
If you only pay attention to the headlines that Microsoft wants you to keep your eye on, you’d be forgiven for thinking that Windows 10 has been a universal success. So far, Redmond’s latest OS has been installed on around 72 million systems around the globe, and for the most part, has been met with overwhelmingly positive reactions from both the press and the public. But what if Windows 10’s many privacy violations, annoying Start menu, and bogus apps are too much for you to bear?

如果您仅关注Microsoft希望您一直关注的头条新闻,您将认为Windows 10取得了普遍成功,这是可以原谅的。 到目前为止,Redmond的最新操作系统已安装在全球约7200万个系统上,并且在大多数情况下,得到了新闻界和公众的压倒性好评。 但是,如果Windows 10 违反了许多隐私 , 令人讨厌的“开始”菜单和虚假的应用程序 ,您怎么办?

Deleting your Microsoft account can be a great way to ensure that none of your data is used by the company without your consent, while also removing yourself from the Windows database so no information can be collected by an unapproved third-party source while you aren’t looking.


在本地删除帐户 (Delete the Account Locally)

The first step in this process is to remove the Microsoft account from your local machine.


To do this, start by entering your Settings, and clicking into the “Accounts” section.


Once here, you can find the option to remove the Microsoft account at the bottom of the “Your account” tab, highlighted here.


Note that if you’re currently signed in on the Microsoft account you want to delete, you won’t be able to remove it while you’re still signed in on that same account. You’ll need to either create a separate local account and re-log in from there, or simply wipe your Windows 10 installation altogether if that’s the route you’re opting to take instead.

请注意,如果您当前正在使用要删除的Microsoft帐户登录,则在仍使用该帐户登录时将无法删除它。 您需要创建一个单独的本地帐户并从那里重新登录,或者如果这是您选择采用的方法,则只需完全擦除Windows 10安装即可。

After you’re logged in on a separate account, select the one you plan on deleting, and choose the “Remove” option once it pops up.


Don’t get too hasty though, there’s still one more step left to wipe the account clean from the face of the Internet.


从Microsoft网站清理帐户 (Scrub the Account From Microsoft’s Website)

Even after you delete your Microsoft account from the local computer, all its data and the personal information stored inside will still be held on Microsoft’s own servers. To get rid of it entirely, you’ll need to use the tool on the Microsoft website itself.

即使从本地计算机删除Microsoft帐户,其所有数据和存储在其中的个人信息仍将保留在Microsoft自己的服务器上。 要完全摆脱它,您需要使用Microsoft网站本身上的工具。

Note, before you completely delete the account, be sure you’ve emptied out your digital wallet from the Windows Store, canceled any subscriptions that might be tied to the account, and backed up any documents, pictures, or personal data you want saved on a separate hard drive from the one your OS is installed on. This way, you can be sure that even after the account is closed, you’ll still have access to all your files in case you need them again at a later date.

请注意,在完全删除帐户之前,请确保已从Windows应用商店中清空数字钱包,取消了可能与该帐户绑定的所有订阅,并备份了要保存在其中的所有文档,图片或个人数据与安装操作系统的硬盘驱动器不同的硬盘驱动器。 这样,您可以确保即使关闭帐户后,您仍然可以访问所有文件,以防日后再次需要它们时使用。

Once all these precautions have been taken, go to the Microsoft website, and find the “Close your account” page via this link. After this loads, the page will ask you to log in.

采取所有这些预防措施后,请访问Microsoft网站,并通过此链接找到“关闭您的帐户”页面。 加载后,页面将要求您登录。

After you’ve done this, you’ll be taken to the following page, which will attempt to verify you are who you say you are through either your backup email address, or linked phone number.


You’ll be sent a code either through a text message or email that looks something like this:


Enter the code in the verification bar, and once this page is passed, Microsoft is going to make you click a lot of boxes to make sure you 100% understand the implications of closing your account.


They’ll pester you with reminders of obvious facts like how you won’t be able to log in on the account anymore, that your Xbox “may not work the way you expect it to”, and that your email access will be shut down in either Outlook or Hotmail. Anyone who’s ever tried to discontinue their Xbox Live subscription will recognize this familiar scent of desperation as Microsoft tries every means necessary to prevent you from leaving the nest.

他们会提醒您一些显而易见的事实,例如您将无法再登录该帐户,您的Xbox“可能无法按预期的方式运行”以及您的电子邮件访问权限将被困扰。在Outlook或Hotmail中。 曾经尝试终止其Xbox Live订阅的任何人都会认识到这种熟悉的绝望气味,因为Microsoft会尝试一切必要的方法来防止您离开巢穴。

After you’ve clicked through all of these, Microsoft will ask why you’re choosing to remove the account. Give the reason, and click “Mark account for closure”.

单击所有这些之后,Microsoft会询问您为什么选择删除该帐户。 给出原因,然后单击“标记为关闭帐户”。

But, just in case you aren’t totally, 100% sure you really wanted to close your account for good, Microsoft will do you the favor of keeping the account open for another 60 days; just in case you muster up the courage to come back.

但是,以防万一您不是完全100%确实确定要永久关闭自己的帐户,Microsoft会帮您使该帐户再保持60天开放; 以防万一您鼓起勇气回来。

Ever since the launch of Windows 10, more and more users are beginning to realize that simply owning a Microsoft account online could open you up to all sorts of privacy woes you never could have expected.

自Windows 10发布以来,越来越多的用户开始意识到,仅在线拥有Microsoft帐户就可以使您面临各种您从未料到的隐私问题。

If you value keeping your information out of the hands of the Big-M, deleting your account with the company completely is the only way to be sure your data won’t be used for anything else but your own personal records.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/227763/how-to-completely-delete-your-microsoft-account/


