Do you want to embed videos in your WordPress blog posts? Videos bring life to your website, and they are a great way to increase user engagement.

您是否要在WordPress博客文章中嵌入视频? 视频使您的网站栩栩如生,是增加用户参与度的好方法。

WordPress makes it super easy to embed videos from video hosting sites like YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Twitter, and many others.


In this beginner’s guide, we will show you how to easily embed videos in WordPress blog posts, pages, and sidebar widgets.


如何在WordPress博客文章和页面中嵌入视频 (How to Embed Videos in WordPress Blog Posts and Pages)

WordPress comes with a great feature called auto-embeds which allows your website to automatically get the embed code from popular video hosting services like YouTube, Vimeo, etc.

WordPress具有一项称为自动嵌入的强大功能,该功能使您的网站可以从流行的视频托管服务(例如YouTube, Vimeo等)中自动获取嵌入代码。

All you need to do is paste the video URL into the WordPress editor.

您需要做的就是将视频URL粘贴到WordPress编辑器中 。

For example, you can copy the YouTube URL for a video that you want to embed.

例如,您可以复制要嵌入的视频的YouTube URL。

Next, edit the WordPress post or page where you want to add the video, and simply paste the URL in the content area.


As soon as you paste the video URL, WordPress will fetch the embed code and display the YouTube video inside the content editor.


You can now save your post and click on the preview button to see the embedded video in your blog post.


Wasn’t that easy?


After you have added the video, you can change its settings from the block toolbar and settings column on the right.


You can adjust the video width, make it full-width, change alignment, and more. You can also add a caption and preserve the video’s aspect ratio on mobile devices.

您可以调整视频宽度,使其变为全角,更改对齐方式等等。 您还可以添加标题并在移动设备上保留视频的长宽比。

WordPress can only do auto-embeds for white-listed video services. For other websites, you will still have to obtain the embed code and then paste it in your blog posts.

WordPress只能对列入白名单的视频服务进行自动嵌入。 对于其他网站,您仍然必须获取嵌入代码,然后将其粘贴到您的博客文章中。

Here is a list of white-listed video services for auto embeds in WordPress:


  • Amazon

  • Animoto

  • Cloudup

  • CollegeHumor

  • Crowdsignal

  • Dailymotion

  • Facebook

  • Flickr

  • Hulu

  • Imgur

  • Instagram

  • Issuu

  • Kickstarter

  • Meetup

  • Mixcloud

  • Reddit

  • ReverbNation

  • Screencast

  • Scribd

  • Slideshare

  • SmugMug

  • Someecards

  • SoundCloud

  • Speaker Deck

  • Spotify

  • TED

  • Tumblr

  • Twitter

  • VideoPress

  • Vimeo

  • YouTube


If you want to add a video from a website outside this list, then you will need the full HTML embed code for the video.


Simply copy the HTML code provided by the video website and paste it inside a ‘Custom HTML’ block in the editor.


使用旧的经典编辑器将视频嵌入WordPress (Embed Videos in WordPress Using Old Classic Editor)

If you are still using the old WordPress classic editor, then you can embed the videos the same way.

如果您仍在使用旧的WordPress经典编辑器 ,则可以以相同方式嵌入视频。

Simply copy the URL from a video hosting service like YouTube, and paste it in the editor. If you are using the visual editor, then you will see a preview of the video.

只需从YouTube等视频托管服务中复制URL,然后将其粘贴到编辑器中即可。 如果使用可视编辑器,则将看到视频的预览。

However, you will not be able to use the width adjustment and other options that you can use in the new WordPress block editor.


如何在WordPress侧边栏小部件中嵌入视频 (How to Embed Videos in WordPress Sidebar Widgets)

Just like a WordPress page or post, you can also embed videos in WordPress sidebar widgets.


Simply go to Appearance » Widgets page and add the ‘Text’ widget to a sidebar. See our article on how to add and use widgets in WordPress.

只需转到外观»小部件页面,然后将“文本”小部件添加到侧边栏中。 请参阅有关如何在WordPress中添加和使用小部件的文章。

Inside the widget settings, you need to paste the video URL in the content area. WordPress will automatically fetch the embed code and display the video preview.

在窗口小部件设置内,您需要将视频URL粘贴到内容区域中。 WordPress将自动获取嵌入代码并显示视频预览。

Don’t forget to click on the ‘Save’ button to store your widget settings.


You can now visit your website to see the video embed in the WordPress sidebar widget.


为什么我不能将视频上传到WordPress? (Why can’t I upload the videos to WordPress?)

Well you can, but we do not recommend you to do so.


Most small blogs use shared WordPress hosting accounts, and videos can take up a lot of server resources. If your video got tons of traffic, then your website is more likely to crash.

大多数小型博客使用共享的WordPress托管帐户,而视频会占用大量服务器资源。 如果您的视频流量巨大,则您的网站更有可能崩溃。

Secondly, you are missing out the traffic from YouTube users.


YouTube is not only the biggest video hosting site, but it is also the world’s second most popular search engine, and the second most popular social network right after Facebook.


If you don’t want to upload your videos to YouTube, then you can try Vimeo or DailyMotion. See our comparison of YouTube vs Vimeo to see which platform is better for your needs.

如果您不想将视频上传到YouTube,则可以尝试使用Vimeo或DailyMotion。 查看我们对YouTube与Vimeo的比较,以了解哪个平台更适合您的需求。

For more on this topic, take a look at our article on why you should never upload a video to WordPress.

有关此主题的更多信息,请查看我们关于为什么永远不应该将视频上传到WordPress的文章 。

WordPress视频嵌入插件 (WordPress Video Embed Plugins)

By default, you don’t need to use a plugin to embed videos in WordPress. However, you may want to use plugins to improve video viewing experience on your website.

默认情况下,您无需使用插件即可将视频嵌入WordPress。 但是,您可能希望使用插件来改善网站上的视频观看体验。

Following are a few plugins that you may want to try.


1. YouTube Subscribe Bar

1. YouTube订阅栏

YouTube Subscribe Bar shows a YouTube subscribe button below your YouTube video embeds in WordPress. It also fetches your YouTube subscriber count to add social proof and encourage more users to subscribe.

YouTube订阅栏会在您嵌入WordPress的YouTube视频下方显示一个YouTube订阅按钮。 它还会获取您的YouTube订阅者人数,以添加社交证明并鼓励更多用户订阅。

We first created it to promote WPBeginner’s YouTube channel on this website. Many of our users asked us to share how we did this, so we decided to release it as a free plugin.

我们首先创建它是为了在此网站上宣传WPBeginner的YouTube频道 。 许多用户要求我们分享我们的操作方式,因此我们决定将其作为免费插件发布。

2. Envira Gallery

2. Envira画廊

By default, WordPress does not come with embedded video gallery feature. If you wanted to show a video gallery on a page, then you’ll need a plugin to do that.

默认情况下,WordPress不附带嵌入式视频库功能。 如果要在页面上显示视频库,则需要一个插件来完成。

Envira Gallery is one of the best photo gallery plugins for WordPress. It also comes with a videos addon which allows you to create beautiful video galleries with lightbox popup support.

Envira Gallery是WordPress最好的照片库插件之一 。 它还带有一个视频插件,可让您通过灯箱弹出窗口支持创建漂亮的视频库。

3. Lazy Load for Videos


Video embeds load scripts from external websites, which has a small impact on page load speed and performance.


Lazy Load for Videos solves this problem by only loading the video image on page load. It loads embed code only when the user clicks on the play button. See our tutorial on how to add lazy load for videos in WordPress.

视频的延迟加载通过仅在页面加载时加载视频图像来解决此问题。 仅当用户单击播放按钮时,它才会加载嵌入代码。 请参阅我们的教程,了解如何在WordPress中为视频添加延迟加载 。

We hope this article helped you learn how to easily embed videos in WordPress blog posts. You may also want to see our list of the must have WordPress plugins for all websites.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何轻松地将视频嵌入WordPress博客文章。 您可能还想查看我们所有网站都必须具有WordPress插件的列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner/beginners-guide/how-to-easily-embed-videos-in-wordpress-blog-posts/

