
Learning to code was hands down one of the most exciting journeys of my life. And I’ve heard similar statements from hundreds of other developers out there.

学习编码是我一生中最激动人心的旅程之一。 我还听到过数百名其他开发人员的类似言论。

Writing that first line of code, that first program or website, catching the bug that has you building things on a Friday night, it’s truly a fun time.


Next thing you know, you’re prepping for coding exams in hopes of a career change.


I took the same journey five years ago. I documented it on a blog, joined the community on Twitter, dropped out of a bootcamp, freelanced for two years, and finally dove headfirst into corporate software engineering.

五年前,我经历了同样的旅程。 我在博客上记录了该文档,在Twitter上加入了该社区,退出了新兵训练营,自由职业了两年,最后最先涉足公司软件工程。

And I wish I could say that initial excitement persisted, but I can’t.


There have been seasons where things became, for lack of a better word, boring.


There have been times of frustration, dissatisfaction, and even burnout.


And I think many of us who’ve been in it professionally for at least a few years can relate.


About three months ago, I became a bit dissatisfied with my current situation. So I took some days off to reflect.

大约三个月前,我对目前的状况有些不满意。 所以我请了几天假以作反思。

And that reflection resulted in what I’m sharing with you today.


I not only reassessed my own current situation at that time, but I went all the way back to try and make sense of the different phases in the lives of web developers.


And there are three.


And each phase presents its highs and lows.


The key is to know which of the three phases you’re currently in and how to defeat that phase and ultimately enjoy your career in the green pastures of phase three.


Phase three is where you want to be.


So if programming has become boring and dull or you’re facing burnout, I may have some advice for you.


Let’s take a look at the three stages of your web development career.


And let’s determine which one you’re in and how you can best progress to the third and most rewarding of them all.


阶段1:学习阶段 (Phase 1: The Learning Phase)

This initial learning period is exciting.


As stated above, realizing that you can build websites, create complex applications, and succeed in this skill you thought was out of reach is exhilarating.


This normally includes learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript, maybe PHP/WordPress, etc. You’ll build websites and create a portfolio to show off, which often leads to the thought of pursuing programming as a career.

这通常包括学习HTML,CSS,JavaScript,可能还包括PHP / WordPress等。您将建立网站并创建一个投资组合来进行炫耀,这常常导致人们将编程作为一种职业。

This phase can take anywhere from six months to a year and is usually filled with lots of highs and aha moments.


The latter part of this phase often leads you to a job search.


And this is where things become scary.


This is where you realize you must now prove to employers you have the skills to code at their company.


And a lot of people fall back or quit at this stage. It was fun up until this point, but I wouldn’t dare go through a coding interview.

在此阶段,很多人退缩或辞职。 到现在为止还很有趣,但是我不敢接受编码面试。

But then there are those who accept the challenge and keep pressing on, sending out resumes and welcoming interviews.


Be the latter. Don’t give up at that point. You’ve come too far.

成为后者。 那时不要放弃。 你走得太远了。

And when you get that first job offer and you accept, you officially enter into phase two.


阶段2:您的第一份工作 (Phase 2: Your First Job)

This phase also starts with lots of highs. Your new company welcomes you with a dazzling laptop, a nice salary, and lots of swag.

这个阶段也从很多高点开始。 您的新公司欢迎您,以其令人眼花laptop乱的笔记本电脑,可观的薪水以及无数的赃物。

All the preparation and toil of Phase 1 finally pays off as you begin working with a team, coding professionally, making code commits, and enjoying life as a developer.


This phase is also full of growth. After your first couple of weeks, you may have a difficult task fall in your lap. But you get through it. You press on, and you grow and mature as a developer.

这个阶段也充满了成长。 在最初的几周后,您可能很难完成一项任务。 但是你通过它。 继续努力,您就可以成长为一名开发人员并变得成熟。

You charge through imposter syndrome, and you make mistakes. But you also learn good coding practices and new technologies, and you make fewer mistakes.

您因冒名顶替综合症而收费,并且犯了错误。 但是,您还将学习良好的编码实践和新技术,并且犯错的次数更少。

Phase 2 is your training ground, where you’ll go from a junior developer to a mid-level developer. It’s where you start to stress out less and enjoy the challenge more.

第2阶段是您的培训基地,您将从初级开发人员过渡到中级开发人员。 在这里,您开始减少压力,更多地享受挑战。

This phase can last a couple of years.


And you’ll know you’re near the end of it when you start to become bored.


Every day I come to work, and I’m in C#. I’m tired of C#. I really enjoy React on the side, and I wish I could work in that.

每天我上班,都在C#中。 我对C#感到厌倦。 我真的很喜欢React在身边,我希望我能在那工作。

Maybe you’re feeling burnout or dissatisfaction with your company.


Maybe your boss has offended you for the last time, or your company culture has become toxic.


This is where a lot of developers second guess their new career choice or face new questions they don’t have immediate answers for.


But don’t despair. Phase 3 is where you want to be.

但是不要绝望。 第三阶段就是您想要的位置。

阶段3:持续的职业发展 (Phase 3: Ongoing Career Refinement)

Phase 3 is this period of career-long, ongoing refinement.


This is where you can free yourself completely of boredom, dissatisfaction, and burnout.


Phase 3 isn’t only when you seek out that dream job that aligns with your values and interests, but it’s an ongoing pursuit of that dream job.


The days of working 40 years at a company are over. People change careers regularly. Even employees at big tech companies are jumping ship in less than two years! It’s the norm.

在公司工作40年的日子已经过去。 人们定期更换职业。 即使是大型高科技公司的员工,也可以在不到两年的时间内跳船 ! 这是规范。

When you’ve learned to code (Phase 1) and you’ve put in the time it takes to become a good developer (Phase 2), you’ve officially attained the value to then create your own employment destiny.


In Phase 3, you can pursue your dream job. Then if your values or interests shift, you can start making new plans to accommodate that shift.

在第3阶段,您可以追求理想的工作。 然后,如果您的价值观或兴趣发生转变,则可以开始制定新计划以适应这种转变。

You’re not desperate for a job or for money at this point. Go big! Do what makes you happy, and then keep doing what it takes to stay happy.

此时,您并不希望找到工作或金钱。 加油! 做些使您快乐的事情,然后继续做使自己快乐的事情。

If it’s working for Facebook, start prepping for the rigorous interview.


If it’s working less, then move into a part-time role so you can pursue other things on the side.


If it’s getting behind a good humanitarian cause with an outstanding company, do that.


If it’s realizing you really don’t like programming but managing programmers instead, start looking for a role in management.


And if a year down the road your values or ideals shift, then plan the necessary changes and act on it.


This is how you stay fulfilled and satisfied as a software developer. You put in the work, make yourself valuable, and then call the shots.

这就是您作为软件开发人员保持充实和满意的方式。 您投入工作,使自己变得有价值,然后做主。

And you continue to call the shots.


It’s your life, your story. Make the most of it.

这是你的生活,你的故事。 充分利用它。

翻译自: https://medium/better-programming/the-3-phases-of-staying-fulfilled-and-satisfied-as-a-software-developer-2297988d0737


