unity 2017

Hello from the Documentation team! We’ve had an incredible year in 2016, and we want to show you some of the changes we’ve made, both to the documentation itself and also to our own processes. We hope this will give you some idea of the thought and planning that is going into making the Unity documentation bigger and better than ever!

文档 团队 您好 ! 我们在2016年度过了令人难以置信的一年,我们想向您展示我们对文档本身以及我们自己的流程所做的一些更改。 我们希望这会给您一些思想和计划,这些思想和计划将使Unity文档变得比以往任何时候都更大和更好!

发展团队 (Developing the team)

The Documentation team more than doubled in size this year. In December 2015 the Documentation team was three people: two technical writers with programming backgrounds, and one technical writer with an editing background. In December 2016 the Documentation team is seven people: one team lead/project manager, three technical writers with programming backgrounds, two technical writers with editing backgrounds, and one tools engineer.

文档 队今年增加了一倍以上的规模。 2015年12月, 文档 团队由三人组成:两名具有编程背景的技术作家和一名具有编辑背景的技术作家。 在2016年12月, 文档 团队有7人:一名团队负责人/项目经理,三名具有编程背景的技术作家,两名具有编辑背景的技术作家和一名工具工程师。

开发文档 (Developing the Documentation)

发布日期发布的内容 (Content published at release date)

The number of new Unity features and updates documented at release date has more than doubled:


  • Last year: 5.3 (8th December 2015): 28 new Editor features and updates published by the date of the 5.3 release. We were still adding 5.3 content in May 2016 (25 additional updates were added after the 5.3 release).

    去年:5.3(2015年12月8日): 5.3版本发布之日发布了28个新的编辑器功能和更新。 我们仍在2016年5月添加5.3内容(在5.3版本之后添加了25个附加更新)。

  • This year: 5.5 (30th November 2016): 69 new Editor features and updates were published by the date of the 5.5 release. Nice.

    今年:5.5(2016年11月30日): 在5.5发行之日之前发布了69个新的编辑器功能和更新。 真好

为用户提供更好的定位和清晰度 (Better orientation and clarity for users)

In 2016, we implemented:


  • A Unity release version reference on the documentation.


  • A link to the Unity Issue Tracker, so that if a feature is not working as described in the documentation, users can check whether it is a known issue.

    指向Unity Issue Tracker的链接,以便如果某功能无法按文档中所述运行,则用户可以检查它是否为已知问题。

  • Prominent links to other sources of user information on all top-level pages of the User manual.


  • A 404 page that provides context and meaning to the error.


  • Rearrangement of many User Manual sections.


  • Unity Services documentation incorporated into the User Manual

    用户手册中包含的Unity Services文档

  • Versioning of each publication of the documentation.


  • Documentation version switching information is available to users in the User Manual.


Unity完整公开Beta版本的文档 (Documentation of Unity full public beta releases)

Previously: Beta versions were released to a private group, and there was only one public version of Unity at a time – which meant we had the whole duration of the beta period to prepare documentation.

以前: Beta版本发布给了一个私人团体,并且一次只有一个Unity的公开版本–这意味着我们在整个Beta版本期间都要准备文档。

Now: Beta releases are public, and therefore require documentation. However, features can change during the beta process, and there is not enough time to get ever-changing new feature documentation through the editing process ready for beta release. To facilitate documenting features in beta, we are trialling a “documentation in beta” approach for the Unity 5.6 beta release (we’ll see how that goes!).

现在: Beta版本是公开的,因此需要文档。 但是,功能可能会在Beta版过程中更改,并且没有足够的时间通过准备发布Beta版的编辑过程来获取不断变化的新功能文档。 为了方便Beta版中的文档功能,我们正在试用 Unity 5.6 beta 版中的“ beta版文档”方法 (我们将看看情况如何!)。

发展我们的流程 (Developing our processes)

开发用户手册内容的标准化流程 (A standardized process for developing User Manual content)

Previously: There was no technical writing or editorial process.

以前 :没有技术写作或编辑过程。

Now: All User Manual content goes through a multi-stage technical writing and editorial process:

现在 :所有用户手册内容都经过多阶段的技术写作和编辑过程:

  • We receive information from a Unity developer


  • We read the information, and talk with the developer to learn about anything that is unclear or missing. This is called “developmental editing”. It’s our job to advocate for the user, so we always try to provide as much information as possible, even about things that experienced developers would find obvious.

    我们阅读了这些信息,并与开发人员进行了交谈,以了解所有不清楚或缺少的内容。 这称为“开发编辑”。 倡导用户是我们的工作,因此我们始终尝试提供尽可能多的信息,即使是经验丰富的开发人员会发现的明显信息。

  • After some back-and-forth, the developer approves our revisions, and the document goes to another member of the Documentation team for a first proofread.


  • The document is loaded into our CMS as a draft page.


  • The document is checked once more by a different member of the Documentation team, then approved for publish.


Our process ensures that every new page is proofread by at least two people, and that the documentation is as clear as possible for our users.


全Unity房屋风格指南 (A Unity-wide house style guide)

Previously: There were almost no terminology and style standards, and a large amount of inconsistency across the documentation.

以前 :几乎没有术语和样式标准,并且文档之间存在大量不一致之处。

Now: Unity has a house style guide, ensuring that we have a consistent voice and use consistent terms across Documentation, Education, R&D Content, and Support. The style guide currently has over 250 entries. In particular, this helps us ensure that what is written in the documentation matches what appears in the Editor, and that what you read in other areas of Unity (like the Education materials and the Knowledge Base) matches what you read in the documentation!

现在 :Unity具有房屋风格指南,可确保我们在文档,培训,研发内容和支持方面拥有一致的声音并使用一致的术语。 样式指南目前有250多个条目。 特别是,这有助于我们确保文档中编写的内容与编辑器中显示的内容相匹配,并且确保您在Unity的其他领域(如教育资料和知识库)中阅读的内容与文档中阅读的内容相匹配!

For example: The Inspector window (menu: Window > Inspector) is always referred to as “the Inspector window”, not the Inspector panel, or the Inspector tab.

例如:“检查器”窗口(菜单:“ 窗口” >“ 检查器” )始终被称为“检查器窗口”,而不是“检查器”面板或“检查器”选项卡。

文件所有权 (Documentation ownership)

Previously: There was no technical writing or editorial process, and no ownership of the documentation. Anyone working at Unity could add content to the documentation, and it was published live to our users with no checking or proofreading.

以前 :没有技术写作或编辑过程,也没有文档所有权。 任何在Unity工作的人都可以将内容添加到文档中,并且无需检查或校对即可将其实时发布给我们的用户。

Now: Our CMS has been updated to ensure that, while any developer at Unity can still make changes to the documentation, none of it can be published until the Documentation team has reviewed it. This helps us make sure that the information is clear and that the terminology meets our standards. At a company like Unity, with developers all over the world speaking dozens of different languages, this is essential to ensure clarity and consistency!

现在 :我们的CMS已更新,以确保尽管Unity的任何开发人员仍然可以对文档进行更改,但是在文档团队对其进行审核之前,任何更改都无法发布。 这有助于我们确保信息清晰,并且术语符合我们的标准。 在像Unity这样的公司中,世界各地的开发人员都在使用多种不同的语言,这对于确保清晰度和一致性至关重要!

与所有创建文档的Unity团队协调 (Coordination with all Unity teams who create documentation)

Previously: Collaboration between teams was limited by resources.

以前 :团队之间的合作受到资源的限制。

Now: In designing and planning our new processes, we have ensured that all of Unity’s content-producing teams (R&D Content, Education, Services, and Support) are involved, so we can deliver consistent, clear documentation to our users.

现在 :在设计和规划新流程时,我们确保了Unity的所有内容制作团队(R&D内容,教育,服务和支持)都参与其中,因此我们可以为用户提供一致,清晰的文档。

Since 8th December 2015 we have released 31 online documentation publications, many of those multiple version publishes (such as 5.3, 5.4 & 5.5b).

自2015年12月8日以来,我们已经发布了31种在线文档出版物,其中许多是多种版本的出版物(例如 5.3、5.4和5.5b)。

大! 那么...工作完成了吗? (Great! So… job done, then?)

Far from it. We know as well as you do that the existing documentation remains imperfect. There are 1,200 User Manual pages and 10,000 Scripting Reference (API documentation) pages per Unity version (so, for example, 11,200 pages each for 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6). Much of this content stems from earlier times, when Unity was smaller and there was no ownership of the documentation, so there are holes, errors, outdated information, and occasionally just empty Scripting Reference (API documentation) pages.

离得很远。 和您一样,我们知道现有文档仍然不完善。 每个Unity版本 有1,200个用户手册页面和10,000个脚本参考(API文档)页面 (例如,对于5.3、5.4、5.5和5.6,每个页面有11,200个页面)。 该内容的大部分源于早期,当时Unity较小,并且没有文档的所有权,因此存在漏洞,错误,过时的信息,有时只是空的Scripting Reference(API文档)页面。

The major hurdle to any progression is our existing tools, which are slow and don’t allow for an easy editing process. These tools are from a different era of Unity, when we released new versions less frequently and when new features were fewer in number. We have a plan to address this, though, and while it’s too early to go into any detail about it , we can assure you that we’re doing everything we can to make documentation faster, smoother and easier. All in all, it’s been an amazing year, and we hope to achieve even more in 2017. We are so incredibly grateful for the support of the Unity community; we see your kind tweets and forum posts, and it’s a constant reminder of why we’re doing this work. Stay tuned – we hope to have even more to show you next year!

任何进展的主要障碍是我们现有的工具,这些工具很慢并且不允许简单的编辑过程。 这些工具来自Unity的不同时代,当时我们发布新版本的频率降低了,新功能的数量也减少了。 不过,我们有一个计划来解决这个问题,尽管现在就此进行任何详细讨论还为时过早,但是我们可以向您保证,我们将尽一切努力使文档变得更快,更流畅,更轻松。 总而言之,这是非常了不起的一年,我们希望在2017年取得更大的成就。我们非常感谢Unity社区的支持; 我们看到了您的善意推文和论坛帖子,并且不断提醒我们为什么要进行这项工作。 请继续关注–我们希望明年能向您展示更多!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d/2017/01/26/unity-documentation-in-2017/

unity 2017


unity 2017_2017年的Unity文档