结合Time Excel VBA(Combining Time Excel VBA)

我有Shift ID,开始时间和结束时间列,但是移位被分成多行并重复相同的ID。 那么,如何将第一次开始时间和最后结束时间组合到一行中,从而将这种零碎的变化结合起来? 我开始了,但因为我刚刚开始涉足代码,所以我不知道会发生什么。 我有两块面包,但不知道肉应该是什么。

Sub Combine() LR1 = Columns(1).Find("*", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row LC1 = Rows(1).Find("*", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column For x = 1 To LR1 If Cells(x,2).value End Sub

如何指示单元格值的更改,然后根据第一个开始时间和上次结束时间结合这些行? 我知道我几乎没有写任何东西,但我没想到这可能会很长。

ShiftID: StartTime: EndTime: Employee: 123456 6:45pm 7:00pm Garcia Mendez 123456 7:00pm 9:30pm Garcia Mendez 123456 9:30pm 2:45am Garcia Mendez 654321 10:00am 12:00pm Garcia Mendez 654321 12:00pm 3:00pm Garcia Mendez

班次ID的变化代表了新的转变。 我想根据123456的第一个开始时间和最后一个结束时间,将123456的全部组合到一行中。第二个问题是我如何确保我的代码区分了Shift ID,因此它不会将所有的班次一起

I have Shift ID, start time and end time columns but the shift is broken up into multiple rows and repeats the same ID. So how would I combine the fragmented shift by taking the first start time and the last end time into one row? I started but I don't know what comes after since I'm just beginning to dabble in code. I have the two pieces of bread but have no idea what the meat should be.

Sub Combine() LR1 = Columns(1).Find("*", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row LC1 = Rows(1).Find("*", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column For x = 1 To LR1 If Cells(x,2).value End Sub

How do I indicate a change in cell value then combine the rows based on the first start time and end last time? I know I've barely written anything but I didn't envision this could to be long.

ShiftID: StartTime: EndTime: Employee: 123456 6:45pm 7:00pm Garcia Mendez 123456 7:00pm 9:30pm Garcia Mendez 123456 9:30pm 2:45am Garcia Mendez 654321 10:00am 12:00pm Garcia Mendez 654321 12:00pm 3:00pm Garcia Mendez

The change in shift ID represents a new shift. I want to combine all of 123456 into one row based on the first start time and the last end time of shift 123456. My second question is how could I make sure my code differentiates between Shift IDs so it doesn't combine all of the shifts together








它是一个数组公式,在公式栏中粘贴公式之后,而不是按Enter或Tab键离开,我按Ctrl-Shift-Enter。 这告诉Excel它是一个数组公式。


=IF(F2<>"",INDEX($B$2:$B$100,AGGREGATE(15,6,1/($A$2:$A$100=F2)*(ROW($1:$99)),1)),"") =IF(F2<>"",INDEX($C$2:$C$100,AGGREGATE(14,6,1/($A$2:$A$100=F2)*(ROW($1:$99)),1)),"") =IF(F2<>"",INDEX($D$2:$D$100,AGGREGATE(15,6,1/($A$2:$A$100=F2)*(ROW($1:$99)),1)),"")

分别。 这些都是常规公式,可以用正常方式输入。

然后复制下来。 在下面的照片中,我复制到第20行。 这样,随着班次的增加,公式会自动选择它们。



So you could do this with formulas:

I set it up like this:

enter image description here

Then I add the following formulas

In F2 I put the following Array formula:


It being an array formula, After pasting the formula in the formula bar, instead of hitting enter or tab to leave I hit Ctrl-Shift-Enter. This tells Excel it is an array formula.

Then in G2,H2,I2 I put the following formulas:

=IF(F2<>"",INDEX($B$2:$B$100,AGGREGATE(15,6,1/($A$2:$A$100=F2)*(ROW($1:$99)),1)),"") =IF(F2<>"",INDEX($C$2:$C$100,AGGREGATE(14,6,1/($A$2:$A$100=F2)*(ROW($1:$99)),1)),"") =IF(F2<>"",INDEX($D$2:$D$100,AGGREGATE(15,6,1/($A$2:$A$100=F2)*(ROW($1:$99)),1)),"")

Respectively. These are regular formula and can be entered with just the normal way.

Then copy down. In the following picture I copied down to the 20th row. This way as shifts are added the formula automatically picks them up.

enter image description here

I know you did not ask for a formula resolution, but it is here if you want it.
