在codechef上每秒执行多少次计算?(How many calculations are performed per second on codechef?)

我们可以通过使用“每秒1000万次计算”的拇指规则来解决一些问题。 我感兴趣的是codechef使用什么机器来评估提交以及它每秒执行多少次计算?

We can solve some problems by using the rule of the thumb of "10 million calculations are performed per second". I am interested in what machine is used by codechef to evaluate submissions and how many calculations does it perform per second?


Codechef使用SPOJ服务器。 新问题使用Cube集群,如此处所述 - http://www.spoj.com/clusters/ 。 我会说它可以在1秒内运行O(10 ^ 8)次计算。 资源 -: http://discuss.codechef.com/questions/35098/complexity-and-execution-time http://discuss.codechef.com/questions/1544/how-many-approx-loops-are-allowed-in-1-sec-lime-limit

Codechef uses SPOJ servers. The new problems use Cube cluster, as mentioned here- http://www.spoj.com/clusters/. I'd say it can run around O(10^8) computations in 1 sec. Source -: http://discuss.codechef.com/questions/35098/complexity-and-execution-time http://discuss.codechef.com/questions/1544/how-many-approx-loops-are-allowed-in-1-sec-lime-limit
