第 2 页 服务器代码指令


rcon.login "password" 【Use your 'Password' to login into Rcon via ingame

console (F1).(使用控制台登录服务器)】

status 【See how many players are online on server.(查看在线玩家数量)】

notice.popupall "message" 【Pops up a message for all


find * 【Lists available console commands.(列出控制台指令)】

kick "player" 【Kicks player from the server.(踢出某个玩家)】

ban "player" or "steamid" 【Bans player. Doesn't kick him though.(封掉一个玩家)】

banid "steamid" "reason" 【Bans a steamid from the


unbanall 【Unbans all players.(解封所有玩家)】

truth.enforce true/false 【Server kicks people automatically when they are

doing "weird" things.(服务器自动踢出做奇怪事情的人,如卡BUG)】

save.all 【Saves world map and player inventory(服务器保存当前地图和玩家信息).】

say [message] 【Sends a message to the person/s in-game


teleport.toplayer "player 1" "player 2"【 Teleports 'player 1' to 'player 2'.

Case sensetive. Full name required.(传送“玩家1”到“玩家2”)】

teleport.topos "player 1" "Pos X" "Pos Y" "Pos Z" 【Teleports 'player 1' to

the coordinates. Full name required.(传送“玩家1”到“坐标X”“坐标Y”“坐标Z”)】

inv.giveplayer "player" "item" "amount" 【Gives 'Player' the 'Item'. Full name

and Item name required. List of Items.(给玩家东西,“玩家”“物品”“数量”)】

inv.giveall "item" "amount" 【Gives all players 'Item'. Full Item name

required. List of Items.(给所有人东西,“玩家”“物品”“数量”,比如节日的时候,可以作为惊喜,没人给一把枪什么的)】

dmg.godmode true/false 【Gives all logged in admins


craftingplete 【Completes every single crafting job in progress for


crafting.cancel 【Cancels every single crafting job in progress for


crafting.instant true/false 【Sets crafting to be instant for


crafting.instant_admins true/false 【Sets crafting to be instant for logged in

admins only.(开启/关闭管理员瞬间制作)】

crafting.timescale "amount" 【Sets the timescale of crafting to 'amount' (1 =

default, 0.5 = half time).(设置制作物品时间的速度,1为默认,0.5为一半时间)】

airdrop.drop 【Starts an airdrop.(进行一次物品空降)】

airdrop.min_players "amount" 【Starts airdrops only when minimum X players are


vehicle.spawn 【Spawns a car at your current


server.hostname 【Sets a hostname.(设置服务器名称)】

server.clienttimeout "time"【Sets the time until someone times out. Good to

fight item glitchers. (Default 2 minutes)(设置超时时长,默认为2分钟)】

server.pvp true/false 【Sets PVP on or off.(开启PVP)】

server.maxplayers "amount" 【Sets maximum amount of server


sleepers.on true/false 【Sets sleepers on or off.(是否允许睡眠模式)】

env.timescale "amount" 【Sets the passage of time (day/night cycle) to a

certain speed, default is "0.0066666667".(设置一天的时间长度)】

env.time "amount" 【Sets the time of day to a specified value.(设置天的时间)】

falldamage.enabled true/false 【Turns fall damage on or off.(开启/关闭掉落伤害)】


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