
Generally speaking, cloning is considered an unethical practice. However, when you think of cloning in terms of making a duplicate WordPress site, a whole new world of completely ethical possibilities can open up for your business. In this article, we will show you how to easily clone a WordPress site in 7 easy steps.

一般来说,克隆被认为是不道德的做法。 但是,当您考虑制作一个重复的WordPress网站进行克隆时,可以为您的企业打开一个完全符合道德规范的全新世界。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何通过7个简单步骤轻松克隆WordPress网站。

什么是克隆,为什么要使用它? (What is Cloning, and Why Use It?)

The idea behind cloning a WordPress site is simple: you make an exact copy or duplicate of one WordPress site and apply it to another site.


You might be wondering, are there any good reasons to actually do this? Absolutely!

您可能想知道,是否有充分的理由进行此操作? 绝对!

One practical scenario is when you are moving a WordPress site to a new web host or a new domain name. Cloning a site will save you hours of work.

一种实际的情况是将WordPress网站移至新的Web主机或新的域名时 。 克隆网站可以节省您的工作时间。

Another possible use is when you are developing a site for a client on your local server. Once the project is done, you can duplicate the WordPress site and move it to your client’s live server.

另一种可能的用途是在本地服务器上为客户端开发站点时。 项目完成后,您可以复制WordPress网站并将其移至客户端的实时服务器。

Lastly, you can clone a live WordPress site to your local server for testing and development purposes.


Cloning a WordPress site is not that difficult at all. If you can point and click, then you can create a duplicate site in minutes.

克隆WordPress网站一点也不难。 如果可以指向并单击,则可以在几分钟内创建一个重复站点。

Here’s a 7 step guide on how to easily clone a WordPress site, even if you’re a beginner!


步骤1.使用Duplicator插件克隆WordPress (Step 1. Cloning WordPress using Duplicator Plugin)

For this article, we will be using the Duplicator plugin. It is a powerful WordPress backup and migration plugin built for beginners and professionals alike.

对于本文,我们将使用Duplicator插件。 这是一个功能强大的WordPress备份和迁移插件,专为初学者和专业人士而建。

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Duplicator plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活Duplicator插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

The plugin works out of the box, and you can start using it without configuring any settings.


步骤2.使用复制器创建WordPress备份 (Step 2. Creating a WordPress Backup Using Duplicator)

Duplicator allows you to clone your WordPress site by creating a backup and then unpacking it on a new location.


Let’s go ahead and create a WordPress backup package.


First, you need to visit the Duplicator » Packages page and click on the ‘Create New’ button at the top.


This will begin the Duplicator wizard where you need to click on the next button to continue.


Duplicator will now scan your website to check if everything is in order to run the plugin. If the plugin finds an issue, then you will see a warning here.

现在,Duplicator将扫描您的网站,以检查是否一切都能运行该插件。 如果插件发现问题,那么您将在此处看到警告。

If everything is marked good, then you can go ahead and click on the ‘Build’ button to continue. Duplicator will now backup your WordPress database, images, templates, plugins, and all other files in a single downloadable package.

如果一切都标记为良好,则可以继续并单击“构建”按钮以继续。 现在,Duplicator将在一个可下载的包中备份WordPress数据库,图像,模板,插件和所有其他文件。

步骤3.准备克隆您的WordPress网站 (Step 3. Preparing to Clone Your WordPress Site)

Once Duplicator has finished the backup process, you will see a link to download the archive which contains backup files and an installer script.


You need to click on the ‘One-click Download’ link to download both files to your computer.


Both of these files are extremely important to properly clone your WordPress site on the new location.


步骤4.将存档和安装程序上载到新位置 (Step 4. Upload Archive and Installer to the New Location)

Now that you have a complete backup of your site along with the Duplicator installer file, the next step is to upload them to the new location.


This new location can be a live website, or a site on your local server. If it is a site on your local server, then you just need to copy and paste the files into a subfolder inside your htdocs or www folder, like this:

此新位置可以是实时网站,也可以是本地服务器上的网站。 如果它是本地服务器上的站点,则只需将文件复制并粘贴到htdocs或www文件夹内的子文件夹中,如下所示:


C:\ wamp \ www \ mynewsite \

If it is a live site on a different WordPress host, then you need to upload these files to the root directory using an FTP client.


No matter where you are copying the files, you need to make sure that the folder is completely empty and has no other files or folders inside it except installer.php file and your backup zip file.


步骤5.运行导入脚本 (Step 5. Running The Import Script)

Now that all your files are in place, you need to run the Duplicator installer script.


Simply visit the new website in a web browser and add installer.php at the end of the URL.




Don’t forget to replace example with your own domain name or the localhost address of your new site.


You will now see the Duplicator installer script on the screen. It will automatically look for the backup files and basic configuration settings. If everything looks good, then go ahead and check the terms and notices checkbox. After that, you can click on the next button to continue.

现在,您将在屏幕上看到Duplicator安装程序脚本。 它将自动查找备份文件和基本配置设置。 如果一切看起来不错,请继续检查条款和通知复选框。 之后,您可以单击下一步按钮继续。

On the next screen, Duplicator will ask you to enter database information. This is the database you want to use for your new cloned WordPress site.

在下一个屏幕上,Duplicator将要求您输入数据库信息。 这是您要用于新克隆的WordPress网站的数据库。

Don’t forget to click on the ‘Test Database’ button to make sure that the database information you entered is correct.


After that, click on the next button to continue.


Duplicator will now import your database and files. Next, it will ask you to update settings for the new site.

现在,Duplicator将导入您的数据库和文件。 接下来,它将要求您更新新站点的设置。

It will automatically detect the changes and fill in the URL, Path, and Title fields for you. You can just click on the ‘Next’ button to continue.

它将自动检测更改,并为您填写URL,路径和标题字段。 您只需单击“下一步”按钮即可继续。

Duplicator will now finish the installation, and you will see the admin login button. Clicking on it will take you to the new cloned site’s WordPress admin area.

现在,Duplicator将完成安装,您将看到admin登录按钮。 单击它会将您带到新克隆的站点的WordPress管理区域。

步骤6.测试您的克隆站点 (Step 6. Test Your Cloned Site)

You can now go ahead and test your cloned WordPress site. We recommend testing both the admin area and front end of your website to make sure that all your data is there, and the website is working as intended.

现在,您可以继续测试克隆的WordPress网站。 我们建议您同时测试管理区域和网站的前端,以确保所有数据都在其中,并且网站可以正常工作。

If you run across any issues, then take a look at our guide on how to fix common WordPress errors.

如果您遇到任何问题,请查看有关如何修复常见WordPress错误的指南 。

步骤7.删除临时文件 (Step 7. Delete Temporary Files)

Once you are satisfied that everything is imported correctly, you can go ahead and delete the installation files created by the Duplicator plugin.


On your cloned WordPress site, go to Duplicator » Tools page and then click on ‘Remove Installation Files’ button.

在克隆的WordPress网站上,转到“ 复制器”»“工具”页面,然后单击“删除安装文件”按钮。

That’s it, you have successfully cloned a WordPress site.


最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

As you can see, cloning a WordPress site is not very hard as long as you are duplicating your own website. If you want to copy someone else’s WordPress site, then that’s actually illegal unless you have their explicit written permission.

如您所见,只要复制自己的网站,克隆WordPress网站并不难。 如果您想复制别人的WordPress网站,那么除非您有他们的明确书面许可,否则这实际上是非法的。

There are definitely other ways to clone a WordPress site such as doing it manually which doesn’t even require WordPress admin access, but we believe there are no benefits to that unless you’re dealing with a really large website.


For majority of use-cases where you have to duplicate a WordPress site, we recommend using the above method because it’s the easiest and most comprehensive.


We hope this article helped you easily clone your WordPress site. You may also want to see our ultimate step by step guide to improve WordPress speed and performance.

我们希望本文能帮助您轻松克隆WordPress网站。 您可能还希望查看我们最终的逐步指南,以提高WordPress的速度和性能 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner/wp-tutorials/how-to-clone-a-wordpress-site-in-7-easy-steps/


