
In this article, we’ll review the benefits and perspectives of learning Java and probably the best way to master programming in it – through gamified education.


Why Java is a smart choice for starting a career in programming? Skeptics say, that this language is too old, and will become rudimental in no longer than 20 years. It’s true, that age matters in a fast-changing programming ecosystem. But this is not the case for Java.

为什么Java是开始编程职业的明智选择? 怀疑论者说,这种语言太老了,并且在不超过20年的时间里将变得基本。 的确,年龄在快速变化的编程生态系统中至关重要。 但这不是Java的情况。

Let’s think about key aspects for anyone who wants to build a career in programming from “ground zero”. It is important to choose a language which is easy to learn, which is widely used, especially in top-level enterprises, ensuring a wide choice of vacancies and a good scope of work. Of course, high salaries and prospects for further development are also important. Does Java meet these requirements? You bet.

让我们考虑一下谁想要从“零基础”开始从事编程职业的关键方面。 选择一种易于学习的语言非常重要,这种语言被广泛使用,尤其是在顶级企业中,以确保空缺的选择范围广且工作范围广。 当然,高薪和进一步发展的前景也很重要。 Java是否满足这些要求? 你打赌

Java is among all-time leaders according to major rankings of programming languages. According to the TIOBE Programming Community index, Java is a #1 language based on data from 25+ search engines. It has been on top of the list since 2002, rarely losing to C language. What’s more, a couple of years ago Oracle estimated that Java runs on over 3 billion devices worldwide, thanks to its core advantage: ”write once, run everywhere”.

根据编程语言的主要排名,Java一直处于领导者之列。 根据TIOBE编程社区索引,Java是排名第一的语言,它基于来自25多个搜索引擎的数据。 自2002年以来,它一直名列榜首,很少输给C语言。 而且,几年前,Oracle估计,由于Java的核心优势:“编写一次,随处运行”,Java在全球超过30亿台设备上运行。

Java is the main programming language for Android apps. It is also used in writing back-end systems and desktop applications. It is popular in numerous fields, like tech, government, finance, education, healthcare, e-commerce. Approximately 90% of Fortune 500 enterprises use Java, empathizing its security, flexibility, and simplicity for beginners. So there is no surprise that according to Indeed ranking, Java developer’s average salary exceeds $ 100 000 per year.

Java是Android应用程序的主要编程语言。 它还用于编写后端系统和桌面应用程序。 它在许多领域都很受欢迎,例如技术,政府,金融,教育,医疗保健,电子商务。 大约90%的财富500强企业使用Java,从而为初学者提供了Java的安全性,灵活性和简单性。 因此,根据Indeed的排名,Java开发人员的平均年薪超过100,000美元就不足为奇了。

Apart from this, Java has a great community. There are about 10 millions of Java developers worldwide. And if you ask them, what do they like in Java apart from the above-listed benefits, they’d probably say a wide range of excellent libraries that help in solving most of the problems during software development. Even coders from other “programming camps” admit this undeniable advantage.

除此之外,Java还有一个很棒的社区。 全球大约有1000万Java开发人员。 如果您问他们,除了上面列出的好处之外,他们在Java中还喜欢什么?他们可能会说,各种各样的优秀库可以帮助解决软件开发过程中的大多数问题。 甚至其他“编程阵营”的编码人员也承认了这一不可否认的优势。

Okay, maybe it’s too early to talk about libraries, but it’s definitely a proper moment to switch from Java benefits to the available options for learning this language.


Today it’s possible to learn Java from anywhere: there’s a number of online educational platforms, which can bring you up to speed on Java programming basics. Online education includes a major element of successful learning – practice. It’s impossible to get ready for Java developer position by simply reading a few books and watching video tutorials. To become a programmer, you need to code. To stay motivated in self-education, you need an interaction. A common trend in today’s online education is gamification. And to be honest, it is the best solution for learning how to code. Let’s take CodeGym as an example and delve into gamified education.

如今,可以在任何地方学习Java :有许多在线教育平台,它们可以帮助您快速掌握Java编程基础知识。 在线教育包括成功学习的主要要素-实践。 仅阅读几本书并观看视频教程,就不可能为Java开发人员的职位做好准备。 要成为一名程序员,您需要编码。 为了保持自我教育的动力,您需要进行互动。 当今的在线教育的普遍趋势是游戏化。 老实说,这是学习编码的最佳解决方案。 让我们以CodeGym为例,深入研究游戏化教育。

学习Java编程可能会令人兴奋 (Learning Java programming can be exciting)

CodeGym is an online gamified platform, majorly based on practice. The goal is to upgrade a character by learning Java from scratch, solving tasks and opening new levels, until a student passes the final 40th.

CodeGym是一个在线游戏平台,主要基于实践。 目的是通过从头开始学习Java,解决任务并提高新水平来升级角色,直到学生通过最后40位。

教育空间探索 (Education Space Quest)

It’s like any game, with its own universe and unique story. Here’s where a player starts at CodeGym. It’s the year 3018, with all futuristic attributes you can think of, like space travel, extraterrestrial life, and robots. The plot begins with a crash of spaceship Galactic Rush on the unknown planet, inhabited by wild robots. The crew needs to pull the spaceship out of the stone heap, but it is impossible without the help. They find the most talented young robot Amigo and teach him how to code so that later he will be able to rewrite his firmware for a bricklayer and then do the same with other robots. The “army” of bricklayers will take the heap to pieces and pull out the spaceship.

就像任何游戏一样,它都有自己的宇宙和独特的故事。 这是玩家从CodeGym开始的地方。 这是3018年,您可以想到的所有未来派属性,例如太空旅行,地球外生命和机器人。 该情节始于太空飞船银河冲刺在未知星球上坠毁,该星球被野外机器人居住。 机组人员需要将飞船从石堆中拉出,但是如果没有帮助,这是不可能的。 他们找到了最有才华的年轻机器人Amigo,并教给他如何编码,以便以后他可以为瓦工重写固​​件,然后对其他机器人进行同样的操作。 瓦工的“大军”将堆弄成碎片,并拉出太空飞船。

The course is divided into four quests, each has 10 levels. Every level contains 10-12 lectures with theory, explained in an interactive, lively tone of voice and a set of tasks. The goal is to help Amigo pass the 40th level. By that time, a student (or rather say, a player) will be quite ready for Junior Java developer position. The storyline, milestones, gaming, and on-time motivation are supposed to help a user to reach the end.

该课程分为四个任务,每个任务有10个级别。 每个级别包含10到12堂理论讲座,以互动,生动活泼的语气和一系列任务进行说明。 目标是帮助Amigo通过40级。 到那时,学生(或者更确切地说是玩家)将为初级Java开发人员的职位做好充分准备。 故事情节,里程碑,游戏和按时动机应该可以帮助用户到达终点。

从第一课开始编码 (Coding from the First Lesson)

In CodeGym the emphasis is put on practice: there are 1200+ tasks, which convert into more than 500 hours of programming. This is exactly what a student needs to apply for the first job in programming. Learning Java is impossible without practicing at once. Therefore, almost every lecture ends with the tasks of different complexity.

在CodeGym中,重点放在实践上:有1200多个任务,这些任务转换为超过500个小时的编程时间。 这正是学生申请编程的第一份工作所需要的。 不立即练习就不可能学习Java。 因此,几乎每堂课都以不同复杂性的任务结束。

Each task has an instant verification option, that shows a user’s progress step by step. That’s why it is possible to leave the correct lines of code and focus on fixing mistakes.

每个任务都有一个即时验证选项,可逐步显示用户的进度。 这就是为什么可以保留正确的代码行并专注于纠正错误的原因。

After the task is fully completed, a student can see a detailed review of it: statistics on the average number of attempts taken in, comparison with other students. Given that almost every task starting from level 3 can have multiple solutions, a student can return and complete them again. To improve code, open the “Code analysis” tab to see the tips from a virtual mentor, which will help to improve a coding style.

任务完全完成后,学生可以查看该任务的详细评论:平均尝试次数的统计数据,与其他学生进行比较。 鉴于几乎所有从3级开始的任务都可以有多种解决方案,因此学生可以返回并再次完成。 要改善代码,请打开“代码分析”选项卡以查看虚拟导师的提示,这将有助于改善编码风格。

大型Java社区 (A Large Java Community)

CodeGym course includes approximately 80% of practice and 20% of theory. Sometimes the tasks outrun theory so that a student needs to do extra research or take more time to solve the task. But if it’s too hard to resolve, one can ask for a help from CodeGym community. There’s a great chance that someone will give a tip, which will lead to the right solution.

CodeGym课程包括大约80%的实践和20%的理论。 有时,任务超出了理论范围,因此学生需要进行额外的研究或花费更多的时间来解决任务。 但是,如果解决起来太困难,可以向CodeGym社区寻求帮助。 有人给小费的可能性很大,这将导致正确的解决方案。

CodeGym is a course with an integral approach to education. The story and challenges lead students further. 1200+ tasks ensure hundreds of hours of coding. Fast-growing community helps to improve programming skills by sharing the experience.

CodeGym是一门综合教学方法的课程。 故事和挑战带领学生进一步前进。 1200多个任务可确保数百小时的编码。 快速发展的社区通过分享经验来帮助提高编程技能。

So, if you’re into learning Java, you might want to do it in an uncommon, but efficient way.


翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer/2018/11/learn-java-online.html



java课程设计游戏 –游戏化的Java学习在线课程