没有插件,我们需要做的就是使用mousewheel事件捕获鼠标mousewheel - 在Firefox上我们使用DOMMouseScroll - 而且取决于事件的originalEvent.wheelDelta的值 - 再次在Firefox中它是originalEvent.detail ,感谢Firefox - 如果这样值为正,则用户向上滚动,如果为负,则方向为向下。

jQuery ( 1 ) :


var winHeight = $(window).height(),

pages = $('.page'),

navLinks = $('#menu-nav a'),

currentPage = 0;

$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0}, 0);

// listen to the mousewheel scroll

$(window).on('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function(e){

//by default set the direction to DOWN

var direction = 'down',

$th = $(this),

// depending on the currentPage value we determine the page offset

currentPageOffset = currentPage * winHeight;

// if the value of these properties of the even is positive then the direction is UP

if (e.originalEvent.wheelDelta > 0 || e.originalEvent.detail < 0) {

direction = 'up';


// if the direction is DOWN and the currentPage increasing won't exceed

// the number of PAGES divs, then we scroll downward and increase the value

// of currentPage for further calculations.

if(direction == 'down' && currentPage <= pages.length - 2){

$th.scrollTop(currentPageOffset + winHeight);


} else if(direction == 'up' && currentPage >= 0) {

// else scroll up and decrease the value of currentPage IF the direction

// is UP and we're not on the very first slide

$th.scrollTop(currentPageOffset - winHeight);




// as final step we need to update the value of currenPage upon the clicking of the

// navbar links to insure having correct value of currentPage


$(this).on('click', function(){



currentPage = index;



( 1 ) 更新

如果你不想使用jQuery,下面是与上面相同的纯 javascript代码,这在IE8及以下版本中不起作用:



var winHeight = window.innerHeight,

pages = document.getElementsByClassName('page'),

navLinks = document.querySelectorAll('#menu-nav a'),

currentPage = 0;

window.addEventListener('mousewheel', function(e) {



window.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', function(e) {

scrollPages(-1 * e.detail);


function scrollPages(delta) {

var direction = (delta > 0) ? 'up' : 'down',

currentPageOffset = currentPage * winHeight;

if (direction == 'down' && currentPage <= pages.length - 2) {

window.scrollTo(0, currentPageOffset + winHeight);


} else if (direction == 'up' && currentPage > 0) {

window.scrollTo(0, currentPageOffset - winHeight);




for (var i = 0; i < navLinks.length; i++) {

navLinks[i].addEventListener('click', updateNav(i));


function updateNav(i) {

return function() {

for (var j = 0; j < navLinks.length; j++) {




currentPage = i;




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