本文翻译自:Get element type with jQuery

Is it possible, using jQuery, to find out the type of an element with jQuery? 是否可以使用jQuery通过jQuery找出元素的类型? For example, is the element a div, span, select, or input? 例如,元素是div,span,select还是input?

For example, if I am trying to load values into a drop-down list with jQuery, but the same script can generate code into a set of radio buttons, could I create something like: 例如,如果我尝试使用jQuery将值加载到下拉列表中,但是相同的脚本可以将代码生成到一组单选按钮中,我可以创建类似于:

$('.trigger').live('click', function () {
   var elementType = $(this).prev().attr(WHAT IS IT);

Given a drop-down list with a button next to it with the trigger class, my elementType variable should return select upon the button being pressed. 给定一个带有触发器类旁边带有按钮的下拉列表,我的elementType变量应该在按下按钮时返回select







use get(0).tagName. 使用get(0).tagName。 See this link 看到这个链接


Use Nodename over tagName : 在tagName上使用Nodename:

nodeName contains all functionalities of tagName, plus a few more. nodeName包含tagName的所有功能,以及更多功能。 Therefore nodeName is always the better choice. 因此nodeName始终是更好的选择。

see DOM Core 看DOM Core


As Distdev alluded to, you still need to differentiate the input type. 正如Distdev所提到的,您仍然需要区分输入类型。 That is to say, 也就是说,


will tell you input , but that doesn't differentiate between checkbox/text/radio. 会告诉你input ,但这不区分复选框/文本/收音机。 If it's an input, you can then use 如果是输入,则可以使用


to tell you checkbox/text/radio, so you know what kind of control it is. 告诉你复选框/文本/广播,所以你知道它是什么样的控制。


you can use .is() : 你可以使用.is()

  $( "ul" ).click(function( event ) {
      var target = $( event.target );
      if ( target.is( "li" ) ) {
         target.css( "background-color", "red" );

see source 看来源

