如何设计数据库来处理哪些用户观看了哪些视频?(How to design database to handle which users have watched which videos? [closed])

为简单起见,假设我的数据库有两个表,视频和用户。 视频是不同视频的列表,用户是不同用户的列表。




另一种方法是创建一个中性表,其中包含:userID(外键),videoID(外键)。 但是,我认为这会影响效率(和规范化),因为存在多值依赖关系,或两列中相同userID和videoID的倍数。

我对数据库还是比较新的,我觉得我缺少一些简单的东西。 任何帮助将不胜感激。


For the sake of simplicity, let's say my database has two tables, videos and users. Videos being a list of different videos, and users being a list of different users.

I need to be able to have a record of when a user watches a certain video, so when they go to view the video again, I can let them know that they have already seen it.

Info: There will potentially be hundreds of thousands of users There will potentially be hundreds of thousands of videos.

One way I have thought of doing this is buy creating a table for each video, or a table for each user (Both would result in hundreds of thousands of tables).

Another way would be to create one neutral table, with the fields: userID(foreign key), videoID(foreign key). However, I believe this compromises efficiency (and normalization) because there would be multi-valued dependencies, or multiples of the same userID's and videoID's in the two columns.

I am still fairly new to databases, and I feel like I am missing something simple. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I am using MySQL.


你的数据库应该有一个users表,一个videos表和一个userViews表。 userViews包含字段userId和videoId以及时间/日期字段。 当人们观看视频时将其填满。


Your database should have a table for users, a table for videos and a table for userViews. userViews contains fields userId and videoId and a time/date field. Fill it up as people watch videos.

Normalization is not compromised.
