Do you want to add a hyperlink in WordPress? Recently, one of our users asked us how to add a link in WordPress.

您要在WordPress中添加超链接吗? 最近,我们的一位用户问我们如何在WordPress中添加链接。

There are several different ways to add links in WordPress. You can add links in your posts, pages, navigation menu, sidebar widgets, footer area, and more.

有几种不同的方法可以在WordPress中添加链接。 您可以在文章,页面,导航菜单,侧边栏小部件,页脚区域等中添加链接。

In this comprehensive beginner’s guide, we will show you how to add a link in WordPress posts, pages, widgets, navigation menus, and more.


Since this is a detailed tutorial, please use the navigation below to quickly jump to the section you need:


  • How to Add a Link in WordPress Posts and Pages如何在WordPress帖子和页面中添加链接
  • How to Add a Link in WordPress Text Widgets如何在WordPress文本小部件中添加链接
  • How to Add a Link in WordPress Navigation Menus如何在WordPress导航菜单中添加链接
  • How to Add Title and NoFollow to Links如何在链接中添加标题和不关注
  • How to Create a Button Link in WordPress如何在WordPress中创建按钮链接
  • How to Embed Linked Content in WordPress如何在WordPress中嵌入链接内容
  • How to Add Affiliate Links in WordPress如何在WordPress中添加会员链接
  • How to Manually Add a Link in HTML如何手动添加HTML链接
  • How to Add Anchor Links in WordPress如何在WordPress中添加锚链接
  • How to Add Social Share Links in WordPress如何在WordPress中添加社交共享链接

为什么链接很重要? (Why Are Links Important?)

Links are the bloodstream of the internet, which makes them really important.


Basically, most websites on the internet are connected via links, which is why the term ‘web’ or ‘World Wide Web’ was introduced in the first place.

基本上,Internet上的大多数网站都是通过链接连接的,这就是为什么首先引入“ Web”或“ World Wide Web”的原因。

These are the hyperlinked text, buttons, and other elements that you click to go from one page to another or from one website to another.


Imagine visiting a web page with no link for you to click on. You’ll have no option but to click on the back button in your browser.

想象一下,访问一个没有链接供您单击的网页。 您别无选择,只能在浏览器中单击“后退”按钮。

For individual websites, links tell your users where to click to view more information.


Properly placing links on your website allows you to increase the time users spend on your website. It also helps users discover more content, make a purchase on your online store, or subscribe to your email newsletter.

在您的网站上正确放置链接可以使您增加用户在您的网站上花费的时间。 它还可以帮助用户发现更多内容,在您的在线商店上进行购买或订阅您的电子邮件通讯 。

That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily add links in different areas of your WordPress website.


如何在WordPress帖子和页面中添加链接 (How to Add Links in WordPress Posts and Pages)

WordPress makes it really easy to add links in your blog posts and pages using the block editor.


Simply edit your post or page, or create a new one.

只需编辑您的帖子或页面 ,或创建一个新帖子 。

Next, highlight the text that you want to attach the link to. This selected text is called the anchor text for the link. Now click on the ‘Link’ button:

接下来,突出显示要附加链接的文本。 此选定的文本称为链接的锚文本。 现在单击“链接”按钮:

You’ll see a box where you can enter a URL. A URL is a web address. For instance, WPBeginner’s guide on how to start a WordPress blog has the URL https://www.wpbeginner/start-a-wordpress-blog.

您会看到一个框,您可以在其中输入URL。 URL是一个网址。 例如,WPBeginner 有关如何启动WordPress博客的指南的URL为https://www.wpbeginner/start-a-wordpress-blog

You can simply copy and paste the URL of the post or page you want to link to, like this:


Click the Apply (Enter) button to insert the link into your post.


If you’re linking to content on your own site, then it might be quicker to search for it. Type a word or two from your content title, and WordPress will find it:

如果要链接到自己网站上的内容,则搜索起来可能会更快。 在您的内容标题中输入一两个单词,WordPress将找到它:

Click on the title of the page or post you want to link to, and the URL will be automatically added for you. Again, you’ll need to click the Apply button to put the link into your post.

单击页面标题或您要链接的帖子,URL将自动为您添加。 同样,您需要单击“应用”按钮将链接放入您的帖子中。

If you want to set your link to open in a new tab, then click the arrow on the right. You can then click the toggle and set your link to open in a new tab.

如果要将链接设置为在新选项卡中打开,请单击右侧的箭头。 然后,您可以单击切换开关,并将链接设置为在新标签页中打开。

Note: We recommend that you only use this option for links to third-party websites. This way your users don’t leave your website while visiting it.

注意:我们建议您仅将此选项用于链接到第三方网站。 这样,您的用户就不会在访问您的网站时离开它。

Adding Link in Old WordPress Editor


If you are using the older classic editor instead of the block editor, then the process for adding a link is quite similar.

如果使用的是较旧的经典编辑器而不是块编辑器 ,则添加链接的过程非常相似。

Open up the post that you want to edit, or create a new one. Find the text you want to use as the link’s anchor and highlight it. Then, click the ‘Link’ button which should appear in the first row of toolbar buttons.

打开您要编辑的帖子,或创建一个新帖子。 找到要用作链接锚点的文本并突出显示。 然后,点击“链接”按钮,该按钮应出现在工具栏按钮的第一行中。

You can then copy and paste the URL you want to link to, or search for it, as in the block editor.


Pasting your URL directly onto the anchor text


Another, even quicker, way to add a link in both the block editor and classic editor is to simply paste the URL onto the anchor text.


First, copy the URL you want to link to. Then, highlight your chosen anchor text in your post.

首先,复制要链接的URL。 然后,在您的帖子中突出显示您选择的锚文本。

Next, you can either right-click and select ‘Paste’ or simply press Ctrl+V (Windows) or Command+V (Mac) to paste the URL.

接下来,您可以右键单击并选择“粘贴”,或者只需按Ctrl + V(Windows)或Command + V(Mac)粘贴URL。

WordPress will automatically detect that you’re pasting a URL, not text, and will turn the anchor text into a link.


Take a look at our tips for mastering the WordPress content editor to learn more about using the block editor effectively.


如何在WordPress文本小部件中添加链接 (How to Add Links in WordPress Text Widgets)

WordPress allows you to add widgets to your site’s non-content areas like sidebar, footer, or other widget areas.


Some of these widgets are automated and do not have many options. For example, the Recent Posts widget will automatically show links to your recent posts. You don’t need to do anything extra.

其中一些小部件是自动化的,没有很多选项。 例如,“最近的帖子”小部件将自动显示指向您最近的帖子的链接。 您无需执行任何其他操作。

However, if you want to add some custom text with links in your sidebar, then you can use the Text Widget.


Go to the Appearance » Widgets page and then drag ‘Text’ widget into your sidebar or other widget area.


You can then type in your text and add a link just as you would when adding one to a post or page.


Make sure you click the ‘Save’ button beneath your widget after making changes.


如何在WordPress导航菜单中添加链接 (How to Add Links in WordPress Navigation Menus)

Do you want to add links to your site’s navigation menu? WordPress comes with a built-in drag and drop menu editor which allows you to create and manage navigation menus on your WordPress site.

您是否要向网站的导航菜单添加链接? WordPress带有内置的拖放菜单编辑器,可让您在WordPress网站上创建和管理导航菜单。

Go to the Appearance » Menus page. If you don’t already have a menu set up, then you can create one by entering a menu name.

转到外观»菜单页面。 如果尚未设置菜单,则可以通过输入菜单名称来创建一个菜单。

Next, select the pages you want to add to your menu on the left-hand side, then click the ‘Add to Menu’ button.


WordPress will automatically link to your selected posts and pages. You can move menu items and up and down to rearrange them.

WordPress将自动链接到您选择的帖子和页面。 您可以上下移动菜单项以重新排列它们。

You can also add any link you want to your menu. It doesn’t have to be a page or post on your site. For instance, you could enter the URL of your Twitter profile and add that to your navigation menu.

您也可以将任何想要的链接添加到菜单。 它不必是页面或在您的网站上发布。 例如,您可以输入Twitter个人资料的URL并将其添加到导航菜单中。

To enter a link, just click the arrow next to the ‘Custom Links’ section on the left. You can then type in the URL and the text you want to use for the link.

要输入链接,只需单击左侧“自定义链接”部分旁边的箭头。 然后,您可以输入URL和要用于链接的文本。

For more help with creating your menu, take a look at our beginner’s guide on how to add navigation menus in WordPress.


如何在WordPress链接中添加标题和Nofollow (How to Add Title and Nofollow in WordPress Links)

It’s often useful to give your links a title. This is the text that appears when someone runs their mouse cursor over the link, like this:

给链接加上标题通常很有用。 这是当有人将鼠标光标悬停在链接上时显示的文本,如下所示:

Adding a title often makes it clear where the link leads to. It can be helpful or even reassuring for your readers.

添加标题通常可以使链接指向何处。 它可能对您的读者有帮助甚至令人放心。

However, WordPress does not allow you to add title to the links with the default editor. You can still add it, and we’ll show you how to do that in a bit.

但是,WordPress不允许您使用默认编辑器在链接中添加标题。 您仍然可以添加它,稍后我们将向您展示如何进行添加。

You may also want to add a nofollow tag to external links. This tells search engines not to pass your site’s SEO score to that link because you don’t own or control the content on that website.

您可能还需要向外部链接添加nofollow标记。 这告诉搜索引擎不要将您网站的SEO分数传递给该链接,因为您不拥有或控制该网站上的内容。

WordPress also does not support nofollow by default either.


Method 1. Use AIOSEO plugin in Gutenberg


All in One SEO plugin (AIOSEO) for WordPress automatically adds the title, nofollow, sponsored, and UGC attributes to your links.

适用于WordPress的多合一SEO插件(AIOSEO)会自动将标题,nofollow, Sponsored和UGC属性添加到您的链接中。

Method 2. Use HTML code in Gutenberg


If you’re using the Gutenberg editor, and don’t want to use AIOSEO, then you’ll need to manually edit the HTML to add title and nofollow attributes to your links.


First, add your link within your paragraph block in the usual way. Next, click on the three vertical dots and select ‘Edit as HTML’ as shown here:

首先,以通常的方式在您的段落块中添加链接。 接下来,单击三个垂直点,然后选择“编辑为HTML”,如下所示:

You’ll now see the HTML code for your block.


You can add a title and/or a nofollow attribute to the link like this:
<p>You can find out more about our company on our <a href="https://www.examplecompany/about-us/" title="About Us" rel="nofollow">About Us</a> page.</p>

<p>You can find out more about our company on our <a href="https://www.examplecompany/about-us/" title="About Us" rel="nofollow">About Us</a> page.</p>

For the title, you can change “About Us” to be whatever you want. With the nofollow attribute, this should always be rel="nofollow". Don’t forget the double quotation marks around the title and the “nofollow” as your link won’t work correctly without them.

对于标题,您可以将“关于我们”更改为所需的名称。 使用nofollow属性,该值应始终为rel="nofollow" 。 不要忘记标题和“ nofollow”周围的双引号,因为没有它们您的链接将无法正常工作。

Method 3. Use a Plugin with the Classic Editor


If you’re using the Classic Editor, you can install and activate the the Title and Nofollow for Links plugin.

如果您使用的是经典编辑器,则可以安装并激活“ 标题和链接的标题和插件”插件。

This plugin will add title, nofollow, and sponsored checkbox options to the insert link popup.


Highlight your anchor text and click the ‘Link’ button, then click the cog:


You’ll then see the additional options:


For more help, take a look at our guide on how to add title and nofollow to the insert link popup in WordPress for more information on this plugin.


如何在WordPress中添加链接按钮 (How to Add Link Buttons in WordPress)

Do you want to add a button to your WordPress posts or pages? There are many ways you can do this. The easiest is using WordPress’s built-in Button block.

您是否要在WordPress帖子或页面上添加按钮? 您可以通过多种方式执行此操作。 最简单的方法是使用WordPress的内置Button块。

Create a new post or page, or edit an existing one. Then, click the (+) icon to create a new block. Select ‘Button’ from the ‘Layout Elements’ options, or simply search for the Button block.

创建一个新的帖子或页面,或编辑一个现有的帖子或页面。 然后,单击(+)图标创建一个新块。 从“布局元素”选项中选择“按钮”,或仅搜索“按钮”块。

You can type the text for your button by clicking in the colored area. Enter the URL that the button should go to in the ‘Link’ box.

您可以通过单击彩色区域来为按钮键入文本。 在“链接”框中输入按钮应转到的URL。

To change the button’s alignment, or to make the text bold or italic, just use the controls at the top of the block itself.


You can make more changes to how the button looks in the block options on the right-hand side of your screen. For instance, you might want to change the color or add a wider border.

您可以在屏幕右侧的块选项中对按钮的外观进行更多更改。 例如,您可能想要更改颜色或添加更宽的边框。

You can also change the link settings here. You can set your link to open in a new tab, and if you want, you can also add the ‘nofollow’ attribute to the link by typing it in the ‘Link rel’ box.

您也可以在此处更改链接设置。 您可以将链接设置为在新选项卡中打开,如果需要,还可以通过在“链接相关性”框中键入链接来将“ nofollow”属性添加到链接中。

What if you’re still using the old WordPress classic editor? You can install the “Forget About Shortcode Buttons” plugin to easily create buttons while you’re editing a post or page.

如果您仍在使用旧的WordPress经典编辑器怎么办? 您可以安装“忘记简码按钮”插件,以便在编辑帖子或页面时轻松创建按钮。

Simply install and activate the Forget About Shortcode Buttons plugin. Then, create a new post or edit an existing one.

只需安装并激活“ 忘记简码按钮”插件即可。 然后,创建一个新帖子或编辑一个现有的帖子。

You’ll see the ‘Insert Button’ icon in the toolbar, on the right hand side:


Click on the button, and you’ll see a popup. Here, you can customize your button, choose colors, borders, add text, add an icon, and include the link itself while seeing a live preview.

单击按钮,您将看到一个弹出窗口。 在这里,您可以自定义按钮,选择颜色,边框,添加文本,添加图标,并在查看实时预览时包括链接本身。

For more information and details take a look at our guide on how to add buttons in WordPress without using shortcodes.

有关更多信息和详细信息,请参阅我们的指南,了解如何在WordPress中添加按钮而不使用简码 。

如何在WordPress中嵌入链接内容 (How to Embed Linked Content in WordPress)

You can easily embed certain types of content in WordPress by simply inserting its URL in your post. This is sometimes called creating a “content card” in your post.

您只需在帖子中插入URL即可轻松地将某些类型的内容嵌入WordPress。 这有时被称为在您的帖子中创建“内容卡”。

Just paste the whole URL into its own paragraph block. The whole tweet, including images, likes, timestamp, and more will be embedded like this:

只需将整个URL粘贴到其自己的段落块中即可。 整个推文(包括图像,赞,时间戳等)将像这样嵌入:

The process is the same for YouTube videos. Simply find the video you want to use on YouTube and copy the URL from the top of your browser window:

YouTube视频的过程相同。 只需找到要在YouTube上使用的视频,然后从浏览器窗口顶部复制URL:

Next, paste the link into your post or page. It’ll automatically embed the video:

接下来,将链接粘贴到您的帖子或页面中。 它将自动嵌入视频:

As well as being great for Twitter posts and YouTube videos, this method also works for many other types of content. You can find out more from WordPress’s support article on ‘Embeds’.

这种方法不仅适用于Twitter帖子和YouTube视频,而且还适用于许多其他类型的内容。 您可以从WordPress的“嵌入”支持文章中找到更多信息 。

如何在WordPress中添加会员链接 (How to Add Affiliate Links in WordPress)

Do you want to increase your site’s revenue by using affiliate links? Affiliate marketing provides a steady income to many blogs and websites.

您是否想通过使用会员链接来增加网站的收入? 会员营销为许多博客和网站提供稳定的收入。

All you need to do is add special referral links to products and services that you recommend. When your visitors purchase these products after clicking your links, you get a commission.

您需要做的就是为您推荐的产品和服务添加特殊的引荐链接。 当您的访客单击链接后购买这些产品时,您将获得佣金。

The problem that most beginners face is that each product or website they want to recommend has a different URL. It’s tricky to keep track of these, especially if you’re recommending lots of products.

大多数初学者面临的问题是,他们要推荐的每个产品或网站都有不同的URL。 跟踪这些信息非常棘手,特别是在您推荐大量产品的情况下。

The best way to add and manage affiliate links is by using an affiliate management plugin. We recommend using either Pretty Links or Thirsty Affiliates.

添加和管理会员链接的最佳方法是使用会员管理插件。 我们建议使用Pretty Links或Thirsty Affiliates 。

Both of these plugins work by creating redirect links such as www.yoursite/refer/partnersitename that send people to your special affiliate link.


The plugins will add a new option to your WordPress menu where you can add your affiliate links. Here’s how that looks with ThirstyAffiliates. You simply copy and paste your special affiliate link into the ‘Destination URL’ box.

插件将在WordPress菜单中添加一个新选项,您可以在其中添加会员链接。 这是ThirstyAffiliates的外观 。 您只需将您的特殊会员链接复制并粘贴到“目标URL”框中。

You can set specific options for your link on the right hand side, deciding whether to nofollow it, open it in a new window/tab, and more.


Once you’re done, click ‘Save Link’.


After you’ve set up your affiliate links, you can easily add them into your posts and pages. In a paragraph block, click the down arrow then select the ‘Affiliate Link’ option:

设置会员链接后,您可以轻松地将它们添加到您的帖子和页面中。 在段落块中,单击向下箭头,然后选择“会员链接”选项:

Next, type in the start of whatever you named that affiliate link. In our example, that’s “Our Affiliate Partner”.

接下来,键入您命名该会员链接的任何内容的开头。 在我们的示例中,这就是“我们的合作伙伴”。

You can then click the name and click ‘Apply’ to add the affiliate link to your post.


If you ever need to change an affiliate link (e.g. if the company you’re linking to moves to a different affiliate program) then that’s really easy to do.


You just change it once in your dashboard, under “ThirstyAffiliates” or “Pretty Links”. The redirect link stays the same as before, but it’ll now redirect to the new affiliate link everywhere it’s used.

您只需在仪表板的“ ThirstyAffiliates”或“ Pretty Links”下更改一次即可。 重定向链接与以前一样,但是现在它将重定向到使用了所有位置的新会员链接。

For more handy affiliate plugins, check out our post on the best affiliate marketing tools and plugins for WordPress.

有关更多方便的会员插件,请查看我们关于WordPress最佳会员营销工具和插件的文章 。

如何手动添加HTML链接 (How to Manually Add a Link in HTML)

Occasionally, you might want to add a link to your site using HTML code. This could happen if you need to use a custom HTML block or widget.

有时,您可能想使用HTML代码向您的网站添加链接。 如果您需要使用自定义HTML块或窗口小部件,则可能会发生这种情况。

You might also need to directly edit a link in your theme file. Just make sure you always use a child theme so you don’t lose your changes when you update the parent theme.

您可能还需要直接在主题文件中编辑链接。 只需确保始终使用子主题,以免在更新父主题时不会丢失更改。

It’s easy to create a link in HTML. To try it, add a custom HTML block to a post or page. You can find this block under ‘Formatting’ or you can search for it using the search bar.

在HTML中创建链接很容易。 若要尝试,将自定义HTML块添加到帖子或页面。 您可以在“格式”下找到该块,也可以使用搜索栏进行搜索。

Next, you’ll see a box where you can write HTML. Copy this code into the box:

接下来,您将看到一个可以编写HTML的框。 将此代码复制到框中:

<a href="https://www.yourlinkhere">Text</a>

It should look like this:


You can click the ‘Preview’ tab to see how your code will look in your post or page:


Now click back to the ‘HTML’ tag. Change the URL to the URL you want to link to. Change the word ‘Text’ to whatever word or words you want to use for your link.

现在,单击返回到“ HTML”标签。 将URL更改为您要链接的URL。 将单词“文本”更改为您要用于链接的任何单词。

To add a title to your link, you’ll need to include it in the code like this. You can change “This is the title” to anything you want.

要在链接中添加标题,您需要将其包含在这样的代码中。 您可以将“ This is the title”更改为所需的任何内容。

<a href="https://www.yourlinkhere" title="This is the title">Text</a>

If you want your link to open in a new tab, simply add target="_blank" to the HTML code, like this:


<a href="https://www.yourlinkhere" target="_blank">Text</a>

If you want your link to be nofollowed, add rel="nofollow", like this:

如果您希望您的链接不被关注,则添加rel="nofollow" ,如下所示:

<a href="https://www.yourlinkhere" rel="nofollow">Text</a>

You can include all of these at once. This is how a link with a title, that opens in a new tab and is nofollowed, would look:

您可以一次包含所有这些。 这是带有标题的链接的样子,该链接在新选项卡中打开并且没有被关注,其外观如下:

<a href="https://www.yourlinkhere" title="This is the title" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Text</a>

That’s how you create a link in HTML, if you ever need to.


如何在WordPress中轻松添加锚链接 (How to Easily Add Anchor Links in WordPress)

An anchor link is a type of link on the page that brings you to a specific place on that same page. It allows users to jump to the section they’re most interested in.

定位链接是页面上的一种链接,可将您带到同一页面上的特定位置。 它允许用户跳到他们最感兴趣的部分。

Take a look at the animated screenshot below:


These type of links are really helpful when writing longer tutorials or content, so your users can easily jump to the section they’re most interested in.


We have created a detailed step by step guide on how to easily add anchor links in WordPress.

我们创建了详细的分步指南,介绍如何轻松在WordPress中添加锚链接 。

如何在WordPress中轻松添加社交共享链接 (How to Easily Add Social Share Links in WordPress)

Want to add social share links or buttons on your site?


These links make it easy for your users to share your content on their favorite social networks. Sometimes social share links or buttons are also accompanied by total share count.

这些链接使您的用户可以轻松地在他们喜欢的社交网络上共享您的内容。 有时,社交共享链接或按钮也伴随着共享总数。

We don’t advise users to add these links manually. Instead, you should always use a social share plugin.

我们不建议用户手动添加这些链接。 相反,您应该始终使用社交共享插件。

We have a step by step guide on how to add social share buttons in WordPress.

我们有逐步指南, 介绍如何在WordPress中添加社交共享按钮 。

We hope this article helped you learn how to add a link in WordPress. You may also want to see our beginner’s guide on how to create a professional business email address, and how to start an email newsletter to grow your audience.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何在WordPress中添加链接。 您可能还需要查看我们的初学者指南,以了解如何创建专业的企业电子邮件地址 ,以及如何启动电子邮件通讯以扩大受众。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner/beginners-guide/beginners-guide-on-how-to-add-a-link-in-wordpress/

