在Chrome扩展更新上使用权限语言进行对话(Dialog with permissions language on Chrome extension update)



I know that in the case when some extension is updated and requires additional permissions compared to a previously installed version, a dialog with the permission warnings will be shown.

My question is: is any dialog is going to be shown if some permissions are removed compared to the previous extension version?





因此,如果您的下一个版本重新引入了相同的权限,那么只有拥有限制权限版本作为其第一个安装版本的用户才会收到通知。 从意外删除权限中恢复更容易(但仍然不是完全无关紧要)。

从源代码 (感谢Sungguk Lim的链接):

// Extensions can also silently upgrade to less permissions, and then // silently upgrade to a version that adds these permissions back. // The extension could then release a new version that // removes the "omnibox" permission. When the user upgrades, Chrome will // still remember that "omnibox" had been granted, so that if the // extension once again includes "omnibox" in an upgrade, the extension // can upgrade without requiring this user's approval.

is any dialog is going to be shown if some permissions is cutted off comparing with the previous extension version?

If your permissions decrease, no dialog will be shown.

Interesting fact: Chrome will still consider those permissions granted on installs that had the broad-permissions version before.

So if your next version reintroduces the same permission, only users that had the restricted-permission version as their first installed version will be notified. Makes it easier (but still not completely trivial) to recover from accidental permission deletion.

From the source code (thanks to Sungguk Lim for the link):

// Extensions can also silently upgrade to less permissions, and then // silently upgrade to a version that adds these permissions back. // The extension could then release a new version that // removes the "omnibox" permission. When the user upgrades, Chrome will // still remember that "omnibox" had been granted, so that if the // extension once again includes "omnibox" in an upgrade, the extension // can upgrade without requiring this user's approval.
