One of the biggest complaints that we’ve heard from WordPress beginners about the post editor is that it cannot spellcheck.


This is why some users prefer to create their initial drafts using desktop apps like Microsoft Word which have basic spelling and grammar check options. Some users even depend on their browser’s spell check feature.

这就是为什么某些用户喜欢使用具有基本拼写和语法检查选项的桌面应用程序(例如Microsoft Word)创建其初始草稿的原因。 有些用户甚至依赖于其浏览器的拼写检查功能。

However, using these tools means you may still miss errors while editing articles in WordPress.


For those who want to create error-proof articles, we have the solution just for you. In this article, we will show you how to check grammar and spelling mistakes in WordPress.

对于那些想要创建防错文章的人,我们为您提供解决方案。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何检查WordPress中的语法和拼写错误。

在WordPress帖子编辑器中添加语法和拼写检查选项 (Adding Grammar and Spelling Check Option in WordPress Post Editor)

There are many WordPress plugins as well as some online tools to help improve your writing. We tried all the popular grammar-checking solutions and finally chose Grammarly as the best option for our team.

有许多WordPress插件以及一些在线工具可以帮助您改善写作。 我们尝试了所有流行的语法检查解决方案 ,最后选择了Grammarly作为我们团队的最佳选择。

Grammarly is an AI-powered writing assistant which helps you avoid grammar and spelling mistakes in your writing. It automatically checks spelling and grammar as you write and highlights the errors, so you can fix it.

语法是由AI驱动的写作助手,可帮助您避免写作中的语法和拼写错误。 它会在您编写时自动检查拼写和语法,并突出显示错误,因此您可以对其进行修复。

It is a free tool with paid upgrade for more features. With its free edition, you will be able to fix critical grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. Premium edition comes with advanced grammar, sentence structure, and style features to further improve your writing. The premium version also has a plagiarism detector that checks more than 16 billion web pages.

这是一个免费工具,具有付费升级功能,可提供更多功能。 借助其免费版本,您将能够修复关键的语法,标点和拼写错误。 高级版具有高级语法,句子结构和样式功能,可以进一步改善您的写作。 高级版本还具有抄袭检测器,可检查超过160亿个网页。

在Web浏览器上安装Grammarly Extension (Install Grammarly Extension on Your Web Browser)

The easiest way to use Grammarly with WordPress is by installing their browser extension. It has a free browser extension for all major web browsers.

在WordPress中使用Grammarly的最简单方法是安装其浏览器扩展 。 它具有适用于所有主要网络浏览器的免费浏览器扩展。

The best part of using the Grammarly browser extension is that it works across all websites. You can get instant proof-reading for your emails, social media posts, Google Docs, Slack, and more.

使用Grammarly浏览器扩展的最好的部分是它可以在所有网站上使用。 您可以立即为您的电子邮件,社交媒体帖子,Google文档,Slack等进行校对。

You can install the extension by visiting the official Grammarly website. It will automatically detect your browser and show you a button to add the extension.

您可以通过访问Grammarly官方网站来安装扩展程序。 它将自动检测您的浏览器并显示一个添加扩展名的按钮。

You can click the button to get started and follow the on-screen instructions.


When the process is complete, you will see the Grammarly icon added to your browser. Upon clicking on the icon, a small popup will appear with a ‘Sign Up’ button. Click on the button to start the setup process.

该过程完成后,您将看到“语法”图标已添加到浏览器。 单击图标后,将出现一个带有“注册”按钮的小弹出窗口。 单击按钮开始设置过程。

Now, a new tab will open in your browser for creating a Grammarly account. You can sign up with an email address or by using your Facebook or Google account.

现在,将在您的浏览器中打开一个新标签,用于创建语法帐户。 您可以使用电子邮件地址注册,也可以使用Facebook或Google帐户注册。

Next, you will need to enter a new password and your name. Then, click on the ‘Sign Up’ button to continue.

接下来,您将需要输入新密码和您的姓名。 然后,单击“注册”按钮继续。

Grammarly will ask you to select why you write and which level of writing skills you have. You can answer these questions, or you can skip this step.

语法将要求您选择为什么写作以及拥有哪些写作技能水平。 您可以回答这些问题,也可以跳过此步骤。

On the next step, you will be asked to choose a plan for your account. You can start with a free account or choose a premium plan.

在下一步中,系统会要求您为帐户选择一个计划。 您可以从免费帐户开始,也可以选择高级计划。

With the free plan, you can fix critical grammar, basic punctuation, and spelling errors. The premium plan has advanced grammar checks, style suggestions, and other premium features.

使用免费计划,您可以修复关键的语法,基本标点和拼写错误。 高级计划具有高级语法检查,样式建议和其他高级功能。

If you choose the free edition, then it will take you to your Grammarly account page.


But if you want to use the premium edition, then you will need to complete the checkout process first.


After you have completed the signup process, your Grammarly browser extension will start working in your WordPress post editor as well as any other text field across the web.


检查WordPress中的语法和拼写错误 (Checking Grammar and Spelling Mistakes in WordPress)

Now that you’ve successfully added the Grammarly extension to your browser, it will start giving you writing suggestions in WordPress post editor. It works with both, the new Gutenberg block editor and the old classic editor.

现在,您已成功将Grammarly扩展名添加到浏览器中,它将开始为您提供在WordPress帖子编辑器中编写建议的功能。 它可以与新的Gutenberg块编辑器和旧的经典编辑器一起使用 。

Simply open the WordPress post editor and start writing. Grammarly will start proofreading in real time and will notify you about spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.

只需打开WordPress帖子编辑器并开始编写。 语法将实时开始校对,并将通知您有关拼写错误和语法错误的信息。

As shown in the screenshot above, you will see a red underline for critical writing errors, number of total critical issues, and the Grammarly icon on each text block.


Simply click on the underlined word to see the suggested correction.


If you want to accept the suggestion, then click on the suggested word in green color.


If you want your sentence to be just as it is, then you can click the ‘Ignore’ link next to delete icon. Doing so removes the Grammarly suggestion.

如果您希望句子保持原样,则可以单击删除图标旁边的“忽略”链接。 这样做会删除语法建议。

At the bottom, you will notice the ‘See more in Grammarly’ option. Clicking on that will open a new Grammarly window where you can see all the other Grammarly suggestions for your paragraph.

在底部,您会注意到“在语法上查看更多”选项。 单击该按钮将打开一个新的“文法”窗口,您可以在其中看到该段落的所有其他“文法”建议。

As shown in the screenshot above, you can see your critical writing issues underlined with red color and the advanced issues highlighted with yellow color.


Now you can review the suggestions by clicking on the underlined word or phrase.


After you have reviewed all the Grammarly suggestions, you can click the ‘Back to Edit Post’ icon. Doing so will take you back to WordPress post editor with writing errors fixed.

复习所有语法建议后,您可以单击“返回编辑帖子”图标。 这样做会将您带回WordPress帖子编辑器,并修复了书写错误。

After proofreading your article, you can now go ahead and save your changes.


其他使用语法的方法 (Other Ways to Use Grammarly)

The Grammarly browser extension makes it easy to fix your grammar, spelling, and other writing mistakes in WordPress editor. However, there are few other ways to use Grammarly as well.

语法浏览器扩展程序可以轻松修复WordPress编辑器中的语法,拼写和其他书写错误。 但是,也几乎没有其他方法可以使用语法 。

We will explain them briefly here.


1. Using Grammarly as a Web Application


Grammarly has a simple web application that you can open in your web browser. It provides you with a platform where you can type or upload a document.

语法有一个简单的Web应用程序,您可以在Web浏览器中打开它。 它为您提供了一个可以键入或上传文档的平台。

Open Grammarly on your browser and log into your account. You will reach your Grammarly account dashboard. From here, you can create a new document or upload one from your computer.

在浏览器上打开Grammarly并登录到您的帐户。 您将到达自己的Grammarly帐户信息中心。 在这里,您可以创建一个新文档或从计算机上载一个新文档。

Using the Grammarly cloud editor, you can write and proofread just like you would with the browser extension.


Once you are done editing, you can copy the article and paste it in your WordPress post editor.


2. Using Grammarly as a Microsoft Office Add-in or a Desktop App

2.使用文法作为Microsoft Office加载项或桌面应用程序

If you prefer writing in Microsoft Word, then you can use the Grammarly Microsoft Office add-in and create great content. Similarly, you can also install a desktop app on your computer.

如果您喜欢用Microsoft Word编写,则可以使用Grammarly Microsoft Office加载项并创建出色的内容。 同样,您也可以在计算机上安装桌面应用程序。

You can install both Microsoft Office add-in and the desktop app from your Grammarly web application. Once installed, you will need to log into your Grammarly account and then use it just as in other platforms.

您可以从Grammarly Web应用程序安装Microsoft Office加载项和桌面应用程序。 安装后,您需要登录自己的Grammarly帐户,然后像在其他平台中一样使用它。

We hope this article helped you check WordPress posts for spelling and grammar mistakes. You may also want to see our list of the best content marketing tools and plugins for WordPress.

我们希望本文能帮助您检查WordPress帖子中的拼写和语法错误。 您可能还希望查看我们的WordPress最佳内容营销工具和插件列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner/plugins/how-to-check-grammar-and-spelling-mistakes-in-wordpress/

