘制一条垂直线。
im.draw_hline(location, stroke={color}, stroke_width=1)im.draw_hlines(list_of_locations, **kwargs)Draws a horizontal line at the y-coordinate indicated by location.
im.draw_rect(bbox_or_obj, fill={color}, stroke={color}, stroke_width=1)im.draw_rects(list_of_rects, **kwargs)Draws a rectangle from a rect, char, etc., or 4-tuple bounding box.
im.draw_circle(center_or_obj, radius=5, fill={color}, stroke={color})im.draw_circles(list_of_circles, **kwargs)Draws a circle at (x, y) coordinate or at the center of a char, rect, etc.

Note: The methods above are built onPillow’s ImageDraw methods, but the parameters have been tweaked for consistency with SVG’s fill/stroke/stroke_width nomenclature.注意:上面的方法基于Pillow的ImageDraw方法构建,但是已经对参数进行了调整,以与SVG的fill / stroke / stroke_width命名法保持一致。

Extracting tables

pdfplumber's approach to table detection borrows heavily from Anssi Nurminen’s master’s thesis, and is inspired by Tabula. It works like this:

  1. For any given PDF page, find the lines that are (a) explicitly defined and/or (b) implied by the alignment of words on the page.
  2. Merge overlapping, or nearly-overlapping, lines.
  3. Find the intersections of all those lines.
  4. Find the most granular set of rectangles (i.e., cells) that use these intersections as their vertices.
  5. Group contiguous cells into tables.






Table-extraction methods

pdfplumber.Page objects can call the following table methods:

.find_tables(table_settings={})Returns a list of Table objects. The Table object provides access to the .cells, .rows, and .bbox properties, as well as the .extract(x_tolerance=3, y_tolerance=3) method.
.extract_tables(table_settings={})Returns the text extracted from all tables found on the page, represented as a list of lists of lists, with the structure table -> row -> cell.
.extract_table(table_settings={})Returns the text extracted from the largest table on the page, represented as a list of lists, with the structure row -> cell. (If multiple tables have the same size — as measured by the number of cells — this method returns the table closest to the top of the page.)(如果多个表的大小相同(以单元格的数量来衡量,则此方法将返回最接近页面顶部的表。)
.debug_tablefinder(table_settings={})Returns an instance of the TableFinder class, with access to the .edges, .intersections, .cells, and .tables properties.

For example:

pdf = pdfplumber.open("path/to/my.pdf")
page = pdf.pages[0]

Click here for a more detailed example.

Table-extraction settings

By default, extract_tables uses the page’s vertical and horizontal lines (or rectangle edges) as cell-separators. But the method is highly customizable via the table_settings argument. The possible settings, and their defaults:


    "vertical_strategy": "lines", 
    "horizontal_strategy": "lines",
    "explicit_vertical_lines": [],
    "explicit_horizontal_lines": [],
    "snap_tolerance": 3,
    "join_tolerance": 3,
    "edge_min_length": 3,
    "min_words_vertical": 3,
    "min_words_horizontal": 1,
    "keep_blank_chars": False,
    "text_tolerance": 3,
    "text_x_tolerance": None,
    "text_y_tolerance": None,
    "intersection_tolerance": 3,
    "intersection_x_tolerance": None,
    "intersection_y_tolerance": None,
"vertical_strategy"Either "lines", "lines_strict", "text", or "explicit". See explanation below.请参阅下面的说明。
"horizontal_strategy"Either "lines", "lines_strict", "text", or "explicit". See explanation below.
"explicit_vertical_lines"A list of vertical lines that explicitly demarcate cells in the table. Can be used in combination with any of the strategies above. Items in the list should be either numbers — indicating the x coordinate of a line the full height of the page — or line/rect/curve objects.垂直线列表,用于明确划分表格中的单元格。可以与以上任何策略结合使用。列表中的项目应为数字(表示页面的整个高度的直线的x坐标)或直线/矩形/曲线对象。
"explicit_horizontal_lines"A list of horizontal lines that explicitly demarcate cells in the table. Can be used in combination with any of the strategies above. Items in the list should be either numbers — indicating the y coordinate of a line the full height of the page — or line/rect/curve objects.明确划分表格中单元格的水平线列表。可以与以上任何策略结合使用。列表中的项目应为数字(表示页面的整个高度的直线的y坐标)或直线/矩形/曲线对象。
"snap_tolerance"Parallel lines within snap_tolerance pixels will be “snapped” to the same horizontal or vertical position.像素内的平行线将被捕捉到相同的水平或垂直位置。
"join_tolerance"Line segments on the same infinite line, and whose ends are within join_tolerance of one another, will be “joined” into a single line segment.同一条无限线上的线段(其端点在彼此的join_tolerance之内)将被“接合”为单个线段。
"edge_min_length"Edges shorter than edge_min_length will be discarded before attempting to reconstruct the table.短于edge_min_length的边将在尝试重建表之前被丢弃
"min_words_vertical"When using "vertical_strategy": "text", at least min_words_vertical words must share the same alignment.使用“ vertical_strategy”:“ text”时,至少min_words_vertical个单词必须共享相同的对齐方式。
"min_words_horizontal"When using "horizontal_strategy": "text", at least min_words_horizontal words must share the same alignment.当使用“ horizontal_strategy”:“ text”时,至少min_words_horizontal个单词必须共享相同的对齐方式。
"keep_blank_chars"When using the text strategy, consider " " chars to be parts of words and not word-separators.当使用文本策略,认为“”字符是部分的话,而不是文字分隔符。
"text_tolerance", "text_x_tolerance", "text_y_tolerance"When the text strategy searches for words, it will expect the individual letters in each word to be no more than text_tolerance pixels apart.当文本策略搜索单词时,它将期望每个单词中的各个字母相差不超过text_tolerance像素。
"intersection_tolerance", "intersection_x_tolerance", "intersection_y_tolerance"When combining edges into cells, orthogonal edges must be within intersection_tolerance pixels to be considered intersecting.当边缘结合到细胞中,正交边缘必须内intersection_tol erance被认为相交像素。

Table-extraction strategies

Both vertical_strategy and horizontal_strategy accept the following options:

"lines"Use the page’s graphical lines — including the sides of rectangle objects — as the borders of potential table-cells.行使用页面的图形线(包括矩形对象的边)作为潜在表格单元格的边界。
"lines_strict"Use the page’s graphical lines — but not the sides of rectangle objects — as the borders of potential table-cells.使用页面的图形线(而不是矩形对象的边)作为潜在表格单元格的边界。
"text"For vertical_strategy: Deduce the (imaginary) lines that connect the left, right, or center of words on the page, and use those lines as the borders of potential table-cells. For horizontal_strategy, the same but using the tops of words.对于vertical_strategy :推论连接页面上单词的左,右或中心的(虚构)线,并将这些线用作潜在的表格单元格的边界。对于horizontal_strategy ,相同,但使用单词的开头。
"explicit"Only use the lines explicitly defined in explicit_vertical_lines / explicit_horizontal_lines.只使用在explicit_vertical_lines / explicit_horizontal_lines中明确定义的行。


  • Often it’s helpful to crop a page — Page.crop(bounding_box) — before trying to extract the table.

  • Table extraction for pdfplumber was radically redesigned(彻底的重新设计) for v0.5.0, and introduced breaking changes.

Extracting form values

Sometimes PDF files can contain forms that include inputs that people can fill out and save. While values in form fields appear like other text in a PDF file, form data is handled differently. If you want the gory details, see page 671 of this specification.

pdfplumber doesn’t have an interface for working with form data, but you can access it using pdfplumber's wrappers around pdfminer.

For example, this snippet will retrieve form field names and values and store them in a dictionary. You may have to modify this script to handle cases like nested fields (see page 676 of the specification).




pdf = pdfplumber.open("document_with_form.pdf")

fields = pdf.doc.catalog["AcroForm"].resolve()["Fields"]

form_data = {}

for field in fields:
    field_name = field.resolve()["T"]
    field_value = field.resolve()["V"]
    form_data[field_name] = field_value


  • Using extract_table on a California Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) report. Demonstrates basic visual debugging and table extraction.
  • Using extract_table on the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System PDFs. Demonstrates how to use visual debugging to find optimal(最佳的) table extraction settings. Also demonstrates Page.crop(...) and Page.extract_text(...).
  • Inspecting and visualizing curve objects.
  • Extracting fixed-width data from a San Jose PD firearm search report, an example of using Page.extract_text(...).

Comparison to other libraries

Several other Python libraries help users to extract information from PDFs. As a broad overview, pdfplumber distinguishes itself from other PDF processing libraries by combining these features:

  • Easy access to detailed information about each PDF object
  • Higher-level, customizable methods for extracting text and tables
  • Tightly integrated visual debugging
  • Other useful utility functions, such as filtering objects via a crop-box

It’s also helpful to know what features pdfplumber does not provide:

  • PDF generation
  • PDF modification
  • Optical character recognition (OCR)
  • Strong support for extracting tables from OCR’ed documents

Specific comparisons

  • pdfminer.six provides the foundation for pdfplumber. It primarily focuses on parsing PDFs, analyzing PDF layouts and object positioning, and extracting text. It does not provide tools for table extraction or visual debugging.

  • pymupdf is substantially faster than pdfminer.six (and thus also pdfplumber) and can generate and modify PDFs, but the library requires installation of non-Python software (MuPDF). It also does not enable easy access to shape objects (rectangles, lines, etc.), and does not provide table-extraction or visual debugging tools.

  • camelot, tabula-py, and pdftables all focus primarily on extracting tables. In some cases, they may be better suited to the particular tables you are trying to extract.

  • PyPDF2 and its successor libraries appear no longer to be maintained.


How to plumb a pdf

